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Kate & Leopold 2001

Fantastic movie.Really charming and funny at times too.I really like this movie.

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dunno why, but i like this romcom

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"In a life as stagnant as mine, that I can amuse myself at all is an evolutionary miracle."

Wait, James Mangold directed this? Incredible. As movies go, it is a cheesy romance film, but time travel actually makes sense in it. Hugh Jackman is absolutely charming in this and I am glad him and Mangold got to work together in the future.

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Eh, forgettable, but good to pass the time lol

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Lovely little romance that even has some dialogue that makes you think.

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Thank god she was wearing vintage!

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I have to admit that I was pleasantly surprised by this movie. Is it a romcom? Sure. This movie could have taken the easy way out and spent 45 minutes having Leopold try to navigate modern technology, but it did not. In a weird kind of way, Leopold's character brought a kind of credibility to the movie in the same way he brought English charm to the film. If you paid attention to the opening scenes, you probably have an idea as to how the movie is going to end (the hint is visual and not part of the dialog or story). I enjoyed the movie more than I thought I would. Hell, it was the first time that I saw Liev Schrieber in a movie where I didn't want to punch him (I think for once he found a role that fit him).

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The movie is not bad. Typical story, but known cast. However, the main romantic relationship is hardly credible, and the characters (excepting the duke) are pretty awful.

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The movie is a lot of fun until you realize that Stuart was sleeping with his great-great-great grandmother.

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A semi-romance with a hint of sci-fi in the background. Only Liev Schreiber in his supporting role shone here.

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Apart from some minor anachronisms (like La Bohème), it all made sense until the "so you might repeat a few things" part. If he went back through a time portal, he'd just be there twice until the old him would go through the portal in the other direction! Hugh Jackman is absolutely lovely, of course, though this has to be the romcom with the ugliest pretty female protagonist. I mean, Meg Ryan is gorgeous (as you can see in the last scene), but dear god, that hair...

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i think i saw this on a train once when i was like 6

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A Rom com that I actually love. Probably due to the time travel plot and the great cast.

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