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Logan 2017

Holy SHIT was this amazing. And it's a real R. I wanted to clap every 15 minutes. Spectacular.

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It's nothing like the other movies in the series. Very mature, dark and brutal but also authentic in it's own way. The best movie in the X-men universe.

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One of the best comic book movies of all time. This movie transcends the superhero genre. Brutally realistic and violent and at the same time gut-wreckingly emotional. Hugh Jackman delivers a perfect send off. Loved it.

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That poor family was just trying to be nice by offering a meal.

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Logan dying is one thing, but can we please talk about Sony still having shit batteries in 2029?

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Good performances by Patrick Stewart, Hugh Jackman and Dafne Keen. Lots of blood and gore (as there should be wherever Wolverine is involved). But.....the pacing was slow and the villains were lame which made the movie kinda boring.....

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I swear they show logan waking up at least 18 times in the movie. Oh look, Logan is waking up again! Oh, he's back to sleep. He's waking up!!! He's back to sleep. Now he's awake for real!! Never mind, he's back to sleep. Seriously, I almost fell asleep.

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Shout by Robert Schmandt
BlockedParent2017-03-04T10:58:39Z— updated 2017-03-21T09:14:03Z

I am not a huge fan of superhero movies anymore, got rather tired of it since Hollywood just see this as a cash cow in my book.
But this was refreshingly different, don't expect a blockbuster like all the others, this one is special.
It is sad, dark, violent, more like a drama with great action scenes. Loved the girl, great performance.
Leave your expectations for another crappy X-men movie at home and you will enjoy this one very much.
On the other hand I hope they are finished with this franchise, it is just time to let it go instead coming up with another weak idea to milk the cow anymore. Maybe Logan will be resurrected from some stupid DNA samples or his daughter and all the other kids will rise up for a another installment %)

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I tried so hard not to cry at the end, but couldn't hold myself. Saying goodbye to someone you just started to appreciate hurts a lot. Overall it was a great movie, full of emotion and raw action.

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Simply incredible.
It’s impossible not to get emotional, what a perfect ending

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sad movie, the young girl is very talented!

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I could have done without this type of ending. This is a bit dark for my tastes.

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Are you serious? Inexistent plot, poor action! A child of how many years? 14? That fight against the world...sorry but it's not the kind of film that I expected

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Im sorry to see Logan leave. But if he has to go the writters certainly sent him packing in style. the Death of logan could not happen based on so many things in this story. what was piosioning him? his body regenerates quickly, even if pioson was inside him wouldnt he heal faster than the internal pioson?

Secondly if loganhas to die, what better villian to take his life than Logan himself? overall this was an ok watch. but still bugged about the ending

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there was a teaser of wolverine in the x men apocalypse

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Logan takes a giant sh** on the X-Man franchise, destroying everything fans have come to enjoy. Set in a distant future where mutants are nearly extinct Logan works as a part-time limo driver caring for a mentally ill Charles Xavier, until a nurse informs him of a secret government program that’s genetically engineering new mutants and seeks his help in getting one of them, a little girl, to a safe haven in Canada. The film completely undoes everything Days of Future Past did (which was to create a better, more hopeful future), and presents a rather nihilistic view where nothing the X-Men did amounted to anything. The action scenes are really good and take advantage of the R rating by not holding back on the blood and violence. And Hugh Jackman gives one of his best performances of the series. But Logan is just too dark and gritty to enjoy, as there’s no fun to it and it casts a shadow over the whole franchise.

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It is difficult to think about Logan as a Marvel movie, because it is so much greater than the rest, even the best of them.

It probably wouldn't win the award of the happiest, most optimistic life-affirming story, though.

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i really envy people who think that professor xavier having a degenerative brain disease is unrealistic. i take care of two relatives with dementia. it's about as brutal as this movie is, except it's real.

that said, it was easier to watch than i expected, it made me cry, congrats to it. very r, multiple decapitations, my fave kind of superhero movie. either way i think more people need to read actual comics to understand the full spectrum of ratings and content they span, so they can stop thinking superhero content has a specific lane to stay in

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While I can appreciate making a film about worn out and beaten down superheroes, I didn't think this story was anything special. It's still mutants battling villains without the leather costumes or caped pajamas. Yes, Jackman and Stewart are really good but the story is nothing to get excited over. It features Professor X and the Wolverine as we've never seen them before but I much prefer them when not so depressed and desperate.

One thing that did surprise me, and not in a pleasant way, was the over-the-top gore. I guess folks who have always wanted to see the real damage inflicted by Wolverine's razor sharp claws got their wish. Pay attention to the R-rating. This superhero movie is not for the kiddies or the squeamish.

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It wasn't so bad. After all I shared this depressive mood with Logan - I also wanted this to end.

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I really hate this movie.

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Cool, realistic and sad. I loved the movie. One of the best.

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Best superhero movie so far. It gives you such an realistic feel before it takes on to being coolest moves witg twists.

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Pretty good. I loved seeing the evolution of the characters, but I think the hype was too much for me. I found myself checking my watch a bunch.

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I don't know. I wasn't bored, but it wasn't good.
Somehow they made me not give a damn about the mayor deaths.

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I see why others here raved and cheered. But to me, this was 80% of the time a Logan that was miserable und pretty much a dick to everybody. Yes, I understand why but this dude needs a couch and someone to talk to. I would not want to see this again.

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Sincere, heartwarming and satisfyingly violent.

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I had never watched an X-Men movie before this one. Odd, I know, especially given that I watch everything else superhero related, guess I never started with X-Men (always wanted to, though).

Perhaps it was weird to start with this one. But, my feelings leaving the theater? This is not only one of the best superhero movies I have watched, it is actually one of the best movies I have watched, period. I loved it.

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Logan (2017)

- The performances of the three leads are great.
- Excellent writing for the three main characters, including an intriguing set-up and pay-off for each of them.
- The funny moments between Logan and Charles.
- Flawless first act.
- Different tone compared to the other films in this franchise, that will remind a lot of us of Hell or Highwater .
- Gory and intense action scenes (loved the car chase in the first act in particular).

- 2 major moments that felt forced and out of place (Spoiler: talking about X-23 who, out of nowhere, starts talking, and the unexplained introduction of X-24 )
- The villains become forgettable and uninteresting, especially after not appearing for a big portion of the second and third acts.
- Some minor pacing issues in the second and the beginning of the third act.

Rating: 7.5/10

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Brutal!! Amazing!! Fantastic!!
An incredible movie. An incredible hero.

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Shout by Mounir

i've never felt like this before, there wasn't a superhero movie like this one. i don't know how to carry on right now, how to see the superhero world. we all knew this day was coming since we first saw Hugh Jackman in the role. western vibe, rollercoaster movie, emotional, heartbreaking, bittersweet, the ending will tear your heart out!. RDJ, Chris Evans, Ryan Reynolds, Chris Hemsworth, Hugh Jackman! these are actors who are irreplaceable. now the question that's going through everyone's mind is Who's Next?! and honestly NO ONE. #ThankYouHughJackman #Logan #Wolverine.

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Logan, you still have time

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Shout by raichuuu

Well, there goes my heart. Wolverine has been my favorite X-man from the beginning, and his story throughout all the movies was very interesting. This movie, however, shows a completely different side of him, side I couldn't imagine him having. Action packed, dramatic, heartbreaking... Logan is amazing. Kudos to everyone that took part in making this.

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Good movie! There won't be another Wolverine like #HughJackman.

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This was the "Unforgiven" of the Super hero genre. It displayed the best of the genre while grounding it in emotion and reality, taking the sparkle out of its glorification and giving us an excellent movie.

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You'll find this is a lot different to your normal marvel film, you'll find It's a lot more serious, darker, and has a funny side to it with the bond they shared between them all what also was heartwarming. By far the best action packed Xmen based movie. All the cast were supreme, the effects were on top, and the story plot was super!

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The Wolverine movie we have all been waiting for all these years, doing justice to the X Men. An unexpected finale to 17 years of the X Men. The performances by Sir Patrick Stewart & Hugh Jackman was just brilliant. Bringing to life the story of Logan and what could have happened to the Mutants.

Not your typical Mutant movie from Marvel, but more real more of what we wanted. It is R Rated for a reason and I hope they keep this level of story telling and action for all the Marvel Movies. A fitting end and a movie that should not be missed.

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This is the perfect ending for this character. We finally get to see the real brutal and bloody action. Hugh Jackman gives his best performance as Wolverine. Patrick Stewart is fantastic and Dafne Keen is amazing. I'm sad she hasn't been in anything else yet. This is by far the best X-Men movie but it wouldn't of gotten there without all the build up movies and call backs in this one.

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While I very much disliked Wolverine in Japan, Logan is a really good movie. Seems the producers have learnt from past mistakes. It's also not just all fairy tails steering towards happy endings, its actually pretty dark, rough and less predictable... totally worth watching

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Shout by Deleted

Such a emotional movie. Wow, so dark and original. My favorite from the X-Men universe, no doubt.

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it's the best movie from fox's x-men universe without a doubt

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Shout by Agent24

Good movie but a bit too violent for my taste. Overall the story was okay but a very depressing ending to such an iconic character.

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The action... so much blood, so much violence, the feels :')

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This was one of my most anticipated movies this year. It was all I had hoped for. This is, as mentioned by others, not your typical superhero blockbuster action movie. It is not an x-men movie as such. Its title is simply "Logan". You have a story here and then you get this bursts of short intense action sequences.
It´s a great swan song for the characters of Logan and Charles.

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Wow.. Raw, violent yet still beatiful, funny and sad. Strong performances by all (newcomer Dafne is impressive) , this film never misses a beat. Now, please close your browser and go see this if you haven't...

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i can't think of anything right now other that the words HOLY and SHIT

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Great movie not your usual superhero or X-Men movie Very gritty down to earth has some great themes to it deals a lot with aging adapting to the times death and caring on Legacies through younger Generations which are all very real and powerful things which is part of what makes this movie so great

it's really interesting to see Heroes like this old down on their luck and forgotten

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I don't understand why they keep making movies about the least interesting character of X-men. The guy just has blades, nothing really special.

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Dafne Keen is fantastic. Can't wait for more movies with her as X-23. This is not just a great X-Men or superhero movie but a great movie. Period. Hugh Jackman delivered an award-worthy perfomance.

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Could not have asked for more. It's the perfect Logan movie, it has closure for all the pain he've been through across all those years since X-Men 1. We see a sick, shaky Logan, still a fighter, still a loner, still caring for everyone even thought he does not let it out very often. Also great that we don't see nothing of Jean. I loved every scene of it, the brutality, the violence that always come with wolverine stories now in its full glory(or not). The fights between him and his "young self" were awesome and so simbolic. Patrick Stewart was also brilliant, and I totally agree with him now. It's over for both of them, this just ties it nicely. Felt so bad that Xavier ended up being the doom of all X-Men, I was hoping something more heroic, not a tragedy to explain why everybody was gone. And excited to see a "X-23" movie. Overall, amazing movie, couldn't have asked for more!

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Shout by Jim222001

More gritty and violent where even Charles Xavier has a foul mouth. Logan is about as serious and dark as Batman vs Superman. Why is it better ? Well because it's bad ass and wasn't an over-stuffed mess.
A more fitting ending though would have been if Wolverine became a Xavier like mentor to all the new mutants. The ending could have been better. Otherwise the movie was good.

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Shout by IDK

[Written Jul. 21, 2023]
I know a lot of people enjoyed this, but to me, this is: Two hours of a generic disgruntled protagonist and his daughter, who grow to care for each other through their shared struggle in the journey, and a generic evil protagonist (who might actually have a point, outside of the whole turning them into weapons thing, considering all the movie seems to do is support it) repetitively slaughtering random people and each other.

There’s some stuff about him regretting hurting people, and trying to offer his daughter the peace he never had, but I don’t know; I often prefer comic book films just to be fun, recognize the absurdity of what it’s presenting and revel in it. These types of movies (obviously) aren’t incapable of delivering potent emotional arcs, but in this case, I just find it dull and tedious.

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The great merit of "Logan" is that it managed to give some dignity to Jackman's Wolverine after years of atrocious films dedicated to the character. Mangold redeems himself for his past misstep, delivering a bleak and mature film without getting too dreary and heavy-handed. Although it does lose steam toward the end, it still ranks as one of the best attempts at making a serious Marvel superhero movie.

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An iconic movie with a wonderful roller coaster ride of emotions leading straight to life's end moments.

10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:rage:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: - Bull Shit

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Rewatched for the first time in the lead up to Deadpool & Wolverine—was emotionally devastated all over again. Bloody. Quiet. Unrestrained. Devastatingly tragic. A new Western masterpiece that will remain in the conversation of “maybe this was the best superhero movies ever got?” forever.

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The action, blood and overall story makes this a great Wolverine movie!

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I would have loved to like this more and still 7/10 isn't a bad rating but there was so little new and such tropes of villains that I just did not enjoy this entirely. Of course the old warrior going into battle one last time, passing on the torch trope works, performances were good and all that melancholy hit home. I also liked that this was less of a superhero movie but very personal and rather grounded. On the flip side it was a bit annoying that everything of importance was so immediately linked to Wolverine. Whilst it would be okay to have him meet his genetic daughter, it is a bit too much for me that an institution trying to raise obedient super soldiers cannot come up with a better idea than cloning Wolverine.
Plus it took me out of it each time these children who were raised in a closed environment with no education by mexican nurses behaved so entirely normal speaking English like a first language. They could have easily taken a page from Stranger Things' Eleven

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watched Logan after 7 year same day on its release date .. That last X.

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Shout by zxki
BlockedParent2023-12-30T08:26:43Z— updated 2024-09-21T03:57:43Z

The Wolverine is my favourite character in the whole of Marvel. Silver Surfer too, but this is about 'Logan' or better yet, Hugh Jackman's 'Logan'. I say that because he took transformation and portrayal to an insanely underrated level. It's the perfect goodbye to 'himself'. I've rewatched this countless times and I blame James Mangold. He understood the assignment and annihilated every other piece of Disney competition around. The stunts and gore feel illegally raw. The visuals and effects feel tremendously authentic. The casting, acting and script feel purely emotional. Overall, it's one of the best comic book projects of all time, for more than a couple of reasons.

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(Watched the Noir version, 2nd viewing of this film)

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Sad, dark - and very moving. To see the former superheros fall from grace and loose powers - just because of time. It also sucks getting old and sick if you are mutant. Unlike the other x-men I have seen. Excellent all round - highly recommended.

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A great send-off to a beloved character. Logan is not the typical superhero movie, yet it's still one of the best ones to date.

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only bad thing id really have to say is that this definitely does not "feel" like an x-men movie. it's good, dont get me wrong. and ofc it has the mutant powers. but it didnt have the same team fighting against a huge power to take it down type feel. and good for it honestly, it woulda been worse w the team. hope we get more stuff with laura and the rest of the kids

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Shout by Blondie

I love each movie about The X-Men. And I look forward to seeing more

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As someone who hasn't seen any of the other x-men films as of writing this review, this film is fucking amazing! Who would've thought a senior, a middle aged man, and a young girl would work so well together. I don't have a ton to say about this film, just amazing all around

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Hella violent but actual characters makes this a decent marvel film

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Best superheros movie ever created along with the first Deadpool

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Shout by Jose Miguel Sa

great movie, but the timeline is stupid. professor x souldn't be alive anymore and logan/wolverine shoudn's have his adamantium claws, since we saw him losing in movie Wolverine.

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Shout by King Solomon

Time to watch,,,,,my movie's

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As much as the fights were getting a bit repetitive by the end, this is still one of the most well-done super hero movies i've ever seen. It grips you from start to finish and it's hard to watch at some parts, but it truly elevates the genre in a way that hasn't been done since the Dark Knight Trilogy. It shows what real life would actually look like if there were enhanced people in it, without unnecessary comedy to lighten up the mood, without flashy fireworks (not that there's anything wrong with that, but something different is definitely welcomed right now). I just loved it so much.

The only reason I'm not giving it a 10 is cus from all the x men movies, this one included, Logan/Wolverine never really became a favourite, he's just not the sort of character that wins my heart over. Laura on the other hand... love her so freaking much.


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The generational change is inevitable, now one can escape from it.

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Shout by Richard H. Jones

Jackman and Stewart as great as ever but the Oscar goes to Dafne Keen. I hope we see more of her... and soon!

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Shout by Deleted

Great action sequences - with a very moody Hugh Jackman.

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Shout by Deleted

Raw and Heartbreaking, Visceral and Nostalgic. These are words that define this exciting and melancholy journey of Hugh Jackman in his final interpretation of Wolverine.

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Shout by Deleted

No further words needed beyond "grab a seat a watch it"...

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Shout by Bangun Setyawan

This is the real Superhero movie!! its not like the others marvel movie.. this is EPIC !! Touching and Dramatic like a normal life. Really recomended!!! if there is a million star to rate, i will rated that!! The Perform Hugh Jackman and Patrick Stewart is a wonderful!!! this is will be a movie to remember!!

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Shout by Deleted

I was expecting much more from a marvel film. After watching it, I saw a review saying how great the performance of the kid was... Ok she seems to be bilingual because of her family situation, but I found she shouts too much and quite hysterical...

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stand alone at it best

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Shout by Deleted

a fair conclusion for this character story arc.
good the Actors and the picture. average job from the director but still good.
nice and clear.

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Makes you feel nostalgic for things you don't know or remember. Absolutely loved it. Hugh Jackman is brilliant, as always.

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Great movie. I watch all stand-alone Wolverine movies and this one is by far the best.

It's great that they tried this approach. Even though the movie had some flaws in the middle of the movie.

Anyway: Great Performance by Hugh Jackman.

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Shout by Deleted

It was good. Logan’s dead seemed meaningful tho, it still doesn’t feel right.

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About to enter the world of X-Men: The Next Mutants Yeah.. You know what I'm talking about after you watch this..

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