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Dawn Breaks Behind the Eyes 2022

A thoroughly entertaining giallo-inspired gothic horror that's absolutely bizarre in the best way possible. It's definitely a film where it favors style over substance, yet it delivers a complex and subversive tale that lingers in the memory with an excellent combination of haunting atmosphere, striking cinematography, dark humor and gothic bleakness. It's truly fascinating how this film manages an unbelievable balancing act of cinematic craft and exploitational elements few films can follow through on. Don’t want to reveal too much, just go see it. It's an amazing experience and at under 80 minutes I would recommend this to anyone.

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Mutilated, tortured, killed men are standard comedy fare in our Western world.

I would love to see what would happen if somebody would dare to put a woman in spot like that. Just once. Our feminist world would frigging burst into flames.

Not gonna happen. They'll keep on gender swapping the desireable roles, not the bad ones. Because feminism was never about equality.

As to the movie? Awesome artsy cinema considering it's some small, German production. Watch it for the atmosphere and images, even if the rnding will not make sense.

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The artistic origin of the director in painting is clear in the image composition of this "matryoshka" film in which the metaphysical-cinematic inclinations unfold layers that lead us to different atmospheres of terror. In the deconstruction of the traditional narrative, there's a reflection on the feminine looks towards the masculine poses, a vampirization of love that ends, as it should, in a carnal party.

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