Enjoyable. It was fun in a quirky kind of way. Kangs storyline is confusing because they’re multiple versions of him across the MCU so far that I wasn’t sure if this is the good guy or bad. Or if they’re all bad and we are supposed to pick the lesser of multiple evils? Who knows… definitely can’t wait to find out though.

I wish they’d stop casting hot actors to play a sympathetic villain. Just give me a villain like the Borg, no redeeming qualities there, no goal for the greater good either. Just complete selfishness. I want to root for the hero without doubt. :sob:

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MCU becoming so lame nowadays.
So dull and boring

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- Excellent performances
- Delightfully weird. More goop than your average Marvel movie.
- Some of the most stunning visuals I have ever seen.
- The humor in this movie is so utterly stupid and absurd and I love it.

- Dialogue which seems to have been written by a twelve year old
- An unnecessarily confusing plot

Personally, I think this is the best Marvel movie since No Way Home.

How many holes do you have?

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Like an orgy: lots of action and sensations, though a bit messy and will leave you feeling empty and under-satisfied when you're done.

Those of you who loved the charm and comedy of the first Ant-Man are going to be as let down as a Chinese weather balloon.

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This move should’ve been called: Janet Van Dyne’s Adventures in Star Warsmania.

Quantum Physics has so many incredible theories and hypothesis that could be explored and Marvel decided to take us to some random Star Wars planet / galaxy.

The jokes weren’t even that funny.

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Shout by Wallyson Rodrigo
BlockedParent2023-02-22T23:42:16Z— updated 2024-04-22T12:50:05Z

Oh my god. I was wondering if I'm too old for this kinda shitty-goofy-superhero movies, and I'm impressed by the reviews coming up. Nah man, seriously this movie is like a really really bad Rick and Morty episode written by an insta-teenager.

Sorry, I'm not a internet troll hater, I just regret paying for the ticket and wasting my time watching this lackluster film.

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This feels like a bad Rick and Morty episode.

:asterisk_symbol:Looks up credits

Oh, ok.

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-One of the best visuals in the MCU I have seen, everything is just beautiful.
-The jokes is not for everyone I guess, some people think they are lame and others like me is funny as hell, and its not forced at least I did not have that feeling.
-The story is not the best but deftly not the worst but makes sense and is easy to follow along.

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Overall, a pretty bad start to the MCU Phase 5, as the plot (which there was almost none of) was morbidly disinteresting and at times excruciatingly dull. Yes... there was action and the CGI was okay, but no where near as good as I thought it would be. Cassie and Scott's relationship prominently shows how Marvel are running out of original ideas.

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This is epitome of what the bulk of Marvel films have been for me. It’s not a ‘good’ film, but it is undoubtedly an enjoyable film.

There’s a lot of points you have to accept and just move on. You could easily pick them apart, but you just have to chose to enjoy the film regardless. The most egregious being when a character essentially says “oh by the way this thing happened, and it’ll be essential to how the final act plays out. Here’s some flash backs to earlier points in the film to prove it happened. Despite none of those moments actually being in the film… just take my word that it happened” It’s bad, but if you just accept it an move on. The film is quite enjoyable.

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I really wanted the quantum realm to have an actual identity, but everything felt like something I've already seen before, most likely on Star Wars. Quite a mid movie and that's a compliment. The only thing truly good about it is Jonathan's performance. But it also feels like he came on set thinking he was making one movie and Paul and everyone else came to make a different movie.

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A bit too cheesy at times, but all in the appropriate tone. It's a fun popcorn flick that knows what we're there for and doesn't get distracted trying to flesh out things better left questioned. Mid-tier MCU, but still something fun and a good setup for the coming Kang conflict.

I have to question why people who dislike this movie are even at a superhero film in the first place. There are things to criticize here, and that's what keeps this from being a great movie instead of a good one. What it gets right, though, is still plenty of fun and much better than many of the overly complicated 3+ hour films studios have been pumping out to try and create something richer than the format allows. I'd take more of this over some of the other MCU alternatives anyday.

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Shout by Halstead
BlockedParent2023-02-16T05:44:34Z— updated 2023-03-06T18:12:18Z

Ant Man and the Wasp: Quantumania was a fun way to lose a couple of hours, but I could never shake the feeling that I was watching highlights from 3 or 4 better films. This is a movie just stuffed to the brim with characters, stories, and concepts that never really get a chance to breathe. On top of that was what should have been an amazingly inventive world kneecapped by effects that are going to age like an open milk container left in the basement. I know that many complained that Marvel's Phase 4 was too slow and meandering, but was packing the next phase into a single film the answer?

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Oh god was this lame. Jonathan Majors, Paul Rudd, and Kathryn Newton sell the heck out of their roles but the plot was so weak. Some cringe acting by the side cast too. It felt like the actress who played Gentora learned to act by playing her role in the movie. The Quantum Realm was completely unimaginative. Most of it was like Star Wars, Kang’s minions were stormtroopers, there was even an Avatar realm in there. Zero points for creativity.

Like I said at the end of Thor: Love and Thunder, Marvel is SO done.

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The screenplays of these Marvel movies seem more and more tired every time, the same things and plot twists seem to happen every time. Does it still make sense to keep dumping millions of dollars on them?

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"Visually beautiful" is really the only good thing I can say about it. Except for MODOK.

The characters were all flat, despite the superb cast putting everything they had into it... It's just bad writing.

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How is this film the second lowest rated MCU movie ever? Is it perfect? Not at all. But it is Ant-Man cheesy level enjoyable, with memorable set pieces, and a great introduction to the next big villain! Speaking of the villain, Jonathan Majors is incredible! He oozes of a smooth confidence that is more intimidating than if we was angry. The setting feels almost like a knock off Star Wars film, even down to outfits, locations, comic relief side characters. Don't trust the critics, check this one out!

Rating: 3/5 - 7.5/10 - Worth Watching

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Is weakly scripted and depends too often on its talented actors reacting to green screen imagery. The world building parts rescued this from being a very boring affair so 5/10 it is.

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Ant-Man movies have never been the best Marvel movies but they manage to entertain. 
It was a good start for phase 5 and what's to come.
I just wonder if the Kangs will be able to fill Thanos' shoes

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This was a great movie but as a Marvel movie, this was one hell of a set up for the future. I never imagined I'd see Kang on the big screen, and Jonathan Major was a amazing cast.

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After weeks of the internet screaming into my face about how I MUST declare this movie the beginning of the end for Marvel... It was pretty good. Fun and silly as an Ant-Man movie should be. Perhaps a little desperate in places, but overall enjoying to watch.

Despite all attempts by the movie, Paul Rudd takes a back seat to no one. He continues to be best part of the Ant-Man family. The first movie without him and his devilish charm will be the first bad Ant-Man movie. Though this movie would have been a lot better with Scott's circle of misdemeanor friends.

Thankfully, the end credit scenes make me very excited for the future of Kang as a Thanos-tier villain ...and the return of a certain mischief-maker.

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Whenever I am sitting down feeling contemplative and working on my bucket list, I always reflect upon my lifelong desire to one day see M.O.D.O.K.'s bare ass. Thanks, Marvel Studios! I can now scratch this one off the list.

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Nowhere near as bad as people are saying, and I'm exhausted of Marvel content. Would watch this over Eternals, or Thor: Love and Thunder.

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If you usually do drugs, do it before this and probably you'll like it more than me. :sweat_smile:

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What a CGI mess that was. there was just way too much going on in every scene and the world building was absolutely atrocious. I still have no idea what the quantum realm is, but they sure do say it a fuck ton in this movie. It seems they took everything that worked well with the first two movies and threw them out the window. I usually love everything Paul Rudd is in but they gave him zero time to shine in this movie. The only direction he got was "all you care about is daughter" now go! Cassie was annoying in pretty much every scene and Bill Murray didn't fit at all it's like they threw him in last second. Not to mention why did they even add Willaim Jackson to this movie. Also what it is it with every Marvel movie ending with an all out war scene now. It's getting Tiresome.

and don't get me started about what they did with MODOK. i'm not even gonna touch that.

Bring back Michael Pena!!!

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the movie was certainly not bad. but also far from something special. many people said atleast the villan was good but i didnt notice anything diffrent than every other marvel villan.

the best thing about the movie was when the ANT MAN logo changed to quANTuMANia and if thats the best thing about a movie and one of the only parts i can remeber marvel should really try to change their strategy.

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"Oh, you're an Avenger. Have I killed you before?"

Not going to sit here and say this is the best MCU movie, but also am not going to pretend there aren't good things happening here either. It feels a little like an after thought, and if they had changed a few things near the end it would've had more gravitas. Kang is great. Kang is scary and cool. I think Ant-Man serves better as a character that shows up in other MCU movies.

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Oh, dear disillusioned viewer! It seems you've stumbled upon a Marvel mishap that has left you feeling less than impressed. But fear not, for even in the realm of superhero films, there is room for a dash of humor and wit. Let me give it a shot:

Well, well, well, looks like someone found a 'pile of boring mess' while journeying through the Marvel universe. It seems Disney's influence has ignited a spark of discontent! But hey, let's not shrink away from the humor here. Ant-Man, oh Ant-Man, it appears the third installment didn't quite measure up to its predecessors. Perhaps they should have called it 'Ant-Man and the Shrinking Expectations.' And let's not forget poor Cassie Lang! Kathryn's performance lacked basic emotion? Oh my, maybe they should have cast a professional emoticon to portray the character. :neutral_face: Don't worry, though, the superhero world is vast, and even the mightiest of franchises stumble from time to time. It seems this one deserves a solid 0/10.

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Does anyone actually like the Quantum realm ? Isn’t that the point, that Kang fella was sent there as a punishment so why create a whole movie where we have to suffer in it too. Ant-man (1st one) was a funny and entertaining movie, all that has been sucked out of this and it’s a complete waste of time.

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"Let me make this easy for you. You will bring me what I need, or I will kill your daughter in front of you and make you re-live that moment over and over again, in time, endlessly, until you beg me to kill you. Do we understand?"

What a menacing line from a great scene presence of the villain, Kang.

On the other hand, this is Marvel at its lowest. I'm starting to find the Multiverse saga to be boring and messy. If this is the quality that Marvel is now going for, then I am so ready for its downfall. I HATED what they did with the character of Kang in the final battle, which now makes him less of a threat to the Avengers.

I felt so sorry for Micheal Douglas, who looked so confused at what he is supposed to be looking at or what lines he had to deliver.

I've watched movies with smaller budgets that look better than this.

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Definitely not for me. Poor writing, found no real interest in the story at all or the characters. Way to woke to the point that it distracts from anything else. Thought I'd give it a shot to see if Marvel even has made an attempt at former glory, but alas...no...still forgettable and cringy.

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Easily the worst Marvel movie ever. Confusing plot, horribly written, a waste of a great villain.

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This movie sucked, period. I like Paul Rudd and will watch most of his movies. But this isn't a Paul Rudd movie it's a Michelle Pfeiffer and Kathryn Newton movie that Paul Rudd just happens to be in. The dialogue is bad, the story is boring and if I wanted to see senior citizens doing action scenes I would watch old people fall down on Youtube. The argument about the special effects being good is a moot point because there are dozens of movies that look as good as this one and with the size of the budget it should look good. Also Evangeline Lilly has aged horribly, she is 10 years younger than Paul Rudd but looks old enough to be his mom.

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Not one of MCU's best. I don't have a problem with the quality of the CGI. I have a problem with it looking like they recycled assets from Star Wars. You're MCU. Put in some effort.

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So, yhea, the Ant-Man movies are definitely going down hill. This third installment was missing all the fun, charm and excitement from the first movie. Yes, they did try to inject some humor, but it felt off, felt forced and never really hit right. I feel like Marvel needs to go back to the basics. In the early days of the Marvel franchise, real brick and mortar locations were used with some CGI added in for some fun special effects. Now-a-days it seems like its wall to wall CGI and it's just too much. More is not always a better.

And then there's M.O.D.O.K. and Krylar. M.O.D.O.K. just felt wrong and Bill Murray had no business being in this movie.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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it's an ant-man movie, what would you expect? overall it's a good movie, it's fun, and i already love to hate kang!

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How did this crap even get made? Elaborate trippy visuals dont make up for a story so awful and ridiculous it defies belief. Ant Man-no ants, nothing. Utter rubbish. After the abysmal Thor-Love and Thunder I thought Marvel could'nt get any worse.....They just did!

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This is a quality film but more than that it brings together so many pieces of the Marvel universe like the quantum realm and the multiverse

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This crap makes me wanna rewatch the infinity saga. Ill do just that

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Given these movies' silly nature, this one fails to set the tone for Kang. I was hoping for some intense acting in the Majors x Pfeiffer scenes at least, but it was mostly a brief flashback. Janet not telling the others what's going on pissed me off lmao.

My highlight was when, uhh, Jonathan Majors' sexy bare arms. And the super smart cyborg ants, I guess. Gotta wait for Loki Season 2.

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I should give the disclaimer that I am not a Paul Rudd fan and this franchise is by far my least favourite of the Marvel Universe. (I am, however, a fan of Evangeline Lilly and Michelle Pfeiffer). The movie was overpowered by special effects that left actors reacting to blue screens. The writing was devoid of any clever insights into time and multiverse travel. There was no depth to the villain that would raise the threat level. Frankly I was underwhelmed and bored. I give this film a 5 (yawn) out of 10 [Marvel Superhero Adventure]

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Shout by Sári Szalay
BlockedParent2023-02-16T22:40:09Z— updated 2023-05-19T18:31:25Z

This movie was really disappointing. The story was complicated but it didn’t manage to grab my attention really. There were a few funny scenes though, but mostly the jokes felt a bit forced and cringy.
Scott has always been one of my favourite characters, but even he couldn’t save this movie.

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Legitimately one of the worst films I've ever seen. I love the MCU but lately it's just been outright bad. Here's hoping Feige is smart enough to remove Jeff Loveness from Kang Dynasty, but I'm not getting my hopes up. Maybe James Gunn can sway me with his MCU swan song. We'll see.

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It is a good movie. I liked it; just a new style for the ant-man movie series now. The story is not the best and not as funny, but as it shows in the trailer is about family, someone calls Vin Diesel!! There are 2 post-credit scenes; the second is after the credits; you need to see them.

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Marvel has lost it’s magic…..

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It was a fine movie that set up the next big bad; however, it left a lot to be desired in character development and plot. It seemed like the end of the movie left us in the exact same place as the beginning though.

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I stopped once Hope helped Scott shrink the energy core. This was immediately after her mother explained exactly what Kang intends to do with it. That’s the moment I knew a major disappointment of an ending was coming.

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While not as tightly-written and funny as the first two, I still quite enjoy this. All the insane overreactions from the typical branch of "the MCU's gone woke" rage-baiters are just garbage culture war takes that easily swayed their easily-swayable target demographic. If you liked the first two, a lot of that humor is still in this, even if it's not the strongest post-Endgame MCU entry; give it a shot if you're curious, it won't ruin anything for you.

Except maybe your enjoyment of Jonathan Majors as Kang; not because he's terrible in this, but because it really highlights how great he was as the future Thanos franchise villain. He was properly unhinged and freakishly powerful in this movie, as Kang should be, and it kinda disappoints me that the actor had to be enough of a monster in real life to kill the entire Kang Dynasty run of the MCU; I know there are so many other worse things than that, like the pain he caused his victims, but it's a disappointment nonetheless.

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The Ant-Man series abandons what it’s good at and tries to be a Guardians film in Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania, and fails. When the Pyms, Scott Lang, and his daughter are sucked into the Quantum Realm they are hunted down by Kang the Conqueror, who rules the realm and is seeking revenge on Janet for stranding him there. The writing is rather poor, as the characters seem completely different than in the previous films and the Quantum Realm comes off as a hodgepodge of weird alien creatures that have been thrown together. Also, the creature and set designs are pretty generic and forgettable. Still, there are some fun and exciting action scenes, and what little humor there is works (for the most part). Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania tries to be something it’s not, and feels more like a cheap knockoff a sci-fi movie than the action-comedy fair of the previous films.

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The movie definitely had some hilarious moments and good comedic timing. It was probably one of the best Marvel comedies. But other than that it was such a bland superhero trope with zero innovation in times of story, Also none of the CG environments and all that bombast resonated with me in any way,

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A mess of a film that fails at the first hurdle. Doesn’t even understand the basics of storytelling or characters. It’s boring and nonsensical.

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I wasn't expecting much after the recent run of form for Marvel, however I actually enjoyed this quite a bit. There was a good amount of humor that had my family laughing, particularly with the "holes" guy. There were pretty cool special effects scattered throughout, and even though the heroes themselves were pretty "lame" in general, the villain and world were awesome.

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I love Ant-Man. I love the OG cast. I love the concept.

However... The charm that came with the first two installments is gone. What makes Ant-Man so good is the "fish out of water" aspect of an ex-con who has lost everything, suddenly becoming a super hero and redeeming himself... while kicking some ass. We are also missing Michael Peña and his narrative cut scenes. I loved those dog!

Just like with Thor: Love and Thunder, we are telling more of a story that has already been told. It adds nothing to the greater MCU. We have some of the same, tired old villians (M.O.D.O.K) who somehow are forced into relevancy, (as someone else here said) "in a Rick and Morty" kind of way. Don't get me wrong, I love Rick and Morty, but I this is not R&M, it's Marvel. The only interesting thing we get is a summation of what Janet did during her 30 years in the Quantum Realm, which we really didn't need to know anyways.

Unfortunately, Quantumania is another victim of a film made after Endgame where we all were content with how things ended.

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What in the Spy Kids 3D was this? CGI was terrible, plot dumb, and lazy storytelling. MODOK WTF, abomination. Only reason it gets a few stars is there were a few decent laughs in here. Still another disappointing Marvel movie.

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It's a marvel how little I enjoyed this.

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I do give 8 but there is so much CGI now. This is the main reason why I don't think of watching Marvel's movies..... Soon Hollywood will only be populated by 3D artists. No more actors, no more real landscapes since everything is special effects and 3D. And before actors disappear, they will only need to show up at work in underwear because their image will CGIed...

Anyways, it feels good to see some faces I haven't seen in years :smile_cat:

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Shout by zxki
BlockedParent2024-01-02T04:41:36Z— updated 2024-10-05T17:27:06Z

I've seen a lot of Disney with some amazing visuals. Why couldn't this reach the same standard? It's not awful but it could have been better, even 'The Flash' had better visuals. Same with the script.
It's unfortunate when you have to lower normal expectations because you're constantly being let down, and even then you're let down. It seems that it's quantity over quality with Marvel, as it usually is. The movie itself is one of the most forgettable, I'm typing this review right after re-watching and I still couldn't tell you the whole story. Except that it's pointlessly overdone, especially the acting.

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The ants finish off one of the multiple Kang.

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If you like a good action movie, go grab another movie; )

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A pretty decent story with good visual effects and decent acting so another marvel movie

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It's literally only worth watching for the post credit scene, just like Ant-Man & The Wasp...

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As much I love Scott and Veb, the story was weak for me, no mind-blowing moment here.

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I was led to believe this would be terrible but I rather really enjoyed it.

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MODOK's big screen arrival must have been conceived during a week long peyote binge. Having not been apart of that myself he just seems hilariously half baked despite the dozens of other creatures that make up this outing. That said I expected nearly nothing and got more than I thought I would here, albeit in short bursts of originality and humour. Not as awful as it could have been but nothing to go seeking out either. 5.8.

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Good until kang flashback. Kang acting is weird. Emotionless action scenes. Weak climax. Gog 3 was good because of emotions this movie doesn't even know what emotion means

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I despise alien type movies

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idk why but I loved this movie. The visuals were stunning and it didn't bore me like the second one did. Not saying it's a masterpiece but it made for a very entertaining watch.

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Shout by Deleted

Well, I'm just sticking to the first one. Erased the second one from my brain... And this one of course.

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Jonathan Majors delivers an amazing performance. The film could have done without MODOK. As a kick-starter to Phase V I was expecting Quantumania to be amazing film sadly my expectation went down after 30 minutes in the film

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Shout by Luke

Quite enjoyable, but definitely didn’t feel as “fun” and “playful” as the other Ant-Man films. Never really knew much about Kang before this film, so cant say I agree or disagree with peoples thoughts on him.
The dude with the holes was awesome, I want a friend like that! :joy:
MODOK wasn’t quite what I expected. In a way it would have been better if they kept the mask thing on him. I get they were trying to keep it in line with the comics version, but it just felt… weird.
Overall a good fun filled adventure, but not as humorous as I was hoping.

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I didn't dislike it, but didn't love it. Most of the first half felt like it was a (mediocre) Star Wars movie, and then the second half (well, all of it, but mainly the second half) felt like the new standard CGI barf fest that MCU movies have become. It's wearing thin for me. No Way Home is the only MCU film I've enjoyed since Endgame. They're floundering.

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One word to describe this movie …..Meh

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It isn't one of the best Marvel movies, but I'm stil giving this an 8 out of 10. Why? Because it's just a really fun movie that doesn't take itself too serious. It has a great cast and a simple but entertaining story.

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As a huge fan of the first one, and almost as big a fan of the second one, I decided to go all out and see this one in 3D with the 4DX motion and sensory seats. What a let down; sure, sitting in the nicest seats for the best visual, motion and sensory experience was great, but I felt like I was watching a Looney Tunes story, instead of any type of story that is part, or compliments the MCU timeline. This was literally one of Marvel's dullest and most unnecessary movies to date. The entire story was cliched and predictable, and there was more CGI than there was any type of interesting story, let alone one with any substance. Even the normally awesome and hilarious humor in the previous installments was absent in this one. Almost the entire film is taking place inside a CGI story, so there was no need for any movie sets or locations... this was all green-screen nonsense. It's a very generous 6/10 from me, only because I still enjoyed the fun ride in my upgraded seats, although the money spent would've been more fun at an amusement park.

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the only good part was the tie in to Loki season 2

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This was not good. The try-hard comedy fell flat in almost all instances, and the film was a perfect example of for every good idea Stan Lee had, he had 30 failures. M.O.D.O.K. was quite possibly the dumbest character created in the history of storytelling. And, as much praise as Jonathan Majors received for this role, the character of Kang was a huge letdown. He was also a weak character creation by Lee. There were a countless number of him, so killing him didn't really kill him? Talk about a lazy creation. He was just an incredibly boring villain, and when there were more interesting villains in the Marvel universe, it was an odd choice to use him. The fact was, we saw Marvel's "A" game w/ the Avengers, but this was their "B" team. As good as Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings was, this wasn't even close to that. Who doesn't like Paul Rudd? And, Kathryn Newton's great, but this film was just weak.

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Proper garbage. I liked the previous two movies. This was cringe.

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Ant-Man? More like Plot Convenience-Man.

Ok bad joke

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Shout by AucT

Very generic and grey. Lost the charm of previous entries

MODOK graphics are pure garbage

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Wouldn’t watch again, wouldn’t recommend

The story was incoherent except as a forced setup of Kang and of passing of the Ant-Man-tle to Lang’s daughter.

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Shout by Meduos

Nice that we get to see more of Hank Pym here.

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I was definitely hoping for some more focus on Scott, and maybe some actual character development, but at least the Quantum Realm was pretty cool!
It might also be slightly concerning that this movie’s main highlight was a giant floating head, but it is what it is.

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Not as bad as it seems people want to claim, and for the first time since Endgame I'm getting excited to see where this is going.

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Shout by Darth

“Tell me what what’s wrong/what is this place/why won’t you tell us/who are these people” - hope

“I’ll tell you later” - Janet

“Your mother is lying to you and not telling you about what she did here” - bill Murray

“You’re a liar” - hope?????????????????

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