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Killers of the Flower Moon 2023

The only problem with this movie is the duration of 200m and despite my best efforts, I lost interest towards the end.
Apparently it follows quite closely the historical events and setup. Everything else is top notch. My only concern is that DiCaprio is evolving to an actor that always plays a similar role in terms of phonetics. I don't like actors who play the same type all the time, like Nikolson and Pacino. it gets tiring.

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A lot is being said about the runtime but once you see the movie you understand it is a deliberate choice. That and the pacing are punishing in the right ways to serve the story. The cast delivers and Scorsese is Scorsese. I’m grateful that he’s still out there staving off death at every turn. May he live forever.

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Boring movie, skip it. Nothing memorable. 210 minutes wasted It. Nothing about tribal native American vulture, no good drama, no detective work, no story telling, I saw better low budget films. I am glad apple lost money, DiCaprio worst role ever, at least only pay 4 usd. Jajajja

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a 3.5 hour movie that also somehow rushes through the ending

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Am I the only one that didn't feel the runtime? I'm not joking when I say it felt like a normal-length movie once it had finished - all thanks to how riveting every second was I guess. But I also just cannot imagine any of this cut out.
I would say this is a perfect film, and Scorsese is just too much of a veteran at this point - this man is undoubtedly one of the greatest directors in all of cinema.

Loved how subdued everything was played in this one, so much so that you forget how dark it is at some points. It's subtly complex in pure Scorsese fashion but tells the seemingly well-researched tale of a brutally simple true story about 1920's greed. It even feels like so many of Scorsese's gangster films turned completely on its head. I love how Marty's films have aged and matured along with him.

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I don't stand a chance of articulating how this movie made me feel, but I ran the gamut of emotions watching this unfold before me. Wonderment, unease, angst, anger, disgust, disbelief, sadness, despondency, anger again. It's unfathomable that this even happened, let alone how little it's known about by the wider masses. An important movie that is beautifully composed; it's just a shame the subject matter is so ugly and disheartening. I must rally against the negativity surrounding the runtime. I'm usually the first to call out a movie for crossing the 120-minute barrier, but Scorsese's ability to weave such a succinct story makes this one roll by so spritely, I barely realised the time going. I'll probably never watch this again but I’m glad I saw it through, it really is a masterful piece of cinema that proves Scorsese is more than just a name; he’s still a master of the craft, and I hope he’s still got many more projects left in him before he folds up the chair for the last time.

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Shout by Kenneth SundbyVIP
BlockedParent2023-12-04T19:15:43Z— updated 2023-12-05T21:27:01Z

One hour in and I'm mostly planning tomorrow's dinner... :sleeping:

Took me a couple days to finish this, it's soooo slow. I love slow movies that build tension, but literally no tension is built. The on screen chemistry between Mollie and Ernest (Lily and Leonardo) is non-existent. Somehow they suddenly become married? Why? It's really baffling that a 3.5 hour long movie has nothing happening in it AND it skips the beginning, middle and ending of a story. I'm really confused as to why some people like this movie...

I'm left wondering if most of the characters in the movies was supposed to be mentally challenged in some way? Everyone seems so oblivious to what's happening right in front of them. Were people just that slow back in the day, or just these people? Especially Mollie. She definitely can't be all there, IQ-wise.


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People complaining about the runtime are already lost. Excellent costumes, set design, performances, and world building. Though the dialogue has wry humor entwined with the stupidity and vice of its villains, the film unflinchingly confronts one of the darkest crimes committed on American soil in the 20th century. It delivers on all fronts. If you still have half an attention span, don't miss it.

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Per IMBD: In post-production. Expected in October, 2023

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Shout by blazer380
BlockedParent2023-12-19T19:30:32Z— updated 2024-01-22T17:40:38Z

The most boring film of all time. Just terrible. Ending was rushed and random. The whole thing was just a giant waste of time. If you want to be bored to death, go spend 3.5 hours watching this nonsense.

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Martin Scorsese has his own way with the crime dramas.Certainly,he's the boss of this genre.And he didn’t leave a scope to take this slowburn crime drama around his signature style. And the brilliant casts made it a better treat.DiCaprio had never disappointed me and never will I presume.Whereas,Robert De Niro made his character shine the most.And nonetheless, Scorsese made greed the ultimate character of this song of vices...

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This was very well acted and told. It's a tough subject and isn't a joy to watch, but taken as a piece of art it's quite compelling. Second half seemed to zoom by whereas the first half took awhile to get its footing. Scorsese has a story here he can be proud he was able to tell. 8.1

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Scorsese going full Wes Anderson at the end there huh

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A devastating tale of greed, violence, betrayal and cultural clash set during the Black Gold fever in the 1900s. Chilling performances by DeNiro and Gladstone with DiCaprio playing the biggest and hopeless fool in history. Scorsese combines the best elements of his previous work into a 3 and a half hour dark odyssey where tragedy awaits at every turn. Some might argue that the running time is too much, but every nasty bit of it has a way to work in the overall story.

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Lily Gladstone!!!!
That’s it, that’s my review

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Lately I have come across quite a few movies or series that make me fall asleep. That says enough . I enjoyed this film, it was very exciting and enjoyable for a long time. I love Indian films. They are not made enough. So that was extra enjoyable.

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best to watch this like a mini-series over several days. it's a little slow, but very well made (of course) and super interesting.

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Better than overhyped Oppenheimer. I loved this movie

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Really amazing movie with a very dense story. I do think it did drag a little at times, but I'm also not the biggest fan of historical movies. That doesn't take away from how spectacular this movie experience was.

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Let me start by saying that I read the book, listened to multiple pod casts, and watched several documentaries about the Osage murders before watching this movie. I went in with high expectations and was not disappointed. The cast was perfect. Bravo to Robert De Niro for killing it at 80 years old!!! Leonardo Dicaprio and Lily Gladstone gave a stellar performance. This was an incredibly tragic story to tell and to watch. An absolute must-see!

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Killers of the Flower Moon captivates for every minute of its long runtime. The storytelling is superb, the performances are outstanding, and the cinematography is gorgeous. Fraser is the films only weakness.

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Martin Scorsese is taking his battle against commercial cinema (whether Marvel or another production company) very seriously and has been presenting us with long, long films based on real events: in 2016 it was Silence, in 2019 it was The Irishman and now Killers of the Flower Moon , which is again around three and a half hours long and tells the story of excessive ambition that leads an American man (interpreted by Robert De Niro) to plan multiple murders of native Indians to legally inherit their money and land rights , all helped by his nephew, Leonardo DiCaprio. The story is quite complex, so its length is justified, as it is interesting all the time. Lili Gladstone's performance is terrific, certainly the best in the film: her careful gestures, her slow movements, and her enduring suffering. The ending gave me mixed feelings: I loved the way it was told, but I didn't like that the ending of this particular film was told that way. If you can't stand long non-commercial movies, DON'T WATCH IT, you wouldn't stand it.

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I couldn't enjoy the movie despite it being with some actors that I love. It was way too long for something that could be just 2 hours. I wouldn't recommend it.

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I came for the complaints about the length and was not disappointed.

As usual, an excellent film by Martin Scorsese that flies by in the blink of an eye for those who are invested.

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Like an autographed Taxi Driver poster: People wouldn't care about it if it didn't have Scorsese's signature on it.

DiCaprio and Deniro try too hard and Scorsese not enough in this overlong project that could've been a podcast episode.

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Great performances and powerful story. Felt it needed a bit more umph and a shorter runtime. 6/7. Classic drama. I think it was very subtle as a whole in it's style, which works but can feel slow. Lily is the gem of this film, no doubt. Very important topic about a very brave woman. Always remember who not to trust- this movie makes that clear of a certain type

I'm really glad there's still some real big filmmaking in existence as real art.

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This is a good movie and I especially loved Leo in it, but yes, it is way too long. It really doesn’t bother me a lot, but the pacing would feel a lot better if it was 45 minutes shorter or something.

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One of those movies I'll have to rewatch once to try and appreciate it more.

Way too long, I paid a lot of attention at the start and I felt like most of if could have been told in half that time instead of dragging it on.

Had trouble focussing after a while, it looks great and the acting is great and it's an important story but I couldn't get into it. Better luck next time.

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What a great movie! I know it's like 3 an a half hours and I still didn't want it to end

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I know I’m supposed to be in awe of this movie, the director, DeNiro, DiCaprio and all but f me… can you make it longer? Was hard not to fall asleep in the cinema.

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Killers of the Flower Moon (2023) - :heart:x7

This is a somber look back at our History. The movie and acting are good. DeNiro so much so, that I really kind of hated him while watching this.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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The runtime didn’t bother me, I watched it in two parts. It’s definitely a sad movie so prepare yourself for that. Overall it’s definitely a good film with solid acting.

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The last part was a bit boring and it'd be more impactful if it was a little shorter. The movie had to end twice.

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Bland and boring, just a mix of greedy and weak people. Nothing unique about this constellation.

Poor performance by DiCaprio. He always had exactly one facial expression when confronted with his uncle and his business.

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Great acting, backgrounds and all but a little stretched and felt boring at times

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Shout by Diego

I am really bummed about how this one turned out. I love the very politically, morally, and racially charged story. I love Eric Roth, I think he's a living legend screenwriter. I loved DiCaprio and Gladstone, they were both brilliant and had beautiful chemistry together. DiCaprio's character is really interesting, he kind of reminds me of the murderer from Act of Killing. Just so dumb he doesn't realize what a monster he is.

But this freaking movie is too long and a big mess. The first two hours are very repetitive, and I had a hard time keeping track of all the characters, and who was who, and who was supposed to be murdering who, and for what reason exactly. When Jesse Plemons shows up it does pick up finally, but by then I was so overwhelmed and fatigued that I didn't enjoy it as much as I'd have liked.

Also, oddly enough I noticed the sound was TERRIBLE in some scenes. Really crappy dialogue recording. Very surprising.

Anyway, I might read the book now, cause the story seems really compelling but I don't think they really did it enough justice here.

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This crazy story of murder and greed keeps you glued to the screen for a whopping three hours, but it doesn't quite live up to the hype. Still, Leo and De Niro totally nail their roles, just like you'd expect!

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Good movie, gripping drama, agonizing suspense, though portions could be tighter. A bit overpowering in duration while ending is a frustratingly short and hasty affair. But it also kept my attention for the most of it despite being over three hours of Leo doing his best Don Corleone so I'll throw in one extra star for that alone.

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Let's get this out of the way, Martin Scorsese is incredible. His films are consistently of the highest quality and Killers of the Flower Moon is no exception. Is it my favorite? Not even close. It is very good, but it is also very long and the story drags in certain spots. Some people may be okay with slow burning build ups, but that is not my particular cup of tea. Still great and an easy one to recommend.

Rating: 4/5 - 85% - Would Recommend

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I can't understand those who said the movie was boring. Sure it's really long but the story is so compelling that it isn't hard to watch it. Great performances and screenplay

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Shout by WillVIP

Got to 33% and just well, boring. Next.

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It is a very long movie, but I did not feel it. I liked it.

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:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: - Martin Scorsese has directed yet another masterpiece. Martin Scorsese proves age is just a number. Leo is amazing, this quite possibly being his best performance. Lily Gladstone and Robert De Niro were also amazing like expected. Killers of the Flower Moon is a masterpiece of filmmaking that exposes a dark and tragic chapter of American history

10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:rage:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: - Bull Shit

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Kept me at the edge of my seat the whole time, wondering how much further the white characters would go to annihilate the poor native Americans. Colonisation sucks, man :/

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I will say that the runtime really scared me. It's hard to sit through 3.5 hours, even at home but this movie flows really well and even though we had to invent our own intermission, it did not feel like it was terribly long. The ending seemed a bit rushed though which is my only real complaint. It is a tragic story told by some of the best Hollywood has to offer.

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DiCaprio’s expression for the whole movie: >8 (

The story is intriguing and has been staged with the right tone, not overloading with drama but also not depriving us of the beauty of the direction. However, despite an excellent first half, the film runs out of fuel and rapidly starts deflating in the last 90 minutes. I believe the problem lies in the fact that the film doesn't hide anything from its audience from the very beginning, erasing any narrative ambiguity in what’s unfolding on screen. As a result, the entire final wrap-up with the investigations and the trial ends up feeling exhaustingly redundant, in the way it reveals and rephrases all the things we have already noticed ourselves.

Despite the limits of the screenplay, which rarely delves into the characters’ inner thoughts, the actors are often capable of adding additional nuances to their roles. From this point of view, the female lead is severely penalized, left too much aside to assume the role of the martyr in a film that initially aimed at using her relationship with her husband as an emotional anchor for the audience.

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Way too long. It seems that Scorsese was paid by total run time - This movie length could have been cut in half and still have given the same main facts. It then rushes through the ending.

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phenomenal acting by Leonardo DiCaprio, solidifying once again the acting powerhouse that he is. Shame the runtime was really felt, could have been slightly shorter. Love the ending epilogue!!

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Was really good. I don't like woke Robert da NeRooo..but he was pretty good.

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Clearly a good movie but not sure if it needed to be that long. I did enjoy it tough.

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How did they turn one of the best books I've read into this boring slogfest? Didn't feel any of the emotions the book had riled up. Such a disappointment.

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This movie was such a disappointment.

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This was such a fascinating and well-acted movies. It really did a great job portraying the different layers of power, and the allegiances that power really have. At the heart of the movie is the three fantastic performances by Gladstone, Dicaprio and De Niro - I can't remember the last time that the latter was this good. This movie is in my top 3 of the year.

follow me at or facebook IHATEBadMovies

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My goodness. I have so much to say that I feel speechless. This might just be one of, if not the best of Scorsese. The production is mind blowing, after seeing so much cgi in recent movies, it felt almost surreal watching a completely practical film. The powerhouses amongst each other are just jaw-dropping, especially Lily Gladstone. Truely outperforms the legends she's rubbing shoulders with. The emotions I felt watching this were unexplainable. I genuinely can't think of anything I would have changed, even the length of the film. Yes, it was long, but that's why I cut the film into two parts. After I finished half I couldn't stop thinking about it so I finished the rest on the same day. Honestly, it's just a beautifully heartbreaking movie all around. I feel wrong to call this a movie. It's a masterpiece.

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Couldn’t make it through it. Was pretty boring. Maybe I am not the ideal audience. Might try and watch it again when nothing else to watch.

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Just as with The Irishman, a lot of people will give this a high rating just because they are supposed to. Dont take me wrong, it's a good story but the movie is an hour to long.
This is like listening to and old man rambling on about some childhood memory with for the story unnecessary parts and details woven into it so you loose interest before getting to the end.

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Great story telling. But why Martin, stop making your films three hours long :joy:
Loved the cinematics, absolutely stacked cast.

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Shout by Deleted

This Movie is really Crazy

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Could have easily been a 2hr movie. Very slow burn and then a rushed ending. Good cast but anyone could have played the roles. Nothing special.

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Another fascinating story-driven film by Martin Scorsese...
All the three main actors played their roles well.
The rhythm of the film was excellent, especially starting to tell the main story at the beginning of the film, and you can easily connect with the story of the film.
The story did not want to deal with how the FBI was formed, because in this way the main story would be sidelined and the story of the serial murders would not be told well.
The length of the movie did not bother me at all.
The music was very good in the text of the movie.
I loved the way it ended with that radio theater performance.

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Amazing movie and touching upon a very interesting story that I didn't know quite as much about. For some reason it felt too Scorsese. Ending felt rushed as well. Still - it must be watched.

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It isn't easy to make a historical movie and keep it exciting simultaneously. I didn't enjoy this one. Compared to Oppenheimer, this one is a waste of time and money. Watch Oppenheimer again and appreciate every second of it.

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3 h and still its so fast with that years skipping...
acting 10
directing 10
cinematography 8
plot 7
soundtrack / music 7
emotional impact 9

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It's a good movie with some plot holes unfortunately, but still worth a watch, at the end, it kinda makes you wonder about what humans are capable off. Greed

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Took me 6 sessions to finish watching this snooze fest. Fell asleep, sometimes mid-day. Tediously long, diluted, slow, and acting is mediocre and overdramatic.

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This is a 3 hour snoozefest. 100% agree with the review by PorterUk in the comments -->

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9 stars for three reasons 1) Lily Gladstone deserves an Oscar 2) The music was brilliant. RIP Robbie Robertson 3) Scorsese stayed mostly true to the book.

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That time when John Ford met Kurosawa.

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The movie is tough, but Matt Damon is doing such a brilliant work in this film, absolutely love him!

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Whilst I'm a big Nolan fan, Scorsese's masterpieces simply can't be overlooked. This is another in a long line of great films. Whilst the cinematography isn't exactly spectacular and the plot material seems somewhat simple on the surface, it is a thoroughly enjoyable, in-depth look at a little known tragedy which took place. This film not only serves the purpose of public awareness through entertainment it also teaches a lesson in manipulation. People aren't always who they say they are and Martin Scorsese makes sure you know that! Loved it.

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Rated a Connor 0, normal 3

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beautiful. dreadful. tear dropping. and i'm more in love with lily gladstone than i was before.

p.s. don't invite the white devil in your house!!

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Shout by KikiVIP

Lets not normalize movies over 3 hours. This could have been a blue-ray extended cut. Various scenes were extended out or unnecessary. The story itself is definitely interesting and upsetting to see the destruction of the Osage people/families. I loved Lily Gladstone and the emotional weight she brought into the movie. What mostly fell flat was the ending. It didn't feel as epic or just. Overall, a good movie.

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I miss him so much

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