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Dune 2021

Wow, that was even better on rewatch and boy am I pumped for Part 2!

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When you watch a movie and wish that it went for another 2 hours - fantastic.

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Sets the groundwork for Part 2 , but otherwise nothing special about it. Cinematography and acting is good. I watched it in 2D so maybe only those watching it in IMAx see something that the rest of us don't hence the high praise. I don't praise a movie just because it looks and sounds good. All movies should look and sound good as a basic requirement. Yes, talented people make better background scenes. I judge based on actinv and story. This film is an introduction so yes acting is good , characters so far good but nothinv special, story - hardly anything to talk about - I will spoil it in 2 sentences if I told you. Never read the books so I will be waiti ng to see the real characters and stroy being shown in Part 2+ before deciding to rate Part 1.

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I was bored after 30 minutes of watching this movie. Not for me.

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The movie is beautiful on a gigantic screen. I don’t think I would have liked it this much if I had watched it on my computer screen. The sound design was excellent. Very hyped for the second one.

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I'm still confused, maybe part two will explain things a little better.

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The ‘84 version was far better.

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It seemed to me that they cut out most of the traitor plot line to make room for more Jason Mamoa action scenes.Most of the other stuff they cut or streamlined seemed to make the plot flow well and worked as a movie adaptation. I'm curious how someone who isn't familiar with the material prior to watching feels about the constant visions shown throughout the movie. Lastly, I'm sad there was no pug

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I can’t judge it’s picture because it was definitely well made with some outstanding effects also fantastic performance from Timothèe, growing to be a decent actor. I know It’s following a book that I’ve never read and I’ve watched the old movie but with that length i felt it dragged and I understand they were trying to get a lot in but i guess id not of felt it dragged if they was more action in it but it has been continued for more to come.

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I don’t think I’ve ever literally been on the edge of my seat for like 3/4 of a movie before. I may have lost about 20% of my hearing-

but it was totally worth it

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Everything I wanted it to be and more. Perfectly cast and excellent soundtrack by Hans Zimmer. Epic Sci-Fi at its best.

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Slow and boring, pretentious BS with great visuals and BGM. Good cast wasted. Cliché! Weird doesn't mean it's good or unique or a cult classic.. A waste of time IMO.
Arrakis=Middle east, Spice=Oil, Other houses=White men fighting for the oil:joy:

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I really wanted to love this because I adored both Arrival and Blade Runner 2049 but this was one of the dullest things I’ve ever seen. Didn’t connect to any of the characters or care about anything that happened. Even the incredible production design and cinematography didn’t make this watchable to me.

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Basically, it's a 150-minute trailer for the sequel(s).

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Everything I wanted it to be, blew my mind. I think this has the potential to become a saga as popular as Star Wars (but potentially for an broader audience) and such. I've got my fingers crossed for the potential of a second movie.

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In two words, "Painfully Boring" .

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Slow. Far away. Boring. Annoying. I struggled not to sleep. I must be from another world for not agreeing with the current average score.

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This is one of the worst movies I've seen this year

the movie was trying so hard to be cryptic and the director did a very poor job with the flow of this film

also one of the things that bothered me the most was his timings for music, they feel very off in most scenes he put them in

you see people walking with nothing happing but the music is blasting high and so dramatic which felt very off

also one of the main cons of this film is that they dragged it soooooo much and halfway through the film I figured out what they're doing and that they want to save the plots for the sequel

they were name dropping left and right and mention terms and figures in the story that made the viewers confused and disconnected

I wasn't invested in any of the characters so I felt no worry for any of them to die which is very bad for any film

overall I give it 4/10 and I'm probably skipping the sequel

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Honestly, I have a feeling I didn't watch a movie but a 2.5h long prologue.

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Despite being 2.5 hours I kind of felt that there wasn’t enough going on

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I really don't understand the "this is a great movie" comments? I loved the 1st Dune also the 1st Dune I saw a complete movie. Now the greed of Hollywood no longer give you complete movies but they will sequel you the death to get maximum profits on a story that could have been told in 3 hours like Endgame. I won't be waiting for the finished movie like most are but I probably will catch up to it one day on FX or TBS or something.

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I really wanted to enjoy this... but it was boooooooooooooring as hell. Even Batman v. Superman was more interesting. Both Movies just try to impress with long scenes, backed with epic music. But BvS actually had something happen and wasn't just a 2h trailer for the sequel.
Great cast, great effects, mediocre music, basically no story. Wasted potential.

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I got so bored watching this.

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Was waiting for it to end. Not a good sign.

Do I want to watch a sequel? At my home, maybe. At the theatre? NOPE.

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Love the books, so was worried about another attempt to convert into a movie. But this was so much better than I thought it would be. Looking forward to part 2.

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A day later, I still have no idea whether the film is incredibly atmospheric, exciting and ingenious, or just hyped crap packaged in epic images and a constantly blaring Hans Zimmer score.

(Timothée Chalamet is hot.) :see_no_evil:

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I had high expectations so it's normal I only gave a 7 to this movie. It just felt really diluted and not engaging enough.

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Amazing how polarized the comments are on Trakt on this movie. I hate to take sides but it is incontestable that this is a way way over average Sci-fi film. So much total crapola is being released (yes that’s you Rebel Moon, the Creator, the Kitchen etc.) that it’s hard to criticize this movie. Even if it is a bit slow at times and perhaps a bit pretentious.

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This movie is overrated and overhyped.

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It’s not fair to judge this movie as a complete product. But as an incomplete whole I was… not interested

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How can a movie with one of the best cast I've seen in a long time be this boring?

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"Dune" for teenagers. Slow motion adaptation that hides in the blockbuster showmanship that doesn't even target Frank Herbert's ideas about fate and anti-messianic philosophy. An overwhelming and expensive prologue that pushes us to the dynamics of incomplete films that, at this rate, would need more films than "Star Wars" to adapt the entire saga. An unpromising future.

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Shout by KyriaCrosszeria
BlockedParent2021-11-13T01:47:40Z— updated 2021-11-17T15:12:57Z

“The mystery of life isn’t a problem to solve, but a reality to experience. A process that cannot be understood by stopping it. We must move with the flow of the process. We must join it. We must flow with it.”

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Arguably the first film in a while to be worth the extra IMAX fees. It must be a matter of taste, but I always find Villeneuve’s films rather dull and soulless underneath the flawless production design and riveting cinematography. Even though it would be unfair to draw conclusions by having watched only part one, “Dune” seems to be no exception. While the premise and setting felt convincing enough, the characters and plot development felt a little flat for the time being. I don’t mind the serialized format, but some kind of payoff at the end of each installment would have helped. We’ll see.

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From some comments I have heard before I was expecting this to be an amazing movie. Turns out, this is immensely slow and basically nothing happens in the first hour. The whole world has to be explained first, which is fair, but that it needs to take a full hour is a bit much. Especially because even after that, you do not fully understand everything.
Once the story actually begins, it is also rather lukewarm. Though some parts are rather surprising twists (mostly who dies and who does not—at least you do not form an attachment to anyone like it was the case in Game of Thrones).
Not sure I was involved enough to even continue with the second movie, once that is available.

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hmmm, 2.5 hours of build up? great.

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Am I the only one who was incredibly bored by this movie?

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saw the movie divided in three times and still wasn't able to watch more than 1 hour. Really boring.

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As a big fan of the books, I honestly prefer the 2000 mini-series and the '84 film to this. Good casting choices and some interesting visuals, but that's about it. I barely finished the movie, it's too slow and boring compared to the books and the other two adaptations, plus I really disagree with some of the character interpretations and plot changes.

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A visual spectacle no doubt, but the source material, even cut down to be fit into multiple movies, is still over-stuffing this movie.

And by far the most egregious annoyance were the times where, for no reason at all, the music was massively overloud. Completely drowning out the vital dialogue required to understand what is going on properly and at other times just being obnoxiously loud during establishing shots or action set pieces.

But beyond those flaws, it was still a very enjoyable experience and I do look forward to more entries in the series.

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Shout by Alan Stingyal Pigott
BlockedParent2021-10-18T22:28:43Z— updated 2021-10-21T15:50:32Z

watching it again- it's absolutely made boring by it's terribly dull soundtrack!

it's proper hampered by another Hans Zimmer copy and paste job, . featuring a long yell (just before an important thing happens) filled soundtrack that doesn't match anything on screen., action scenes are scored like an epic landscape.

the dream sequences quickly become nauseating, due to their multiple showings and super slow motions, and they're also described shortly after.

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Somehow this movie is even better on re watch!

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Watched in cinema. Sorry, thougth that was a documentary film about „Dune“ with some people in it trying to act.
The special effects are perfect, no discussion!

I am really a fan of David Lynchs version of „Dune“ which becomes better and better the more I watch it.

But I will give that movie a second chance with streaming.

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One of the best movies I've seen in a while. Totally amazing movie, though it may have been even a tiny bit better here and there. But overal: superb. Rebecca Furgoson is stunning and Oscar Isaac plays a great role. Jason Momoa plays as if he is really enjoying this role and hardly does any acting. Timothee Chalamet I'm not a fan off, same as rather overrated Zendaya, but all in all they play quite well. Perhaps I could have gone with a 10 if Chalamet was a bit more a proper actor who would be able to properly show some emotions instead of just being eye candy for young girls.
Tonight watched the movie for a second time in just few months time and I saw many more details that I missed at first. Very enjoyable!

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I was regretting having not gotten a chance to watch this in the theatres, but thankfully it returned to the local IMAX theatre, and damn am I glad. Easily the most fulfilling IMAX experience ever, everything from the stunning grand visuals to what might be Zimmer's finest offering yet, it's such a treat. And the story and the world itself is so pulling and immersive, and although at times it feels a bit like trailers for the movies, with all the visions that Paul has, the story and the pacing felt good to me, even though some reviews had implied otherwise. One of the few movies where I was hoping it would just keep going, and had to sit through the credits surrounded by Zimmer's outworldly yet so real and natural feeling sounds. Seems like the start of the biggest Saga of this era, can't wait for part 2!

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"The sleeper must awaken"...and it has omg. Best movie ever. Period !

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@ trakt pls make private comments/notes possible:hearts:

-know nothing about the original
- I understand its prob a good movie but I just don’t like it that much, I think its only for a specific kind of audience (which is totally fine and respected) one that likes that kind of complex and futuristic concepts (not sure how this category is called)
- its too long, felt like a over 2 hour intro for the upcoming “real movie” so maybe part 2 will be better/more interesting
-maybe this would’ve really been better as a series as someone else mentioned
-weirdly this was both beautifully shot and disappointing in quality, some scenes had amazing cinematography and others felt a little trashy/low resolution and also kinda dark (someone mentioned that too)

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Great music and visual effects! The ending feels a little abrupt, but that's keeping with the books. Looking forward to part 2!

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I would like to start by saying this movie was as enjoyable to me as having wet sand in my vagina.

I found the movie Dune to be very slow and a bit boring, but by the end it did pick up and then it ended.

If you have read the books, you will get a few laughs at this one, but it is not anywhere near as good but at least it can give you a few good laughs at the end and you will not care that it does not measure up to the book.

Overall it was just okay, it could have been so much better if they had just had it shot like they did the other movies.

6 thandy puthieth out of 10.
(Only true lore fanatic's will know what I'm talking about).

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Shout by whitsbrain
BlockedParent2021-10-26T23:35:48Z— updated 2021-10-28T23:14:42Z

While I entirely agree that Denis Villeneuve's "Dune" is expertly directed and filmed, I can say that, like the book, I found it to be mostly boring. This isn't about the film being slow-moving. I have watched a ton of old Horror and Sci-Fi from the 1950s through the 1980s and actually prefer their slow burn, thought-provoking tales over current films that have an action scene every two minutes. My personal, lukewarm opinion of "Dune" is the same as I feel about Asimov's "Foundation". To me, space politics are dull.

Also, the knife and sword fighting is just getting so old. I know that the shield/force-field that the characters wore makes the firing of projectiles largely ineffective, but "Dune" is just more of the same knife-fu and sword-fu that is prevalent in just about every current action film. There's not really any way to make it different enough to be interesting (and yeah, I know "Dune" came before most of the current crop of TV and FIlm Sci-Fi).

There are a lot of people who love "Dune". I'm just not one of them. The book, David Lynch's film and this latest adaptation just aren't of much interest to me.

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trailer is best Dune movie ever, but whole 155mins movie is totaly boring and waste of time

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Know why they drag the women by their feet on Arrakis? Because if they dragged them by their hair they'd fill up with sand

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Visually beautiful, music amazing, some pretty cool scenes, got me interested in reading the books, I was entertained enough BUT it left me feeling like nothing really happened. A long introduction, a trailer for the next movies, as someone else said.
Also, Jason Momoa scenes felt like fan service, kind of out of place in a way. I don't think he was fit for this movie

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"Captivating from start to finish!
Delivers stunning visuals, exceptional performances, and stays true to the essence of the timeless classic. A must-watch for sci-fi enthusiasts and fans of epic storytelling."

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I was more invested in the story on this rewatch. I can see why it puts people off after their first watch, though. The first half is an exposition dump of characters and worlds. This happened and those do that...

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Enjoying every moment now that I'm watching again... The first time I hated it!

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The visuals are amazing. the story has potential. The movie couldn’t grab me, I didn’t feel like a was a part of this movie. With good movies I don’t notice the time going by, with this one I was wondering how long I had to watch it. Watched it 2 times, I wanna like it but it’s not my movie. Also not a fan of Timothy and Zendaya so that doesn’t help either.

Still going to watch dune part 2 in the hope the story gets better and the movie can keep me entertaint.

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Dune is massive in scope. This is its biggest accomplishment and its biggest weakness. The film is beautiful and technically impressive, but it fails to evoke any emotion at all. As a result, it feels hollow, long, and a bit boring.

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Boring. Well-made boring. Huge heaps of boring.

All of the intrigue and emotional depth of the book, any sense of care I felt about the characters, has been sucked out and replaced with absolutely gorgeous, but incredibly fucking boring, shots.

Somehow they managed to make the movie more boring than the book (which I read and really liked!). Super impressive.

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I love this movie so much, for my it feels like a giant Set up, it only prepares the story, it places the ball and I can´t wait to see how Villeneuve will kick the ball (hopefully in Part 2). I have a feeling, that we are only going up from here and with the Greatness of Part One that makes me so excited...

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Visually it's amazing.

But the plot is a pretty cheap cut and paste. And the dialogue/delivery can be a bit cringy.

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Rated this movie a seven. Don't get me wrong The visuals, cinematography, and acting was on point but I couldn't get into the story. I am a huge sci-fi guy but the story and how it was told just doesn't make me intrigued in any way.

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Disappointed it when it was over because I wanted more. So looking forward to part 2.

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This is based on a legend of a book series. One of religion, politics, science, action and adventure. I think the movie just made it interesting focusing more on action and adventure. Good movie but it doesn't give justice to the idea behind the books.

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Such a great sci fi and they weren’t afraid of staying true to the book. Only complaint I had was that Lady Jessica was too emotional in the movie. Definitely the opposite of her character in the book.

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it only includes the half of the first book.

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Nice photos of the desert interspersed with a dose of mysticism and breaking the plot, as befits a saga. All in all, a plus.

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84 | Dune is majestic. Visual and sound hypnotized us to this grand universe full of houses. The way character behave also help us understanding the cultures of each houses and different kind of people. It felt to much sometimes with many names on this film, that also combined with the political intrigues. This is a great start for the Dune's trilogy. Congrats Denis, you proved your worth once again.

25%: 2.5
50%: 2.3
75%: 2.8
100%: 2.5
Favorite Character
1. Paul Atreides: 2.5
2. Lady Jessica Atreides: 2.5
3. Baron Vladimir Harkonnen: 2.5
4. Gurney Halleck: 2.3

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Don't usually watch sci-fi but this was well recommended so I wanted to see what the hype was about. Fantastic imagery and cinemtography, good acting esp Tim Chalamet and the music was epic (wasn't surprised it was Han Zimmer).

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Definitely the worst film I've seen in a while. It's Star Wars for people who don't like Star Wars.

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Better than the old movie but honestly it didn't blow me away. Its tough and boring source material is a hard pill to swallow but then did a marginally better job at making it digestible. Unfortunately it didn't excite or entertain me and the fight scenes really let it down! I've seen better in CW shows!

Music and visuals bumped up the score

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Dune has incredible visuals but the plot didn't catch me as much. Also, the movie seems to crawl purposely in some scenes what can make the viewer lost the attention.

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  • never saw anything other Dune movies
  • no idea about what i was expecting

well, big surprise for me last night watching
i stopped being a fan of movies just because they are short and try to put everything into few minutes
on this case they look to be making a second movie but that will means that we need to wait months and months, i'm not a big fan of that

this movie, the story can or should be made into a serie
From what i've seen, it have everything that should be enought for some seasons

and to end, i'm going to give a 8 on this, it was enjoable to watch, and the music looks well made

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what did i just watch

wonderful production, but how enjoyable is it if you have to pause every ten minutes to understand the plot

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Would have been better if every actor was a A list who was only in it for a cameo spot to promote the movie. Takes 2 hours to get into the story. The betrayal didn’t make any sense, they could have done a lot besides destroying everything. Felt like force awakens when they brought on the girl from GoT just to promote the movie but dune did it with 100 people

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About as IMAX as a film can get. Every frame’s a painting.

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BlockedParent2021-12-28T08:50:03Z— updated 2022-01-01T19:46:28Z

This movie was really good, one of the best movies of 2021 for sure!
Excited for "Part Two".

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A competent adaptation with clearly some thought and passion put into it. As a fan of the book, while I did not always agree with the interpretation of certain characters I thought the acting was phenomenal and clearly The director cares deeply about the source material. Looking forward to the sequel.

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Laser IMAX version is so great!!!

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Laser IMAX version is so great!!!

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marica, I am lost. I mean is good effects, but que carajos, no entendí.

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Beautifully shot, and I do mean beautifully. Quite frankly, one of the best shot films I can ever remember seeing.

I haven't read the book so I can't speak to its relationship to the film but I thoroughly enjoyed this one. The cinematography, soundtrack, acting, and world building were all excellent. It truly felt like a different time and place with real people and conflicts. With that being said, the characters and plot took a back seat to the visuals. They probably could have shown more about Paul Atreides, being the main character and all, before things went south but I don't think it's so little to hurt the film overall. It also definitely doesn't hold your hand, throwing a lot of names and places at you early on. I don't mind this, especially since I hardly watch a movie without subtitles anymore, but it is something to be aware of.

A very Denis Villeneuve feeling film, much like Blade Runner 2049, but I genuinely think he outdid himself this time.

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Dune's VFX are so realistic that I forgot this is fiction.

Unreal cast and amazing acting by everyone, specially from Timothée, Rebecca, Oscar Isaac and Javier Bardem.
The soundtrack is perfect, the plot build-up is well-paced and the open shots are beautiful, you can really feel the environment.

This is a masterpiece, can't wait for Part 2!

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in some moments it can be very slow or cheese, but I really enjoyed the very detailed world, it's remind me the lord of the rings in the way that the world is well finished.
also reminds me of mad max fury road because the way that even newbie viewer can learn on the go the physics of the world and of course the desert setting...

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To start, I was a Dune fanboy since trying to decipher Frank Herbert's novel in high school and I've adored all of Denis Villeneuve's films, so this should have knocked my socks off. Sitting here, barefoot, I can confirm it did. Everything is gorgeous, epic, and expansive. The universe feels real and lived in, futuristic yet suffering from age old problems, and a perfect backdrop for this simultaneously small and gigantic story of a struggle with destiny, expectations, and the burden of responsibility. This could all have failed (like other Dune adaptations) if not for the expert casting, wonderful performances, and laser focus on the journey of Paul. The only slight letdown is knowing that this isn't the full story of Paul's journey, but knowing that part two will eventually be made, it makes that a bit easier to swallow. Even with that concern, I loved every minute of this film and will likely revisit a few times to live in this unique world.

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Ultimately underwhelming but better than mostly Hollywood junk

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Shout by Josh
BlockedParent2021-11-06T02:15:37Z— updated 2021-11-22T03:31:16Z

Hell to the yes.
Story: glad Villneuve is giving the first book two films. Followed the original story perfectly.
Script: 9...thank you, again, Villneuve, for not going with cheesy action movie bullshit dialogue.
Performances: 9
Misc.: 10
Influence: 8
Overall: 9

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