Personal Lists featuring...

Karaoke 2022


A list combining multiple lists


I made this list for the 42nd Istanbul Film Festival, which will be held between April 7-18, organized by Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts (IKSV).

:trophy:Award List:

:earth_africa:International Competition

:tulip:Golden Tulip –
:woman:‍⚖Jury Special Prize –

National Competition

Golden Tulip Best Film –
Jury Special Prize –
Best Director –
Best Screenplay –
Best Actress –
Best Actor –
Honourable Mention –
Best Cinematography –
Best Editing –
Best Art Director –
Best Original Music –

:film_projector:National Documentary Competition

Best Documentary –
Honourable Mention –

Seyfi Teoman Best First Film Award

Best First Film –

National Short Film Competition

Best Short Film –
Honourable Mention –


International Competition –
National Competition –
National Short Film Competition –

Young Masters Competition

Young Masters Award –

:earth_africa:International Competition:

001-) :paw_prints::tiger2: Aramızdalar / Animalia / Sofia Alaoui
002-) :heart: İnsanlık Ölmedi / The Survival of Kindness / Rolf de Heer
003-) :girl::lipstick: Sıradaki Kız / Next Sohee / Jung July
004-) :sweat_drops::ocean: Su / The Water / Elena López Riera
005-) :boat::red_circle: Al Yelkenler / Scarlet / Pietro Marcello
006-) :cocktail::notes: Atlantic Bar / Fanny Molins
007-) :dark_sunglasses::eyes: Kör Noktada / Im Toten Winkel / In the Blind Spot / Ayşe Polat
008-) :gun::bomb: Üçüncü Dünya Savaşı / World War III / Houman Seyyedi
009-) :world_map: Kopenhag Diye Bir Yer Yok / Copenhagen Does Not Exist / Martin Skovbjerg
010-) :man::fire: Pamfir / Dmytro Sukholytkyy-Sobchuk

National Competition:

007-) :dark_sunglasses::eyes: Kör Noktada / Im Toten Winkel / Ayşe Polat
011-) :cherry_blossom:⚰Bir Tutam Karanfil / Bekir Bülbül
012-) :books::skull: Ölüler İçin Yaşam Kılavuzu / Barış Fert
013-) :leopard::car: Bars / Orçun Köksal
014-) :broken_heart::busts_in_silhouette: Yüzleşme / Filiz Kuka
015-) :stars: Iguana Tokyo / Kaan Müjdeci
016-) :performing_arts::movie_camera: Cam Perde / Fikret Reyhan
017-) :ox::film_frames: Boğa Boğa / Onur Saylak
018-) :sun_with_face::movie_camera: Suna / Çiğdem Sezgin
019-):busts_in_silhouette: Ayna Ayna / Belmin Söylemez
020-) :cloud_with_tornado::clapper: Sanki Her Şey Biraz Felaket / Umut Subaşı

:clapper:National Short Film Competition

021-) :euro: Avrupa Fatihi / Fatih le Conquérant / Onur Yağız
022-) :scroll::books: Aforoz / Yılmaz Özdil
023-) :rocket::man:‍:rocket: Suriyeli Kozmonot / The Syrian Cosmonaut / Charles Emir Richards
024-) :busts_in_silhouette::heart: Birlikte, Yalnız / Kasım Ördek
025-) :fork_knife_plate: Diyet / Handan İpekçi
026-) :man:‍:woman:‍:girl:‍:boy::revolving_hearts: Ben Tek Siz Hepiniz / Barış Kefeli, Nükhet Taneri
027-) :bike::school_satchel: Charette / Sara Pınar Önder
028-) :grinning::pensive: Yüzler / Zeynep Demirhan
029-) :house::dog: Evcil / Deniz Uymaz
030-) :world_map::round_pushpin: Adres / Navnişan / Aram Dildar
031-) :calendar: 8 Mart 2020: Bir3 Günce / Fırat Yücel

:clapper:National Documentary Competition:

032-) :mantelpiece_clock: Fatma'dan Sonra 40 Yıl / Sezer Ağgez
033-) :microphone::notes: Düet / İdil Akkuş, Ekin İlkbağ
034-) :fire: Anqa / Helin Çelik
035-) :woman:‍:briefcase: Kim Mihri / Berna Gençalp
036-) :zap::house: Dinamo Mesken / Ahmet Karanfil, Yusuf Anavatan
037-) :candy: Turkish Delight / Pınar Öğrenci
038-) :egg::fire: Kavur / Fırat Özeler
039-) :hole::eyes: Boşlukta / Somnur Vardar


2022 Tribeca Film Festival (8-19 Jun 2022):
- 01-10: U.S. Narrative Competition
- 11-20: International Narrative Competition
- 21-37: Spotlight Narrative
- 38-42: Critics Week
- 43-47: Midnight Screenings
- 48-63: Viewpoints
- 64-79: Feature Online Premieres
- 80-91: Documentary Competition
- 92-110: Spotlight Documentary
- 111-113: Gala
- 114-128: Movies Plus
- 129-133: Short Competition Winners

- U.S. Narrative Best Feature Film: 01 - Good Girl Jane (Sarah Elizabeth Mintz).
- U.S. Narrative Best Screenplay: 02 - Allswell (Ben Snyder, Elizabeth Rodriguez).
- U.S. Narrative Best Cinematography: 03 - Next Exit (Azuli Anderson).
- U.S. Narrative Best Performance: 01 - Good Girl Jane (Rain Spencer).
- U.S. Narrative Special Jury Mention for Best Performance: 04 - God’s Time (Liz Carbel Sierra).
- International Narrative Best Feature Film: 11 - January (Viesturs Kairiss).
- International Narrative Best Screenplay: 12 - The Visitor (Martín Boulocq, Rodrigo Hasbún).
- International Narrative Best Cinematography: 13 - We Might As Well Be Dead (Jan Mayntz).
- International Narrative Best Performance: 14 - Woman on a Roof (Dorota Pomykala).
- Best New Narrative Director: 43 - Huesera (Michelle Garza Cervera).
- Special Jury Mention for Best New Narrative Director: 15 - Pink Moon (Floor van der Meulen).
- Audience Award Narrative Feature Winner: 48 - Our Father, The Devil (Ellie Foumbi).
- Audience Award Narrative Feature Second Place: 05 - Wes Schlagenhauf Is Dying (Parker Seaman).
- Audience Award Online Premiere Winner: 64 - Cherry (Sophie Galibert).
- Audience Award Online Premiere Second Place : 65 - In Her Name (Sarah Carter).
- Nora Ephron Award: 43 - Huesera (Michelle Garza Cervera).
- Documentary Best Feature: 80 - The Cave of Adullam (Laura Checkoway).
- Documentary Best Cinematography: 81 - The Wild One (Boris Levy).
- Documentary Best Editing: 80 - The Cave of Adullam (Christopher McGlynn).
- Best New Documentary Director: 82 - Katrina Babies (Edward Buckles Jr.).
- Audience Award Documentary Winner: 80 - The Cave of Adullam (Laura Checkoway).
- Audience Award Documentary Second Place: 49 - Lift (David Petersen).
- Human/Nature Prize: 82 - Katrina Babies (Edward Buckles Jr.).
- Best Narrative Short: 129 - Night Ride (Eirik Tveiten).
- Best Documentary Short: 130 - Heart Valley (Christian Cargill).
- Special Jury Mention for Best Documentary Short: 131 - Stranger at the Gate (Joshua Seftel).
- Best Animated Short: 132 - More Than I Remember (Amy Bench).
- Student Visionary Award: 133 - Daydreamers (Ante Pask).


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