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Beauty and the Beast 2017

Of course it was a brilliant marketing idea - they had the script, they had the music, they had all the creative part. The rest is mechanical work.
The result is pretty much mechanical too. All the magic is gone. Every scene looks artificial and lifeless, every phrase or action is just a filler. The filler is Emma Watson herself - her acting is simply walking from point A to point B with the hands down and turning the head on director's order.
They brought nothing new to the adaptation, so it turned out to be as dusty and rusty as a cursed castle. Shame on them.

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Don't know! I just couldn't feel the chemistry between the two, it was a bit dull. And don't get me started about the songs

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Disney continues to throw money at these live-action remakes and whilst at least Maleficent tried something a little different, it seems that the success of these remakes have made Disney less willing to try something a little different, resulting in a film that is virtually identical to the original animated version barring a couple of additional moments or songs. It is such a shame because the casting is fine and the story as you would expect has all the strengths and flaws of the original - the problematic nature of the heroine falling for her captor is amplified even more here by the shortened passage of time between capture and eventual release. It all makes for a watchable if rather pointless exercise. Notwithstanding the box-office success, the overriding feeling is why bother remaking what was already a classic film in its own right ?

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This left me feeling dissatisfied. In the original Disney adaptation, Belle seemed so engaged in and enchanted by everything happening around her in the Beast's castle. In this version, Emma Watson plays her as a sulking teenager. It was hard to believe there was any chemistry between Belle and the Beast, perhaps because too much time and emphasis was put on the servants and not enough in building the relationship between the Beast and Belle. For example, in the original, the Beast takes Belle from the prison cell to a guest room after she trades places with her father. But in this new version, he storms away and leaves Belle in the cell, leaving Lumiere to break her out of the cell and take her to the guest room. Why change that scene when it was so effective in the original in establishing that the Beast is not so much of a beast after all? IMO, the only change in this version that was an improvement over the original was giving Gaston a backstory, and I thought Luke Evans did a great job with the role.

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Hermione Granger suffers from Stockholm syndrome while held captive by a man beast. #ExplainAFilmPlotBadly

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2 hours of my life i am never getting back unfortunately

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Snobby hot girl falls for rich a-hole hoping he will change, tale as old as time. ;)

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Oh my gosh. This is terrible. Emma Watson was the worst choice for Belle's character. I do not even understand why her... She did not feel the protagonist, nor did she act the way it would have been necessary to put together such a diamond from the past into a real-life kinda movie. Such a disaster. I was so waiting for this movie to come out but I am utterly disappointed. :(

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You want to know the best thing about this movie?

Emma Watson turned down "La La Land" to do this...

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The cast is amazing (except for a meeh emma watson) but the movie is nice but too long. I like what I see but I am not into the "remake-old-classics-with-some-great-actors-because-we-want-money-give-me-money"

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Shout by Céline
BlockedParent2018-03-03T23:21:06Z— updated 2020-08-01T22:33:52Z

Oh my God! This was just as good as the original Disney animated movie so I applaud whoever pitched in the idea of a live-action version because it was so worth it. And by the way, who would have thought LeFou could be so damn funny? To be honest he sort of was the best character in my opinion and his absence could have lowered my rating by at least two points. I absolutely loved everything about this movie but wasn't the Disney version of the prince in human form a lot hotter than this actor?! #justsaying

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That beast was too darn cute to not like... in fact, the beast was cuter than his prince form.
Oh well... it's whatever... movie was fine to me.

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when she asks him to grow a beard........ that will haunt me forever.

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Beautiful movie! Gorgeous special effects, lovely songs, relatable characters, and all of the actors fit their roles perfectly in my opinion. Brilliant representation of the original animation <3

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The only film I couldn’t finish as an adult. Soulless and phoned in all over the place. Bored to death by something that was shot for shot better animated. Wish audiences would quit funding these cash grabs.

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This was so good! I am so glad I watched it! I was also shocked that I shed tears when the last petal fell. I didn't realize how invested in the movie I was until that point.

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The main problem here is the fact that Emma Watson can't sing high enough to fit Belle's part. While she's an amazing actress, she doesn't really own the role, and her vocals are so auto tuned, any breath of life in her singing is lost.

Aside from the fact that it is somewhat selfish of Belle (and Beast) to sentence an entire staff of servants to death over her father being thrown in jail, the movie is quite visually stunning, and it gave me chills a couple of times, to my utter astonishment.

I likely will never watch it again, and the original is by far superior, but there are many plot points I did enjoy that added to it, and it is a nice, clean film non the less. A decent film, but not my favorite.

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Totally unnecessary remake. Uninspired and quite frankly, the CGI was downright poor.

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Eh. I didn't like it very much, to be honest. It was very visually pleasing to watch, but I wasn't really...captured by the performances. I think Emma Watson as Belle was a little dull and I hate the actor they chose for the Beast. I really liked Gaston's song though, so there's that. It's not a bad movie, but it wasn't for me.

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It was a bit flat and i didn't know to expect so many songs. Visually was really good, colors and makeup and everything but i felt it was missing something

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All those 5 points go to Emma. The rest is all a huge SJW dream filled with interracial and gay couples (not at all present in the original and completely impossible in the 1700s France).

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I can't understand why there's such a low rating from critics and stuff. What were they expecting??
The scenery, wardrobe, makeup, everything is so beautiful and colorful. I felt like I was watching a play, a musical, everything was amazing. Emma Watson was a great choice for Belle, Gaston was perfect, the Beast was lovely as expected (Dan Stevens is a great actor - I might think Gaston was a little bit better though) and you're there for Lumiére. He stole the show for me. Ewan McGregor proves again he's the best, most versatile actor ever.
It is exactly the same as the animation, just some changes. It was a great movie overall, I cried like a baby the whole time (favorite 'Disney Princess' tale right here).
I can't understand why people wouldn't like it.

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Well it brought me back to my childhood, lived up to it, a well made film, in fact one of the best I've seen so far from Disney on their live actions of animations. Magical. The soundtrack was spot on, and the chemistry with the cast was super. The effects were beautiful, and the ending was heartwarming, very good finish off. Shed a few a tears. Emma watson though.. damn! hehe

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I am in love with this cast!

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Well, the production values are high. That being said, it was a completely unnecessary film that offered nothing original or interesting other than the gimmick of being live-action versus animated. Such a blatant money grab from the evil empire. It's like even making the effort at their same old tired formula has become too much work. Instead... take one of your most popular films, point the camera at some trending stars and the token respected name or two, then put the marketing machine in motion.

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Shout by davidVIP

As a grown man who loved disney movies as a kid, i've never cried to any disney movie that has been adapted in real life version except this. It's beautiful and heart warming. The animated version came out 26 years ago and I think what the critics are saying are complete horseshit. Emma Watson was fantastic, Dan Stevens was in his glorious CGI character as the Beast, but nothing but charming when he finally appeared in the end as a human. Luke Evan and Josh Gad really pulled it off well. I would watch this again 10 more times in a heart beat.

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Bill Condon's live-action update of Beauty and the Beast is more a reimagining than a remake, a lavish and lovely take on a familiar tale that enriches its source material without betraying it.

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Better than I expected, but not a good movie by a far stretch. The acting is awful, and it's almost like they made that a theme of the movie. Like it is a little bit extra "goofy" because of it. And Lumieres design is a disappointment as well. Otherwise the movie is just what any serious movie watcher should already expect: a run of the mill blockbuster romance. Moving on.

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This was so very magical and I loved it. It was very much like the original movie, although a bit more like a musical. But I very much enjoy musicals, so I'm not complaining. From the beginning of the movie where they sang the song "Belle" you could see how much effort and time went into this film. All the costumes were perfect, and the geography, absolutely wonderful. I was pleasantly surprised.

I had to get used to Emma Watson as Belle, to be honest. She did really good though. I also liked Luke Evans as Gaston, but I think my favorite character (which I didn't expect when I started the movie) was LeFou. So funny. But all the actors who played servants were absolutely amazing. Especially Ewan McGregor. Also, Dan Stevens. I mean, you know. Just saying. Something that did confuse me a bit was all the different accents, I believe I heard an English accent, but also a French accent and an American accent. Pretty wild. I was blown away by how amazing the scenery and the animations were, stunning.

I really enjoyed this movie. It was absolutely gorgeous and I will always love this story.

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I was really surprised when I saw the (bad) rating before watching the movie yesterday. I was afraid that it would be disappointing but I was really amazed how well done the whole movie was.
There's almost nothing to complain. I loved the original Disney movie from 1991 so I was sceptical myself but this remake is fantastic. I usually despise remakes of animation movies but they did their job pretty darn well keeping the story as near to the original as possible and also a few scenes (maybe even all of them) where so amazingly similar. I felt like I was back in the 90s.
The songs are great and the acting as well (the cast was really well chosen) – sometimes a little bit over the top but exactly how the original was as well!
Definitely worth seeing and falling back in love with your childhood movie experience!

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This is one of my favourite films ever!! Better than the original for me!! Loved it 10/10 :)

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A tale as old as time...well, at least since 1991 (not counting the other adaptations of the classic story), this is a pointless but well-rendered remake of the animated musical. It didn't cast a spell on me, but it has just enough magic and music to please loyal fans of the original.

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And You Can Talk

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Perfect movie for the ol'penisthruthepopcorntubinthelap trick

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Simply amazing. Completely captured the essence of the original animation movie with a great cast, good chemistry and tears to boot.

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A missed opportunity for creative reinvention leaves you with admittedly striking visuals and a good performance by Emma Watson, yet results in the most uninspired Disney movie in recent memory.

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Wonderful and enchanting movie! One of the best so far! So truthful and respectful to the original (which is my favorite Disney movie of all time with The Lion King by the way). Congrats to the producers and the director. I love the new songs and the great new version of "The Beauty and The Beast".

Emma Watson is perfect for Belle. Just pure perfection! All of the others which I adore in their other movies are just perfect for their roles (I am talking about you Lumiere). I wanted to strangle Gaston one more time.

Great movie for all of the family! Just future family classic!

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My favourite aspect of this enjoyable film was how it reminded me of a Disneyland gift shop. I'm not being sarcastic. I quite like Disneyland gift shops.

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Shout by Deleted

Magical in every way! I loved it! I would also go see it again or buy it when it comes out on DVD and Blu-ray! I recommend this to everyone even grown men!

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The fairytale make quite an effect. We can almost envy the resisdents of the castle details of their special effects ;)

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Beauty and the Beast does admittedly benefit from a great cast who give it their all, and this does lead to some good moments here and there, but it is ultimately unnecessary and almost completely forgettable.

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Shout by Deleted

What an insanely magical movie!!! I loved it so much that I went back to the cinema a second time to watch it again. To see the classic tale as old as time brought to life with a phenomenal soundtrack, awesome effects, and strong character chemistry is truly amazing. I can't stop raving about it!

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It was okay. I just watched this because I'm in love with Emma Watson. I also admit that I have never seen the animated original. The talking furniture did nothing for me. Could have done with half the songs. Gaston was an ahole but I guess that was the whole point. I did not find Josh Gad funny at all. And that "beast" just looked like a horned, talking Chewbacca. Definitely not something that looked frightening. That being said I hope someone drops a nuclear bomb on those villagers. All those fools picking up torches and pitch forks because they were scared of the talking Chewbacca should have been eaten by the wolves. I also would have preferred Disney picking a guy looking less douchey than the mental patient from Legion to play the beast in human form. That was a let down. But.., Emma Watson in that yellow dress made up for everything. I don't really care what movie it is. Emma could play Batman and I'd watch.

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beauty and the beast (the original) is my favourite movie of all time and i was SO nervous about this. but oh my goodness it was so incredible. all the musical numbers were sensational and even the few brand new numbers really added to the narrative and the film as a whole and i am honestly so glad this adaptation happened. who knew emma watson could play both my childhood heroines? i guess, beauty and the beast is still my favourite movie of all time... but maybe even the second version. I'M SO HAPPY!

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I thought I really liked this movie when I saw it in cinemas but I'm a bit underwhelmed.

There are quite a few beautiful shots, I also really liked some songs but I never felt the magic like I did with the animated movie.

It's too long to my liking, the stuff they added about Belle's past was somewhat interesting but I felt a bit bored at times.

Emma Thompson was really good!

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It’s taken me seven years to finally see this movie as I’m not a fan of these live action remake’s, but Overall, a decent version. The music is still great, Emma Watson was terribly miscast the rest of the cast was excellent and the film is way too long but overall pretty good.

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i honestly can't remember the last time i was so uninterested in a movie

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What a beautiful re-make with live actors of a classic. Other than not having the greatest singing voice, Emma Watson plays a perfect Belle. And the other casting is spot on too. Very little was changed in the plot which is refreshing. As always, Disney’s attention to detail and music is a delight and they do a great job elevating the big scenes to bring you back to your childhood.

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While a lot of Disney's live-action remakes are not that good, I believe this one did a great job recreating the original in a live-action setting. The characters and music are just as lively as the animated versions, and the emotion is also on par with the original.

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Not all the changes are for the better, but it was still pretty good. Much better than the other Disney live action remakes.

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It's OK, but it has the same problem as all the other Disney live action remakes, which is... that I prefer the original animated movie, so I don't see why these movies exist.

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Emma was amazing as always, she and how beautiful and colorful the movie was carried the movie. If the movie was not as colorful I would probably rate it a 6-7.

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This live adaptation will only reminiscent your memory to the old Disney animated movie. But it's still a great adaptation and the soundtracks are a killer in the music category.

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The “tale as old as time” gets updated as Disney’s Beauty and the Beast is remade as a visually spectacular live-action musical. This new version more or less follows the animated one beat for beat, scenes for scene, though it does expand the story a bit; providing a backstory about Belle losing her mother and more scenes of Belle and Beast forming a friendship. However, Disney unfortunately takes a PC brush to the fairytale with conspicuous placements of minorities (in 19th century France), turning LeFou into a gay character, and making Belle more proactive and independent. Still, the all-star cast featuring Emma Watson, Luke Evans, Ian McKellen, Ewan McGregor, Kevin Kline, and Emma Thompson delivers wonderful performances. And the CGI work and choreography are extraordinary, making for some extravagant and lavish musical numbers. It has its problems and doesn’t live up to the animated classic, but Beauty and the Beast is incredibly entertaining and fun.

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I find it more of an "okay" movie than a "good" movie. Definitely without Lefou's comedy, the movie would have been very flat. I didn't feel much of Lumiere and Cogsworth's funny chemistry. It is definitely not as good as the animated film. Also, can I say, I was so disappointed when the beast turned into the human prince. lol. I find him scrawny! They could've looked for a more beautiful prince. Just sayin, cartoon prince was 1000% more hot than the cartoon prince. :joy: Not even ashamed to say that. :grin:

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I thought this movie was beautiful to watch! This was one Disney story I was not familiar with so I have nothing to compare it to. I can say I wasn’t crazy about Emma Watson. Her performance was a little flat for me but everything else was beautiful. Loved the scenery !

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apparently i need to regain my childhood innocence but making this a live action made me v uncomfortable with the whole beast thing LMFAO. but still, the movie's pretty beautiful


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Remember being forced to see this when family all I wanted to see something in theaters so we saw Beauty and the Beast I wasn't trying to hate this movie I just don't think it was very good. The last act is definently the best of the movie just the rest of the movie felt so long and so poorly paced and just dragged that the lact act couldn't make up for it.

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Shout by Anto Butera
BlockedParentSpoilers2018-07-22T04:38:39Z— updated 2018-07-23T06:23:40Z

Josh Gad is the best. So funny! His one-liners cracked me up!

And Adam's hair at the end never disappoints on its cringyness lol

My favorite was Maurice, though. The actor that played him made a wonderful job.

Emma made a beautiful Belle, a bit static and unemotional at times, and musically she was terribly overshadowed. Which, honestly, is to be expected when you're singing with Broadway singers. I would have liked to see Zoey Deutch in the role of Belle. I don't even know if she can sing, but Emma isn't much of a singer either. Plus, Zoey is not only pretty, but also so nuanced as an actress. Just her facial expressions let you know what she's feeling without having to say anything, which would have been wonderful for Belle.

But, overall, a fantastic movie, true to the original story, and with every bit of the Disney magic we all love from its classic tales.

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Although it's not my type of movies (filled with songs), I enjoyed it, LOVED IT, the story is so romantic, there're many scense where you fell something in the heart!

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It's alright, and yet I can't stop watching it? I'm living for Gaston and LeFou.

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Shout by Deleted

If you grew up on, and were captivated by Bell's story as a child, then you will love this. The live action adaptation amplifies the animated edition 250%...and while yes, I see the plot holes & weaknesses...and while "modern" Disney absolutely slaughters most stories & stuffs their SJW bull down our throats driving families away, this movie retains the classical Disney themes of loss, redemption & happiness through sacrifice & good choices. A great family film for kids 8-14...perhaps too long for very little ones & too eyerolling for older kids. People who grew up loving the animated classic & subsequent music, again, will treasure this film.

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Shout by Deleted

Sometimes this is exactly what you need.

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Shout by Deleted

Good movie. Almost as good as original animated version. The 'NEW' sings were ?meh?

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Shout by René Herrera


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One of the best musical movies which is fun to watch something different than others, anyway same story as old version but you will still enjoy! Recommending to watch it in 3D to live the movie...

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Shout by Deleted

despite of the fact that its one of my favourite stories since i was a child and withholds alot of memories but this movie is a masterpiece i have seen it in 4D cinema and i felt like a child who found himself in wonderland. i had a big fat smile on my face for hours after i seen it. if there was more than 10 stars i would give it a 20 star

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Shout by Deleted

I like it. thats the problem it somehow underwhelmed me, everything was done perfectly but it still didn't do the trick. There was something missing; maybe it was emma okay she looked the part but she made bella plain maybe? after thinking about it I ended up to the conclusion that it might have been her. I do love her and all her movies, but if they put someone else it would have added that thing people aren't sure is missing.

Overall its a replica of the original disney cartoon, it had beautiful music, scenery, effects and the perfect talking objects!

I give it a 3.5/5

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As the credits roll, and Celine Dion sings, then Ariana Grande with John Legend, culminating with Josh Groban, I find myself surprised to have been won over. Most of the movie, I found myself struggling with the dissonance between CGI and live action (usually just Emma Watson). I kept thinking, "Why bother? The animated version was a classic, not to be bested!" It wasn't working for me, an iconic romance without the chemistry of a living beast. It was settling into a 5 (meh) out of 10. But, Emma sparkled every time she was on screen, and then, the new musical numbers were poignant and beautiful, filling in the story (in this version it was as much of a journey of transformation for Belle as it was for the Beast). And, then in the final scenes I was hooked by the cumulative effect. Stellar cast, impressive CGI, augmented storytelling, and soaring, exceptional, big-production music. I ended up giving it a 7 (good) out of 10, and, downloaded the extended soundtrack from iTunes,

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I loved everything about it, it may have been unnecessary to make a remake of it, but it was a good adaptation, and it was enjoyable and very well made.

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Fun enough for a watch, but totally useless. The agenda pushing is garish and annoying, but besides that it doesn't really offer anything new. It just feels like a fan film, a well made one sure, but it feels lazy or not brave enough to do Its own thing. Sure Cinderella and Maleficent had their faults, but at least they tried bringing something fresh to the table and not rely on just rehashing the original, verbatim. At that point why not just watch the cartoon...?

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Shout by Jabes C Gonzales

Maganda! Bautiful! Paboloso! Magnico! Astig! Wonderful! Xoxo Good!

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Shout by Deleted

This was very enjoyable. Worth a watch.

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moral of this story is give ugly witches a drink of water if they come calling and if you're locked up with a person in a castle long enough you eventually will get attached and fall in love with them despite what they look like.

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Shout by Deleted

I feel they can do better. I just like the middle part of the movie. Video need to be more better. I feel like I was watching SD format

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Flashy effects don't look good when they're blurry.

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Shout by Deleted

This version is superb, almost faultless IMHO, (except for the pointless, needless, overdone Broadway stage production number in the middle of the dinner scene). Performances were of the highest quality and casting was superb (only Stevens was paradoxically more handsome as the Beast than as the Prince). The musical numbers were excellent, the CGI appears restrained yet eclipses every previous Disney film. While the story itself isn't new, this is arguably their best work to date.

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If I had asked someone to do a movie that's based on the original Disney version but make it better this would be as close as I could ever want it to be. It had everything: a beautiful Belle, a charming and dashing beast. Even Gaston and Le Fou were good being bad. The songs both old and new added warmth to the movie. They even managed to get the dinner scene right!

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Shout by Jim222001VIP

Pretty much the same movie as the 1991 animated film. What makes this movie good is the performances and the CGI. However the new songs are mostly forgettable and some new subplots are unnecessary or just weird.
Spoiler: Belle wants to know how her mom died. Since Beast has a library full of books. Of course he has one that can magically transport them anywhere she wants. He relates to her since he changed when his mom died.
Another problem is that Josh Gad is well cast as Gaston's "friend", LeFou but gives an overly flamboyant performance. Where we get it, they aren't just friends in this one. LeFou has a crush on Gaston...
Emma Watson shines throughout and Dan Stevens was excellent as the Beast. Luke Evans also makes a great ego maniac as Gaston. Kevin Kline is well cast Belle's father too.
Although not totally necessary, Beauty and the Beast is still better than Disney live action films like Maleficent and Alice in Wonderland. Still, a book that can take you anywhere ? I guess why not if there's a mirror that shows you whatever you want.”

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Shout by Zander

Watched two times in 3D. I love this updated adaption of the beloved Disney classic

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Such a great movie! They stayed as true to the original story as possible with a few new songs here and there. Superb! Must see!!

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I would look forward to it more of the director didn't have Twilight movies under his resume.

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