My wife and I used to enjoy this show, but we stopped watching it around 2014 when the political correctness became more and more overt.

Viewers watch a show to be entertained, not to be beaten over the head with political sermons.

Tonight we were intending to watch the new Law & Order show which features the return of Elliot Stabler. The new show picks up as part 2 of a crossover, with part 1 being SVU Season 22 Episode 9.

We watched the first 6 minutes or so of SVU S.22 EP.9 and just couldn't bare it. Now SVU has devolved into pure woke garbage. It's horrible.

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Sadly the last few years have been feminist garbage screaming "all men are rapists and should not exist". The first dozen seasons are awesome though. All kinds of interesting topics and victims and baddies and nice, credible interactions in a teams of friends.

Highlights were Dr Huang and Elliot imho.

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It's definetely my favorite tv show!! I like it mostly because it seems real, with actual problems and situations that could happen in the real world.

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I liked the first seasons, but last 2 seasons feel like they are reruns of earlier episodes just with a different person being the victim.

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Laridaruge, it seems so real because the stories are based on actual events. :blush:

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Love this show. Hope it last forever.

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I have loved every episode since the beginning.

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I've loved this show since the very beginning.

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this show is great, but Benson is so freaking annoying right now, hope she leaves soon. =P

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Earlier in the season of Chicago PD, I recently watched the crossover with this and Chicago Fire and have decided that I kind of want to start watching this show. Where would I start? Can I jump in with the most recent episode or season? What's the most recent jumping on point?

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Shout by Deleted

Really love

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15 seasons? oh my,should i really start it? is it worth the time?

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Shout by Deleted

Great show but I'm trying to add it to my library but it won't let me add it

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Shout by Deleted


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Shout by Deleted

II love this show

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