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X-Men: Days of Future Past 2014

Although set in a comic book universe, X-Men Days of Future Past is very much a thriller with Sci fi themes. The full cast from all the movies get involved, some for major reprisals and some for small cameos but nothing that feels cliche or trite. Hugh Jacman IS and ALWAYS will be Wolverine.

I can't way for X-Men Apocalypse now!

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Finally an x-men movie that I can watch more than once :)

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One of the best movies I have seen in the past years and for sure the best Marvel movie there is! Awesome!!

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There's too much Wolverine again, but the Raven/Eric/Charles conflict and a formidable enemy in Trask and his Sentinels make this a winner. The best thing about this movie? Magneto, the young or old version, is such a great character. And the "future" Sentinels are amazing.

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Place Raven as the hero was a bad decision. I really miss the old X-men movies.

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Such a fun way to bring the two X-men timelines together and create a huge continuity issue but it's not really an issue anymore.

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Shout by aldy

X-Men: Days of Future Past was pretty damn great and by far the best X-Men movie to date. The Quicksilver scene in particular was fantastic. I'm, errr, not entirely sure I understand all of the ending and time travel stuff, especially because they seemed to have just outright ignored what happened in past movies in the series.

Why does Wolverine "wake up" in his present day body? "Who" has been acting out whatever Wolverine has been up to in the present timeline? Has he somehow not been conscious this whole time?
Why has Trask not continued his sentinel program anyway?
Why is Xavier even alive after The Last Stand?
How does Magneto have his powers after The Last Stand?
Why is Kitty Pryde able to do time travel stuff at all?
Why is Mystique Stryker?
Why does Wolverine have adamantium claws after Wolverine?
What could JFK do?
Should I just pretend First Class and Days of Future Past are in their own universe from the rest of the films which were already inconsistent anyway and that they're the only things canon now?

RIP any semblance of continuity

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And slowly the score slips downward some more...from Xmen being a 10 and so on and so forth... Thank you Deadpool for restoring some of my faith

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My favourite X-Men movie! I love how they connected the old films with the new one, also the plot was great. Brings so much more depth into the characters. I was surprised about the other side of Charles Xavier. Overall a good movie. I loved how Wolverine brought back everyone who died in X-Men 3.

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I have no idea how they did this, but X-Men: Days of Future Past manages to connect the old universe from the earlier movies with the new made with X-Men: First Class in an almost perfect way.

These are characters most of us comic book movie fans really care for, and by doing this they tie everything up without creating a set future. They did it with Star Trek, and now they manage it with the X-Men. Absolutely Brilliant!!!!

Good acting with a few exceptions. Very nicely written, and the sets and the cinematography are very nicely done. All in all a very nice watch.

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One of the best movies i have ever seen
This movie is brilliant as it represents to us two different timelines
And i will say this again''Hugh Jackman is the wolverine he really earned this character for ever''.

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Shout by Noman

I barely remember The Last Stand, but by the end of this movie I pretty much feel that this movie was purely an elaborate excuse to rewrite the past in the series. Also the plot didn't make that much sense... but obviously that doesn't matter if at the end they can just pretend it was all 'a dream'

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"X-Men: Days of Future Past" is hands down one of the best in the X-Men saga, if you ask me! I mean, time-traveling mutants trying to save the world? What's not to love? The action is top-notch, the storyline is gripping, and seeing old and new X-Men characters team up was pure gold. It's got everything you could want in a superhero flick and then some. Seriously, it's a total winner in my book

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Man, even the theatrical version without Rogue was such an incredible follow-up to First Class.

Still baffling how Fox managed to drop the ball, yet again, after two great entries into the X-Men film franchise. But, I suppose that's Fox's legacy; as young Jean will say in Apocalypse, "the third one always sucks."

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Action packed and complex. Don't get me wrong, for how complex it is, it's very very easy to understand.
I'd go as far to say Xmen > Avenegers up until Infinity War. Also its everything Multiverse Of Madness missed.

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:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: - Come on Marvel bring more X-Men films but with good director

My rating system works:
10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:heart:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:heart: - Bull Shit

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Shout by borganstein

What a thoroughly enjoyable. I absolutely like the two casts of the original and new movies coming together. Magneto has got to be one of the best villains in popular culture. A highly recommended watch for any comic book fans.

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A disappointment after the shaky, but promising First Class. There are some good moments and it's fun to see the actors, but if it weren't for the cast and Singer's ability to direct compelling dramatic moments that actually feel impactful and like they could be from a more interesting alternate reality from our own, from the X-Men comics, (something which the X-Men films are the only to even get close to a proper comic book adaptation-- sorry jokey joke MCU) this would just be painfully stupid. I really wanted it to be better, but the technical/basic and advanced science bits were just frustratingly stupid and hamfisted, and, unfortunately, those sections of inept screenwriting bookend the film. One can only imagine what we could have gotten with the MCU's budget if the X-Men pre-boot had had competent writers. I haven't read the comics since my teens in the nineties, but it's tragic to think what could have been.

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For me, X-Men movies are hit or miss. There have been some good ones and some very bad ones. This is one of the best, if not the best. There is a sense of desperation and hopelessness, with our heroes having only one shot to save mankind. The story is solid, with plenty of action and a few surprises along the way. Excellent casting as well, with a few exceptions.

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This is still the same timeline that continues from "The Last Stand", yes ? If so, why has Magneto his powers back ??

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damn how i love time travel stories

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9.8 out of 10... want the perfect 10? Go watch Rogue Cut!

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I remember that for some strange reason I did not like this film very much when I originally saw it in cinemas. Now nearly five years after its release and watching it for the first time at home I loved it! I's amazing how they brought the characters from all X-Men movies together and still delivered a great storyline. Also superb acting and awesome CGI. Perfect film for every X-Men fan.

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Two generations are brought together for the ultimate X-Men film, Days of Future Past. Based on one of Marvel's seminal comics, Wolverine must travel back in time to prevent Mystique from setting into motion a series of events that will lead to the rise of the Sentinel program; which exterminates Mutant kind. Nearly the entire X-Men cast returns, making for exciting character combinations. However, the script tears up all series continuity and awkwardly integrates real world events into the plot. Still, overall the ambitiousness of the story is compelling and the action sequences are especially well-done. X-Men: Days of Future Past is a bold and daring sci-fi adventure, and serves as a fitting coda to the original X-Men trilogy.

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xmen movie is getting from bad to worst

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The mix of historical events with X-men universe is getting a bit standard. But still it's interesting to watch.

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The saga is complicated, too many pieces.

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Shout by Deleted

I have tainted opinion when it comes to action-fantasy. And when the movie is mostly special effects then I don't pay attention too much to storyline, so I cannot speak to that. But if you like action with special effects and CGI, this one is a doozy! A bit unrealistic, but most of these genres are. Still, it's worth the watch for any XMen fans out there.

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Wolverine is sent back in time to 1973 in order to stop an event that leads to the mass-extermination of mutants.

Time travel always causes some shaky plot holes and this is no exception, but somehow Singer just about manages to pull it off here. It’s an ambitious piece of work, old and young Xavier and Magneto try to co-exist in the same story but it miraculously doesn’t end in disaster.

In fact Days of Future Past is quite a blast (from the future past). There’s a decent blend of intense action, genuine drama and the old favourite X-Men theme: what is it to be human?

I miss the campy tone from from its predecessor, but actually the more serious feeling doesn’t hurt the film. I have to admit that at this point I keep having to Google who the characters are and what they did; this is a sixteen year-old franchise now and I surely can’t be the only one who’s struggling with the old references.

If super heroes are your thing then there are worse ways to spend a couple of hours. McAvoy and Fassbender alone make it worth a look.

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Terrific superhero film, further enhanced by the slightly longer 'Rogue Cut.' Exciting and emotionally satisfying, this is the best X Men film yet.

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Great! One of, if not THE, best X-Men movie in my opinion: a lot of action, a cool plot where even the time traveling aspect is dealt with in satisfactory way and cool special effects make this a very enjoyable action flick with some science fiction elements put into the mix.

I stand by my previous verdict: after the new Batman / The Dark Knight movies, the X-Men flicks along with Spiderman 1-3 (but not The Amazing Spiderman) are the best comic adaptions I know.

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Shout by Mounir

so only Logan and Charles remember bit of letdown but nice thriller X-Men movie,but that ending is quite great for the next sequel

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Well, it wasn´t a perfect movie for me but I really like it. The young Magneto is totally awesome and Wolverine is awesome always! Sometimes there was scenes that I didn´t like too much "romance" for me.

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not too much conflict.good CGI skills and many good scene to remember.what a line up

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The perfect blend between character-driven drama and fun, edge-of-your-seat spectacle!

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Shout by 666ways

Love the end, the way it should be.

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Shout by Deleted

What a crazy great movie!!

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Shout by Deleted


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Shout by Deleted

Buena película

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Shout by Deleted

good movie

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Shout by fuh

I really don't understand the x-men timeline: I thought Charles was dead?! Anyhow, great movie!

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Rated it 5 out of 5 stars ★★★★★

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It's finally time give this one a look off the To-Watch Pile!

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Yawnage, exactly the same as the other movies, just another rehash...

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Shout by Deleted


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Shout by Deleted


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Shout by Deleted

Para pasar el rato en el avión, está bien. Final predecible...

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Shout by sp1ti

The first 20 minutes were really atrocious (I was close to shutting it down), the rest is passable but dragged out popcorn time (the final fight was not great either though). Kind of annoying how every Marvel movie is packed with generic and bad looking CG monsters... I'm kinda sorry for all these actors having signed on for the franchise (in exchange for $$$) because they all seem horribly bored on screen.

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Shout by Deleted


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Shout by Wilco

This was a good movie, nowhere near captain america winter soldier or guardians of the galaxy but with good actors and a good base story (The Original Days of future past which is far superior from the movie) you cannot go wrong.

Sending Wolverine back instead of Kitty Pride is a mistake but since Wolverine is their cashcow I understand it. Also I found the future sentinals to powerful.

Hope they have the guts to film "God Loves, Man Kills" next.

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Shout by Deleted

veramente fantastico!

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Loved Quicksilver's slow-motion scene :)

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Best movie in the franchise without a doubt , really amazing , the story , the stunt scenes and the end , a must see

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Shout by Deleted

Very nice

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Shout by Deleted


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Shout by Deleted

Watch it x-men

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Shout by Deleted

They changed the epic style for history and extended the relationships between the characters. I like that.

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Shout by Deleted


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Shout by Deleted

هذا الاعلان م يخليني اشوف الفلم

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It says much about the quality of this entry into the X-Men franchise that it repairs most of the damage done from the fallout over Singer's departure from the series after the first sequel as well as tell a coherent story involving time travel. That it also never forgets amidst all the usual spectacle to focus on the characters is a welcome bonus - the finale may boast impressive effects, but at its heart it comes down to the core relationship between two key characters and surprisingly for an X-Men film, Wolverine isn't one of them.
Indeed this is a film full of pleasant surprises, playing on the audience's knowledge of previous films with fun little moments and giving the older cast a decent send-off if indeed this is to be their last one. Fassbender and McAvoy more than compensate in their younger roles and Jennifer Lawrence is fantastic here. Singer has left the tantalising possibility of two possible future instalments involving different casts if the studio wanted and that is an exciting prospect.

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Don't forget the post credits scene

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Had too many plotholes, when you actually sit down to think about it. But at least they retconned the disaster thats X-men last stand.

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Ha estado bien, la alternancia de tiempos, la historia,las luchas, aunque me gusto algo más la primera

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Shout by Deleted


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Shout by ManiacB

I found this rather enjoyable, despite having to suspend my disbelief quite a few times (I mean, even for a superhero movie)...

Some pretty awesome action sequences and it was great to see so many of the cast from the "old" and "young" in the same movie.

I also really like how the ending basically ret-conned the god-awful third film, "The Last Stand".

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I guess the marketing machine totally worked on me, I got so driven into the movies today. But I gotta say, that was one awesome way to unite the X-Men movie time chaos. I really enjoyed watching it and I don't regret it. If you are even halfway interested in some Marvel stuff, you gotta see it!

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Muuy buena

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Quicksilver was great, hope he has a bigger role in the next one

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Probably the best X-Men film so far! Amazing acting, incredible visual effects, and constantly entertaining. The only thing I can complain about is the lack of some characters who only appeared for about 5 minutes, as the main focus is on other characters. I feel like it fixes the gaps between First Class and the other movies, and leaves great potential for future films!

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A solid 8/10 from me. This is a well made and well executed movie. Great story telling for new and old fans alike. Go watch it and enjoy 2+ solid hours of Marvel entertainment, told the Singer way.

Well done everyone.

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Shout by loopez

Dupy nie urywa

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Shout by Elle

Really love First Class movies, probably even more then the old X-men movies.
The kitchen scene when he puts on his headphones is awwwwsooommeeee with a nice soundmix, personal favorite!

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X-Men : Days Of Future Past or how to reboot a franchise already rebooted by leaving all the previous movies canon. That's how you can resume Bryan Singer's new X-movie.

After the reboot of the franchise by Matthew Vaughn and his excellent X-Men : First Class, the father of the X-men movies take back the helm ! Singer had made the choice to use the old comic book material to make a twist in the mutant universe. With his so called "inbetweequel', the director offer a new vision of the X-Men by mixing the 1970's and the present or future.

Trying to accommodate two age with the same characters is not simple, but SInger really nails it ! X-Men DOFP is a really great super-heroes/mutant film. By far it's, for me, one of the best X-men movie. Even if I really prefer what Vaughn did on First Class. Singer is creating a new X-Verse without denying the past of the mutants that we know (even what happen in X-Men The Last Stand and the terrible X-Men Origins : Wolverine). Truly a great idea ! In my opinion, it's the first time a franchise is so well rebooted.

I was a little afraid to see too much characters, but in fact the story mainly focus on Xavier, Magneto, Wolverine, Mystique, and Beast. Fassbender, Lawrence, Jackman and McAvoy really do the job, but I've mixed feelings regarding Hoult performance. Yes there's also a bunch of other mutants that you can see in the future part, but they're not the main characters (Like Bishop played by french actor Omar Sy who appears 5 minutes, with two sentences). I was really surprise by the good use of Quicksilver in a truly funny/great scene. Concerning Peter Dinklage, he plays a perfect B. Trask fascinated by mutants !

X-Men : Days of Future Past is a great movie, which addresses the old mutants theme of resistance, diversity, and minorities acceptance in a new way, where every human is concerned.

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Trailer has been released:

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Pretty hyped about this movie! Can't wait to see the trailer, which is probably just gonna make me even more hyped.

Bryan Singer has confirmed Hugh Jackman (Wolverine) in the cast of his X-Men: First Class sequel, Days of Future Past!

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