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The Boss Baby 2017

Fun family friendly comedy, and Alec Baldwin was the perfect voice for that baby. He really knew how to bring him across.

Fun & Light, keeping it simple with an entertaining story. If you are into animated movies this is a must see.

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Cute concept, which could have been developed out of the fevered mind of an older brother or a tired parent. Great animation - watch for the little homages to various styles of animation. Kid and adult friendly. I didn't know what to expect but I really enjoyed this. I give it an 8 (great) out of 10. A great celebration of imagination. [Amimated Family Comedy]

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I watched this movie for the podcast We Hate Movies. I know it's a kids movie, and we shouldn't apply adult logic but BOY HOWDY is this movie completely insane. It would be one thing if the 7 year old kid imagined that his new little brother is some sort of evil doing boss baby, like how Hobbes existed for Calvin. But nope. In this movie his new baby brother truly is an immortal being truly wearing a suit that drinks a special type of milk to stay a baby forever. It just gets crazier from there too. So weird.

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Alec Baldwin nailed his job;
The animators nailed their job (seriously, the art style and changes were amazing);
The ideas guy nailed his job (It's all the imagination of the kid);
The writers just let the story down :( (Although at the beginning it's clear that the whole shebang is the older kid's imagination, the writers probably realised that the script was too short and so the end got changed to something that makes no sense. Why would Tim receive the kid for a second time? - unless it was all a dream... ).

All in all, a good movie, amazing acting and animating, partly let down by a badly written ending to the story. 8/10.

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Not bad, definetely not a cult classic but if you're bored it is something different that kids and adults will enjoy for A viewing. Endearing but not enduring.

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Wait, this movie was nominated for an Oscar?

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It was alright, but nothing big..

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Stupid, insulting and a real stinker. The Baby Boss made me wish there was a Planned Parenthood for films.

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I think it's enjoyable and fun to watch if you don't overanalyze it. Predictable ending, but overall it's funny. I bet there will be people who will be offended by the seemingly forced perspective to have a baby because there are people who won't want one. What's mind boggling for me is, the milk! It's the freakin fountain of youth! And not one person even thought of monetizing that shit. haha!

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It's a kids movie based on the cute book. I read the book to my daughter and then watchedthe movie as a family. She was engaged, we lol 'd, everybody wins. The story was choppy near the end, but the jokes are funny, especially if you're a parent. And I personally liked Alec Baldwin in it. His typecast was spot on as a pretentious, belligerent boss baby. Recommend the book and then movie for young families.

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Shout by Nathann

I went to watch this with my younger brother, and I was expecting something totally trash. But it was very less cringeworthy then I expected. There was some cool references clearly meant for adults that I enjoyed and even though I never really felt weird when my brother was born, the message from the end made my eyes sweat a little bit. Hurray for younger brothers!

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Simple humour. Worth watching if you have free time, you won't miss it if you don't.

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This is without a doubt one of the worst movies I've ever seen, bar none. I thought it would be fun to drink kand make fun of but it's so devoid of any entertainment value it makes 90 minutes feel like three hours. At a certain point I just resigned myself to finishing it no matter what to see how bad it got. It's truly, truly soulless and terrible.

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Stopped it after 30 minutes. What a waste of my time.

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Shout by Deleted

Awesome movie nice story nice animation cute character.......

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Funny, well paced, good characters. You will not be bored if you're watching with a kid.

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Alec Baldwin provides the voice for a talking baby that acts like his character in Glengarry Glen Ross. He’s been sent from baby HQ under the guise of a newborn child to investigate an epidemic of parents loving puppies more than babies. However, if he doesn’t accomplish his mission then he could get trapped in the ‘real’ world forever, so he enlists the help of his older ‘brother’, Tim.

This is one of those poorly thought out high-concept films that raises too many questions about the actual mechanics of the premise. The film doesn’t play by its own rules. By the end the only assumption one can make is that the whole story takes place in Tim’s head. Maybe in The Boss Baby 2 he will wake up from his fever dream.

If you’re a parent scoping this one out for your kid, then you should know that The Boss Baby is tolerable and inoffensive. It’s also forgettable which is great because it means you can recycle the DVD every week and pretend it’s a new one.

If you’re an adult looking for some gentle entertainment and you like animation, look elsewhere.

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family friendly movie, it has a cliche message to share the love to each other. overall nice solid fun movie, 8/10

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This movie was never on my radar when it originally came out, and it blew me away. Quality animation, with humor and content for the whole family. While it may not be the upper tier of family films, it is easily one that will appease everyone.

Rating: 4/5 - 8.5/10 - Would Recommend

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Shout by Deleted

hehe baby in a suit and has a job and pays taxes haha please buy our merch

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A pleasant movie, nothing more nothing less. I expected this to be much worse to be honest. If felt more like a Pixar movie than a Dreamworks one (in a good way).
The jokes are kind of mild, but I guess it is marketed for both parents and children to watch so that's acceptable. You won't laugh but at least smile a few times through it. If I had kids I would love watching it with them for movie night. Just wished for the plot to be less predictable (the ideas are pretty good but are developed in the worst ways especially towards the end)...

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Clearly it's for kids

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Shout by TMRider

Finally, I waited for a good Elvis in an animated movie since Lilo & Stitch. Thank you DreamWorks, thank you very much.

And Blackbird... I love good music choices

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Shout by Deleted

Cool and family Good Animation

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Shout by Deleted

The kickoff is pretty rough because of the wild plot but The Boss Baby won me over with cute characters and some good heart. This is not the animated film of the year, while it looks great, but its certainly worthy of your time. Alec Baldwin is spot on as the ridiculous title character. I couldn't believe that this film won me over.

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Cuter and more imaginative then I ever expected. There's nothing really new, but it's fun enough and has some cute jokes.

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Shout by Deleted

If you don't analyze this movie too much then it's amazing. I'm a lover of animation films cause most aren't expected to have a GIANT TWIST. This movie was adorable and funny, and I loved the humor. I've watched it about 3 times now and I love it every time.

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I don't understand the negative comments, this was really good. I very heartwarming movie, sweet and really beautiful. I enjoyed it thorough.

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Family movie night means I'm watching this too I guess

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Shout by Deleted

This movie was very funny. My gf and i never watch cartoon movies but decided to watch this and it was a good surprise. This is not a kids film lol.

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i'm in love with babies now!

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Fairly enjoyable, though a lot of the jokes will go over the heads of its intended audience. Quite disturbing at times too!

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Strange idea for a movie. However, the film is cuter than I expected.

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