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Blink Twice 2024

I can typically stand mediocre and somewhat-poor movies quite well. I’ve been known to eat turd sandwiches and tip the waiter that served me them.

Not this time. Before getting into more details: I understand and appreciate what the movie is trying to criticize. One can be sympathetic to the message while despising the execution.

This movie is so dumb. From the obnoxious short cuts and the out-of-place soundtrack to the plot holes and general nonsensical story.

A nonsensical story that builds up to a final act that is so utterly depraved of any sense that you’ll feel lobotomized while watching it. Instead of them introducing the finale with a still screen that reads “wow, you’re still here, great job guys” they concocted the worst ending I ever had the displeasure of watching.

Without overestimating my influence, I feel compelled to ask you to reconsider paying your hard-earned money for this. I realize I’m just a stranger on the internet but I feel a divine responsibility to warn you. I’m convinced that every noble soul who decides to do something different with their time after reading this review brings me one step closer to the Pearly Gates.

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Dumbest movie ever, a want a be get out

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Unbelievably bad, so cringe it's almost impressive.

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One of the worst movies I have seen in a while and a strong contender for the worst ending ever. I can appreciate a movie with a really silly plot if it has a saving grace. This movie does not. Its 1.5 hours wasted don't bother.

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If you ask ChatGPT to write a Jordan Peele movie about feminist Twitter talking points. you get a plot that is eerily similar to this. As scathing as that is, I still enjoyed this as a derivative twisty thriller in the Monkeypaw Productions mould, if you can stomach the usual talking points that come with this subject matter. Sometimes heavy handed, and truly wobbles off the tracks for the finale, Blink Twice is a decent starting horror-thriller for Zoe Kravitz's directorial debut, but you've probably seen many other movies do everything it does a lot better.

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The movie has a compelling context and a premise that could result in a strong movie, but that's not the case. The story is weak, it takes too long to even get off the ground. Some of the hooks and solutions are unconvincing, and the touches of humor are embarrassing in such a serious context. The editing seems disjointed in some scenes, and the performances are average to weak, sometimes quite caricatured.

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"I'm just really excited about this fat BLUUUUUUUUUUUUNT!"

The entire "Ain't Nobody" sequence is flawless.

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A movie about the horrors of content warning and what it does to art, don't ever tell me what the movie is about and spoil the twist before we even see the first frame. Good performances, nice isolated location, intriguing premise but yeah... as predictable as they come it's like being five steps ahead the whole runtime. Kinda cringe. Doesn't go very far with the psychological horror, the third act was messy and I hate the ending it ruins the message of the movie. Maybe i'd enjoy it more on a rewatch to avoid the need to be surprised but I don't know, it was pretty generic.

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This movie feels like someone had a reasonably interesting idea, and instead of developing it, they just made a movie right away. What could have made for an interesting payoff, goes nowhere, and the ending is just bland. Most of the movie is just filler that is there to get almost a 2-hour runtime. And when something starts happening, it just becomes stupid. Looking back, I only liked the performance of Tatum, which was quite unhinged in some moments.

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"Blink Twice"cleverly delivers a solid, entertaining and suspenseful thriller.The movie features a stellar cast.Channing and Naomi were amazing.Zoë Kravitz makes a phenomenal debut as a director.

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I appreciate what this movie is going for but then it completely fumbles its big moments. Then the very end calls into question what they even thought they were doing .

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Like a sashay: it walks along a well-trod path but does so with style.

Imagine Get Out at the White Lotus and you have the basic idea of Blink Twice, but holy shit Zoë Kravitz does one hell of a job directing and bringing out all the savor of the tight writing.

An exciting debut. I'm dying to see where she goes next.

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It started slow but really picked up in the middle. I thought it was a great and original premise but then the ending ruined the whole thing. It made the message I thought they were trying to convey completely null and meaningless, very hollywood like.

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Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParentSpoilers2024-08-25T02:52:02Z— updated 2024-09-02T00:41:06Z

A strange dark comedy thriller that too obviously wants to be the next Get Out. It does keep your attention. The cast is good as well.
While Get Out was a “don’t trust white people” movie. Spoiler Alert: Blink Twice is a don’t trust men, movie.
With all the men hating movies these days, it’s disappointing that’s the route the movie takes. Yet I still can’t say I didn’t enjoy the movie and the cast.

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I had mixed feelings about this one. It's well made and well acted, but I didn't love the direction the story took. I was expecting a more grounded exploration of these ideas/themes, so when things went more fantastical/sci-fi it started to lose me. It takes the teeth out of any commentary on offer by making things black and white. It doesn't help that the fantastical elements are a little bit hand-wave-y in their mechanics. But despite not being the movie I was looking for, it still kept things entertaining and even surprised me with some of its late reveals. That said, the finale had some egregious examples of horror-movie logic, with characters inexplicably splitting up between scenes with zero explanation and forming some of the dumbest plans I've ever seen.

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I liked it. It's not great, but I was entertained. I went in blind which always helps, especially with a horror film. They kind of have fun with a really, really dark situation, and I liked that. It's kind of a fairy tale, but not the ones for children. The really dark stories the children's fairy tales are based on. The cast is good. It doesn't drag. I'm giving it a 7.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Blink Twice’:

  1. So they were made to forget anything they considered to be traumatic? From the perfume? I dunno… the entire premise, while compelling, felt like quiiite a stretch. Especially the ending.

  2. I feel like this could be Channing’s best performance. He plays sinister well. And his “I’m sorry” moment was particularly impressive.

  3. Despite the need to suspend a bit of disbelief, I thought this was a solid directorial debut from Kravitz. I was invested from start to finish.

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Good movie, good acting and story, although there are more than a few plot holes.... Worth watching though.

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"You did nothing for yourself. You did nothing for them. And in my opinion, there's a real special place in hell reserved for people who just choose to do nothing."

Ho. Ly. Shit.

Zoë Kravitz, I formally apologize for assuming this would be nothing more than a nepo baby vanity project. This was incredible. Gripping, horrifying, and extremely funny.

I was zoning out a little during the first act, but it eventually pulled me in and did not let go. (Not sure I loved the ending tag, but that's a small gripe.)

Blink Twice is bold, stylish, confident, efficient. It trusts you to pay attention without needing to over-explain. You won't want to blink twice—or once, for that matter—for fear of missing a single frame.

The entire cast is fantastic, though Adria Ajorna once again outshines everyone else on screen.

Am going to need Zoë Kravitz to make me some Spotify playlists please.

"That's gonna open up beautifully."

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What a waste of time! Fooled by the hype, IMDb, and Rotten Tomatoes—this is one of the most illogical and disappointing movies I’ve ever seen.

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Started off well and full of intrigue, but the 2nd half failed to deliver on what looked so promising.

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Those are non-venomous pythons though, right?

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What a piece of absolutely nothing of any consequence whatsoever.

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Blink Twice" hooks you from the beginning with a mystery that takes unexpected turns. What seems to be a simple plot, turns into something much deeper and more intriguing. The performances are solid and the tension does not drop at any time. It's a movie that keeps you on your toes, making you pay attention to every detail. If you're into clever thrillers, this one will leave you thinking until after the credits roll.

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Basically: Don't make justice for your best friend. Just marry her killer.

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I really enjoyed this movie. The story, the twist, most of the cast, the ending. What I didn't like about it was that it seemed like they started writing the script with the idea to make a movie that people would want to watch twice.... then they came up with the premise. Also, the foreshadowing elements felt too forced - it was like I'm not sure what this is, but I know it's foreshadowing. And my last knock on this is Frida was not attractive at all. In the beginning I kept thinking why would a billionaire be interested in her?

I will likely watch this again, but not in a hurry to do so.

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The longer you go on the deeper things get, you can feel it and see it as the sounds and scenarios get more intense and isolated. Those last 30 or so minutes had me grabbed and choked. There's better out in terms of storytelling, but the morals and meaning behind the first-hand horror is just mind-blowingly nerve-racking. Tatum went crazy bonkers level. I can't remember if he apologised, not even once. There are things we won't understand as we haven't and probably will never live the lifestyle that Zoë has, but I look forward to seeing more of it.

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The plot of the movie is good, but the heroine is too ugly, and she is not even as good as the supporting role.

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Its a good movie,but I not was ready for the twist,and Im not a sensitive person (body horror etc),but this movie gave me such a panicattack..

Somehow I missed that will be in the movie,I usually if i know the movie has scenes like this I come prepared but oh boy

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Rated a Connor 5, normal 6.4

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I don't know what's going on with some of the commenters here. Amazon did include a "Trigger Warning" at the very beginning. I always discard those types of nanny warnings, including MPAA Ratings. But there was one before this movie started.

This movie was great. I found it to be more of a Mystery than a Thriller. The story is fairly simple. Because of this, the first act isn't very interesting. However, once the mystery starts unravelling during the second act, I started paying attention. Channing Tatum was great in this movie along with most of the other actors. The actress playing the main character was a bad casting choice. I can't go into the details of why, without spoiling the movie's premise.

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Yet again, not one, single, positive male role model. :sweat:. The shooting style is great. But was I inspired? No. Moved? No. Amazed? Yes but for all the wrong reasons.

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Don't worry, it's ok now because she was a victim first.

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My kind of mind fuckery. I enjoyed the performances more than the writing. Kravitz did well with the direction though. Excellent soundtrack.


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Fun, I liked it. Not a great ending, but okay enough.

The "trigger warning" before the movie was terrible. I guessed what was happening very early because of it. Trigger warnings for horror / thriller movies. It's idiotic when you think about it for even just one second.

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Lack of complete style and what this movie wanted to be, started as a thriller with very strong "Get Out" vibes, then it becomes a comedy! yes a comedy! what was the need for that ? Completely incoherent and so stupid, the reason behind all this. Yes stupid, i can understand the importance but it was such an effort for all of that, did not compute!
Also some dialogues and screams that you wanted to punch the actors.

The finale was tragic. Very very mediocre movie, nothing to give except the hottens of Arjona.

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If you put aside the tough presentation from the feminist side of the grid (something tells me that many of those on it would not mind having such a scent in their purse?), then the thriller is not bad. An excellent debut, right? Well, the more money, the more sophisticated the desires and the ability to hide them. Do you really want to switch? And? ☯

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Blink Twice (2024) - :heart:x6

i don't understand these kinds of people - neither the mindset of the victims or the perpetrators. Both extremes are so foreign and unimaginable to me.

Also, this is a very strange story for a woman to write and direct. But I did like the ending.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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One of those movies where the premise is more interesting than the execution.
It takes 40 minutes (!) until the main character starts suspecting there's something wrong.
And the "boss b*tch" ending kind of undermines the message of the movie.

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If I were to base my opinion of this move just off the trailer. I'd say it looks dumb. The cinematography looks like ass. For all the decent actors in it, it just looks bad and doesn't strike me as an "original" concept at all.

I love how they called out the director in the trailer... Zoe Kravitz..... like.... am I supposed to know who that is lol.

I'll update if my hypothesis was right after I watch it, if I can even make it through it.

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It’s a forgettable soft revenge movie. Think Cosby Epstein Maxwell Weinstein and their enabling mates get pwned by one of their victims. Pwned in the pocketbook.

I had hoped for better from Zoe, and maybe we’ll still see it in the future. This outing is watchable but unremarkable.

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The movie had something to say. However, forgetting is a gift. I didn’t feel much for this movie, despite the themes and the third act.

Update: I watched this before I heard the news that Diddy was arrested for sex trafficking and abuse. Art imitates life?

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While I think 'Blink Twice' has important themes. It felt a little too dragged out and long. The ending almost undermined and took away from those themes that it had spent so long building up. There wasn't any real tension, the humor felt misplaced and awkward and before it did eventually take off the credits were already rolling.

It holds your attention enough to finish and while I have never been a Tatum fan he actually does a reasonable job here. But the girls take the spotlight (and rightly so) and do deliver some really strong performances.

It's a film that won't really make a shake and dare I say will be a forgettable one however I didn't feel my time was completely wasted on this, even if it did overstay it's welcome slightly with the runtime.

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Unless you have been living under a bolder for the past 5 years you will know what this movie was trying to tell us. Rich men, young beautiful women on an island you do the math. Yes, there were some corny scenes and yes the movie did not have to be 1hr 42 mins long. Besides that, I have to say in 2024, I mean 2024 this was one of the best movies definitely in my top 10 list. I do not think if you go to the theatre to watch it you will regret it. Taking into account how bad 2024 has been. If it was about 3 or 4 years ago I would have said it is a MUST NOT WATCH!

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good Thriller with good Story/Plot.

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Great movie!

'Blink Twice' manages to create high intrigue, an unsettling tone and is very stylishly put together, eventually showcasing some thoroughly enjoyable and visually pleasing violence towards the end. Naomi Ackie and Channing Tatum are both terrific, Ackie is particularly top notch. Nice to see Geena Davis involved too, not seen her since the days of 'Stuart Little'! The rest of the cast are all good value, especially Adria Arjona.

I'd admit that it isn't the most unique picture, there are remnants of other productions scattered in there - 'Don't Worry Darling' for one, bit of 'Glass Onion' as well as basically any Jordan Peele flick. Still, I had a real fun time watching it all unfold on the big screen so I truly can't leave any complaints. Interested to see what Zoë Kravitz does next in the hot seat.

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Theres only one thing i can say about this movie: Good job ricardo arjona

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This has overtaken Challengers as a movie of the year for me

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