Most of the Elm Street flicks suck, but of the ones that aren't any good, I have the most patience for this one. The story is so bad it's almost nonexistent, but paradoxically, that works in this film's favor. It really just feels like a montage, and the various kills and set pieces are creative enough to keep me mildly engaged.

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The lead guy, John Doe, is a truly terrible actor. His voice sucks and he is a normal looking not hot version of Rider Strong.

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Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParent2015-10-04T04:58:49Z— updated 2016-10-31T16:22:35Z

I have always enjoyed this goofy movie. Mostly since it's bizarre and trippy. I liked it more than part 2 and 5 at least.

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I liked that this movie felt different than the rest. It is more comedy and its trying to be a little weirder and crazier. I kinda dug getting more of Freddy's back story. The sound death with nails on the chalkboard was one of the better kills of the series. And Johnny Depp made a cameo.

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The more I see of these series, the worse they get.

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All I can say is rough…. A lot of the elm st movies are rough but this one leans to the incoherent. Add to this the tonal mismatches and what you get is a mess.

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I saw this movie in the theater in 1991 they gave you 3D glasses I still have them. The last 10 minutes of the movie were in 3D and it is infinitely better than any 3D movie I've seen since. The 3D then felt like it was multiple layers instead of what they have today.

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Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare is a strange and ambitious film that both excites and disappoints. Its attempts to break the mold and inject dark humor are commendable, but the execution often falls short due to tonal inconsistencies, questionable choices, and predictable plot developments. While it holds some entertainment value for die-hard Freddy fans and those embracing its absurdity, it's far from the strongest entry in the Nightmare on Elm Street series.

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"Kung fu THIS, bitch!"

Lactose intolerents beware... Freddy's Dead is the most cheese we've had yet in the franchise! It's embarassing, devoid of any logic, has crap acting and Freddy acts like a comedian clown killing people with tricks. It's the good kind of cheese though, the kind that's so ridiculous it's fun to laugh at and manages to entertain throughout. I kinda wish they went for the same tone for some of the previous sequels, horror comedy fits Freddy like a glove.

There's not much messing around, it's straight to the good stuff. Freddy's never been so present in a movie before and that helps a lot. Surprisingly great practical effects. Lots of funny one-liners. It's kinda jarring that it took 6 movies to finally get a Freddy flashback origin story... the end result is very generic and forgettable. Fun third act.

My biggest criticism is the dream sequences, compared to the other movies in the franchise they're really lacking. The full on horror comedy + memorable dream sequences = this could have easily been a 7 or maybe even an 8.

Those 3D glasses effects...

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"What's with kids today, huh? No respect."

Wow. Not going to lie, I got so bored with this one that I don’t remember all the scenes from it. Waste of time.

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I have to rate movies how I really feel. Deep down I don’t think this is just a 6. It is a goofy, trippy and fun ride into the mind of Freddy Krueger. That I have always enjoyed.
If some fans can enjoy the horrible second movie, then let me have this lol.

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It's a comedy that's not funny, a thriller that's not thrilling, and a horror movie that's not scary.

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The Nightmare on Elm Street Series concludes with one last curtain call from Freddy Krueger in Freddy’s Dead: The Final Nightmare. After having killed all the children in Springwood, Ohio, Krueger attempts to branch out by connecting with his long-lost daughter. This installment makes all of the same mistakes as the last one; retconning Krueger’s mythology and making up new rules without regard for what’s already been established in the series. Additionally, the special effects are weak and dated; especially in the 3D scenes, which come off as cheap and gimmicky. Freddy’s Dead: The Final Nightmare is an unambitious and poorly made film that’s only mildly entertaining.

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I gotta be honest, I don't like any of this series. I can't stand that Freddy can talk. He ONLY talks in cheesy/shitty puns and they're NEVER good. I don't like hating on Englund, he seems like a genuinely good dude, but I prefer my baddies with no talking at all. I suppose the first Nightmare is okay, but other than the fact the bad guy is a pun machine, because his powers exist in a dreamworld, you can't trust a damn thing on screen. There are no stakes in what is currently happening because no matter how bad or good it gets, you know they can go right to the "ahh! wake up!" deep breath moment. No stakes whatsoever. And that's the entire movie! Freddy's powers are completely reliant on how soon they happen in the movie. His power gets progressively weaker as the movie moves on because we gotta wrap this up somehow. Zero rules, zero stakes.

Also....and I hope no one in this movie reads this...but a good chunk of the actors are, um, not so great. I'm not gonna name names but yeah, some of these peeps don't have the chops.

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