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Mad Max: Fury Road 2015

This movie pretends to be simple in plot, but actually its background story is very complex. there's no need to have obvious dialogues or overdeveloped characters to understand the movie's meaing. there are some elements that are awesome that say too much about this universe but are showed in a very subtle way. the miss Giddy's tattoos, the warboys religion, the habit of painting their heads with car grease, the bag of seeds, the nuclear radiation that does not allow to have healthy babies and that's the reason why the wives are very important to Immortan Joe... theres very much material to analise out about this movie. You people in this comment section who attack this movie are too slow, People who critic this way of storytelling seriously are dumb. These people always need that the movie hold them by the hand to understand something, having to get you everything explained. This movie is outstanding, one of the best action movies of the last 30 years indeed, my favorite one after Terminator 2: Jugdement day.

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This movie takes no hostages... The driving was absolutely top notch, the special effects were beyond good and although the action was relentless, it never once felt fatigued or over done. This movie delivers on all its promises. If you want a pure action flick that wastes no time, Mad Max Fury Road is it!

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One of the best compliments you can give to a movie is that it takes you and wouldn't let you go before the end credits. That's what Max Mad did to me. The whole movie is so intense that my eyes were glued to the screen. The cinematography is gorgeous and make a world come to life. The main characters feel real and you can rely to them. I like it when a main characters isn't the 'invulnerable' hero, so you feel more tenses in the scenes because 'it could go wrong for him'. All this is directed in a perfect way. All of the action is filmed with a steady cam, thank god! No shaky cam but steady and wide shots which make the action scenes a real experience. I have no real faults with this film, I loved it from begin to the end. So I would recommend it for everyone who wants an awesome 2 hours.

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I had no exceptions when I walked into the cinema, but I walked out content and happy. Charlize Theron is a sight for sore eyes even when she's tuff and hard. A movie that should be seen in cinemas, great action throughout the movie.

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This was a tough one--a little bit more 'story telling' and I think this may have been great, but to much was left out for their actually to be a movie with any reason--cool special effects is just not good enough for me these days, there actually needs to be a reason for the movie to have been made...

The Earth Mothers restore sanity to the world was a bit tired, the fractured evil triplets were not well developed--Raging Leader, Financial Scum, Super Hunter needed at least two more scenes to really make any sense or have an purpose in the film--to have been menacing. They 'landscapes' lacked diversity--though the Hurricane Alley & Desolate Swamp were great, we could have used more 'changes in scenery' at some level particularly the crushing urban stuff from the first film.

Hope is dangerous, Who Killed the Earth, Haunted by Nightmares of the Past, Drifter/Savior were all simple movie tropes that could have been developed SIGNIFICANTLY to make a movie that would have paid off a lot more.

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must be the only one that didn't like it that much

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I always knew that this wasn’t gonna be my kind of movie, but no one is ever going to convince me this is good. I don’t care for any of the choices made. Even the visual aspects, that most people seem to love, are just not for me. And the story is mediocre at best. One big “nope” for me.

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This is more than a movie, it is an experience.

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So much destruction and madness in the MotorStorm style :smile: Really enjoyed this, it felt unique.

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Even if you watch it several times, it is still one of the most spectacular and action-packed films of the 2010s and rightly won six Oscars (best set, best costumes, etc.).
An insane material battle that you really have to see several times because there are always new things to discover.
I've been hoping for a confirmation from Warner Brothers for a sequel for years.
In my opinion a seventh Oscar would have been deserved for the coolest and coolest guitarist on this planet!
A worthy remake of the cult classic film series with Mel Gibson.

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Excellent Movie. Very exciting movie, I was on the edge of my seat from the get-go. The lore and world that was created for this movie is impressive and sets the stage for sequels.

Tom Hardy's character is conservative, barely speaking any lines. Charlize Theron has once again proved herself with another great performance.

I highly recommend

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Oh man, people are deluded if they think this is a great film. Excellent cinematography and action sequences, but it stops right there. No narrative, no acting, no dialogue, and a pretentious soundtrack. I was so disappointed. I had no clue what was going on at any given time, other than the awsome explosions and rad costume design.

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95% action.
Girl power.
Top notch score.
Cinematography. (Over the top?).
Theron / Hardy.

Win x 6.

I'm surprised I enjoyed it. But will watch again, again.

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what a crazy movie, i don't know how many times i watch this movie and every time i fucking love it

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Without a doubt the franchise's best work thus far.

'Mad Max: Fury Road' starts off perfectly good, though the movie properly clicks into gear when the characters of Tom Hardy and Charlize Theron join forces. From then on it's entertaining and I certainly enjoyed watching it all unfold. The action remains super effective and visually epic, the stunt work really is fantastic.

Hardy and Theron put in convincing showings, definitely an improvement on anything from the original trilogy in terms of the acting talent; no disrespect to those from the first three, it's just a noticeable upgrade for me. With all that noted, I still don't think the characters in these films are as strong as they could/should be (but still good) - and that's what probably stops me from utterly loving this.

A prequel with Anya Taylor-Joy portraying Charlize Theron's character sounds great on paper, so I'm very much up for checking out 'Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga' at some point soon!

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"And them?"
"They're looking for hope."
"What about you?"

I remembered this movie as having phenomenal action, of course, but lacking any emotional weight. Wtf was I thinking? I just sobbed for two hours straight.

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Watched it 2 years ago. Gave it a 9. It's a 10 now. It's non-stop action. Everything feels authentic. I literally had to take a breath after the first action sequence. I don't understand people complaining about story, dialogue or character development. It has the right amount it needs. We actually get the background and the motives of our protagonists. It's an action movie, it doesn't need that much storytelling. And I certainly didn't want it to have a comlpex plot with giant holes in it, the way modern movie have it. A simple enough plot to make the action matter. Can't ask for more and the action was mind-blowing.

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Fury Road is significantly better than the other films in this franchise. Yes, some minor details are silly, but there is so much to love. The picture is beautiful, the characters are perfect, and the action is exhilarating. #ChromeEdition!

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After watching both Dune's back to back, I had an itching for more epic, desert based cinematography and decided to revisit George Miller's masterpiece. This also makes for an interesting comparison. While I enjoyed my 5+ hour visit to Arrakis, I think this is the stronger movie. The amount of world building it accomplishes in just 2 hours is incredible. Combine that with an elegantly simple story, strong central performances, and jaw dropping action sequences, and you've got a winner. After almost a decade, the action set pieces remain unmatched, and it's honestly not close. Comparing the practical heavy stunt work to the CGI messes that are so common now is night and day.

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wost Tom Hardy waste of time

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Somehow it took me nearly a decade to watch this film. Why? No idea. It rocks. I love Tom Hardy. I loved the game as well! Gonna keep this one short, it’s awesome, I will watch again and can’t wait for the next movie!

Rating: 4.5/5 - 90% - Highly Recommend

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Acting: 3/3
Cinematography: 3/3
Story: 2/3

Enjoy: +1

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crazy atmosphere and Tom Hardy killing with his acting

i can't wait for the next Mad Max movie

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George Miller's Mad Max Fury Road is a no-nonsense action extravaganza that gives you little or no time to breathe. This one is a gripping full adrenaline race across the desert of a post-apocalyptic future. The action sequences are mesmerizing.
The best part of the movie is its exhilarating, preposterous chase scenes which redefine action filmmaking. With solid leads like Tom Hardy and Charlize Theron, this one is easily the craziest action movie of the decade.

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Full Reviews :

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Shout by manicure
BlockedParent2021-06-06T03:46:01Z— updated 2022-08-21T02:06:55Z

"Max Max: Fury Road" excels at world-building but could have done much more with it. Few other action films managed to create such a fascinating world and transport you into it naturally, preferring visual cues and little details over verbal-info dumping. Still, I hoped it was going to be a little more than a two-hour car chase with grotesque pageant floats. I am aware that narration doesn't play a big role in this kind of film, but then why eat up two whole hours with the same thing? I was wildly entertained for the first half or so, but my interest started dropping once I realized that it was going to be a round trip.

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What a suck ass overrated movie

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I have mixed thoughts on Fury Road. I loved the story, the characters, the scenes completely drenched in blue or red, the chases, the action. It was a great time. But wow did I hate the costuming for basically everyone except the protagonists. From the electrified yellow hair of the main villain to the baby/man thing, to the bikers with dreads made out of cloth and on and on, I just didn't like any of it. Luckily though, everything else is excellent and overall it was a very fun watch.

Also, on a side note, watching the movie, it came off to me as a bit of a rip-off of Fist of the North Star. A quick google shows FOTN debuted in 1983 and the original Mad Max in 1979. So actually it's the other way around and now they just kind of "borrow," so to speak, from each other. Just thought that was interesting, both are very clearly inspiring one another to the point even someone with minimal knowledge of either like myself can notice it.

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“ if I’m gonna die, I’m gonna die historic on the Fury road!”

Definitely one of the best action movies ever. The visual effects are amazing and the best. The characters are good and through out the movie you really feel for them. The story is very interesting and leaves you wanting more. The action in the movie is perfect and has adrenaline pumping through out all the fight scenes. The ending is a nice happy ending and it makes you glad to see the characters finally to get what they wanted. Overall it’s one of the best movies of the decade.

(9 out of 10)

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Shout by King David
BlockedParent2018-10-03T06:01:25Z— updated 2018-10-08T03:57:29Z

The visuals were dope! But I still hated the movie.

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The Mad Max concept after all these still pretty dumb.

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Pretty sure Max's blood type is O.

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This movie is so not like the original and they way they say it was made in Australia is wrong they moved it to south Africa so only Australian production team and make up and director...and what was with the super models in the desert I turned the movie once that happened so wrong from the original

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Wow, that was the most boring, inane, stupid waste of time that I've been through in a long time. A lot of pretty pictures, I'll grant you that, but no plot, no story, no drama, no meaningful interaction, no nothing! Just endless pointless "action" that makes no sense -- kind of like a colorful kids movie for wannabe grownups. I really have no idea how on earth this movie could score an 8+ rating on IMDB.

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Shout by Deleted

Overrated junk, with no plot and no play. Waste of time.

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Shout by Damien

I love the drums and guitar on the Doof Warrior's Doof Wagon. This is what the Blue Man Group would be doing in a post apocalyptic world.

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After enjoying this movie in IMAX 3D, I must say I'm utterly pleased. It keeps within the original Mad Max story, so isn't a reboot as such. Miller makes his presence be felt at the helm every single frame and his bag of tricks is full, and generous. The movie benefits A LOT from the 3D conversion for its very jumpy-action nature (however there's one shot when a driver's wheel jumps from the screen, that feels so 80's, that made me chuckle, you'll know when you see it), and the score was surprisingly good (I'm gonna buy it at iTunes right away). Hardy's performance is in tune with Gibson's: few words, pedal to the metal and dry humour here and there. You have to experience this film on the big screen, and I'm gonna bet that you'll love it just as myself.

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Shout by Deleted

i give it "2:Terrible" one for Tom and one for Charlize :)

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Nice effects ... VERY LOW story ...
I would not say it has been a wast of time, but yeah ... Its been so weird ... Its kinda like a car accident, you cant really look away and just keep staring...

weird weird weird ... cant really recommend it

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horrible movie. Stopped watching it half way through

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Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2022-06-05T12:15:16Z— updated 2023-11-25T00:06:56Z

Stoner metal: the movie.
Best action blockbuster of the 2010s; a singular, visionary experience with terrific worldbuilding and a lot of viscera, testosterone and just enough story/character depth to keep things interesting.


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The Guitarist, one of the coolest actor of all time.

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BlockedParent2020-11-03T06:14:49Z— updated 2024-06-02T01:18:16Z

Brutally bad for me, wrong actor to take the reigns, way too much money spent to try to make an extra dollar.

Go back to basics, it's not STAR TREK.

Great actors to cast but definitely not the RIGHT ACTORS, probably casted because of name recognition.


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The perfect action movie. Pure adrenaline the entire time. The visuals are amazing.

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This is how it's done. Simply put better than any Mad Max movie that came before it.

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Simply awesome and one of the greatest action flicks ever made...bravo George

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Shout by Deleted

This movie gives me so much life. I'll never get bored watching it.

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Mad Max: Fury Road is a beautifully chaotic display of masterfully executed action sequences with a strong emotional core, and a raw energy unmatched by nearly all of its action genre competition.

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Shout by Kike Navarrete

Visual stunning, epic. Love it

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Shout by Deleted

Seriously the biggest load of poop ever.

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I will not waste too much time writing about this garbage of a movie, but I feel like it is my duty to make an attempt at saving someone from seeing this. So quick summary: No story whatsoever (I'm not kidding), terrible dialogue (the few minutes of it there is), terrible "characters" (if you could call them that) and barely passable (very repetitive) action. Honestly, one of the most pathetic excuses for a movie I have ever seen.

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Shout by iToaster

One of the worst movie from 2015. No background about the characters, bad storytelling, flat dialogs. Did the actors have any script what they should speak? I think not. If you like action and don't give a fuck about storylines than mad max fury road is definitely a good movie for you, if you like stories and background grab another movie!

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This movie is so powerful, amazing!!!
I really enjoy the effects, the dialogues, everything.
One of the best action movies of all the time.

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The movie takes the first half of it to the world-building, and it does that successfully. With a series of events--only minimal dialogue--it shows the kind of apocalyptic world Max lives in. The plot is fairly simple, but the world which plot rests on it is convincing. The war boys culture, resource monopoly, woman objectification, etc. The rest of the movie jams the audience with action-packed scenes while slipping insight into the world through several lines of dialogue and character's behavior.

Some relationship/character-building seem to happen off-screen and seem to be implied, but the progress seems natural that you know something has been going on between them. You can see the development of one of the character where he went from a brash, rash youth to a soft-spoken guy. The last scene seems to put off the suspension of disbelief for a while (on how easy they made the final decision after going on for that long), but it is remedied by the action and the last drama involving one of the supporting character. Very solid composition for a fantasy-action movie.

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I just watched a two-hour commercial for CGI. What a collossal dissapointment.

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This whole film is a chase , with some amazing visuals which need to be seen on big screen only. Story is light but the journey is very much worth it: frantic action sequences with the camera recording close to it in a colorful palette.. One of the best action films of 2015!

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I don't see why someone would watch this movie. IMO, it is a bunch of vehicles chasing another and the only thing that happens troughout the movie is them exploding and crashing into eachother - of course, troughout the whole storyline, everything is happening in a dessert to make things even more borring and monotone. Can someone list me at least 10 reasons why he/she would watch this move?!

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Shout by Mik Dewil

The first minutes, I was a little skeptical ... But soon, I really enjoyed the beauty of the images! It's definitely something different from previous "Mad Max" ... Something stronger visually! And I do regret only one thing, not having seen on the silver screen!
And for the minimalist scenario ... I put -1 point, pity that it is so weak while the rest is pretty good.

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Fabulous George Miller !!! One of the best action movie since a long time.
Great directing, photography, sound editing and sound mixing. Some impressive work.

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It's an OK summer blockbuster. The plot is pretty weak, but if you're looking for non-stop action, special effects and costuming, this would fit the bill. It's not a movie I'd watch again. I know "lots of driving" sounds like an odd criticism, but there is a TON of driving; it's about 95% of the movie. This takes place in Australia unless they changed that from the original, so why doesn't Theron have an accent? As far as I know, international travel doesn't happen in this world. Some of the other accents are extremely weak too, so that's definitely something they should have focused upon a but more.

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Shout by Deleted

This movie is beautifully shot and the action scenes were intense without dropping in pace or development. The shocking thing in this movie was the immense amount of character development without the use of traditional dialogue and action scenes that are actually worthwhile, makes sense and has a point an extraordinary feat for the action movie standard of the past few decades. Giving the viewer enough information while telling them that this franchise has a rich unexplored history in its lore. Which could spawn a fandom over the next few years when more of this post apocalyptic dystopia is explored. I would not be surprised!
Final comment: Great movie MUST WATCH for all movie goers

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I paid ticket and snacks for this movie because I heard on the internet it was feminist, and I was not disappointed, not at all. Of course the beginning was a bit off putting given the bizarre setting of the movie, but once I got used to it I even accepted the guitar player with his stereo car. It's great to see a disabled woman, raised by women and helping women, carry so much of the plot. And also the girls. All amazing, diverse, and well-rounded.

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Going to go against the vastly popular opinion on this one. The originals had this grounded bizarreness to them. Here we have a movie that starts off with the action cranked to 11 and continues all the way to the end without letting up. No character development, no semblance of reality without any grounding. Hardy is no longer the average family man turned hard due to tragic circumstances like Gibson, Hardy is a hard man out of the box. Im pretty sure this entire movies dialog would fit on one page.

Maybe I'm getting old, but I no longer respond to mindless bombast. And this movie is pure bombast and nothing else. I can appreciate the subtext of strong women leading women - nothing wrong with that. But this is supposed to be MAD MAX, not Maxine. Heartbroken.

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The story mechanics are quite familiar to some who have seen a few post-apocalyptic and western films before. Every sequence has its purpose, and every character's action on screen is justified.

To quote some guy who worked on the set of Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace, there's so much going on in every frame that tells you everything you need to know without having to tell you through its characters (and this quote is more relevant to Fury Road than it ever was Phantom Menace). The action set-pieces are the best thing to happen to Hollywood's tainted, reanimated corpse, like a refreshing spring rain after a decade's drought. And now men's rights groups are getting their panties in a twist because Charlize Theron's character, Imperator Furiosa, was given more dialogue in the trailer for the film.

I won't say anything more. These men's rights activists are jerks. If you have balls and the option to grow facial hair, be a real man and see this film. Bring a date.

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Amazing action movie. Likely the best action movie of 2010s... and @jeff bahr is right it takes no hostages :)

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Shout by Deleted

Everything about this movie is amazing! The soundtrack, the plot, the characters and actors, the special effects. Everything! Loved it.

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Greatest movie ever! If I haven't commented that before.

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Theme- 10/10
Rewatchibility- 8.5/10
Acting- 8/10
Kinematography- 10/10
Time- 9.5/10
Total - 46/5 = 9.2

It took me nearly a decade to witness this; the only disappointment was not watching it sooner. For whatever reason, my brain in 2015 said I couldn't watch Fury Road until I watched the MG Mad Max films first. I still haven't watched those yet but plan to rectify that in the not-too-distant future, which is completely irrelevant to my current situation. Fury Road lets you know the kind of movie it'll be in the first ten minutes with movement being sped up x1.5 normal. From there, it never decelerates until the last ten minutes before the credits. Cinematically beautiful, stunning SFX, and simply great.

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"If I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die historic on the Fury Road!"

Mad Max: Fury Road never, ever gets old. Such a thrill from start to finish. So many great character designs, amazing action, Hugh Keays-Byrne as Immortan Joe, the Citadel, the vehicle action, the Guitar guy, great soundtrack, Tom Hardy rocks as Max, Charlize Theron as Furiosa is great and I still love Nicholas Hoult as Nux.

George Miller really did a great job with Fury Road. One of the best movies of the past 15 years.

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Some of the best driving action sequences out there.

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It's certainly one of the best action movies ever made. It's an epic

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Epic, epic, epic. The storm scene is peak cinema and the music is great. I can't add much else but this is one of my favourite movies and I love everything about it.

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I knew, going in, that the action was going to be absolutely wild (and it was), but I really like that instead of trying to fit a lot into the movie, they kept the scope fairly narrow. It's a really focused story with one main plot and maybe one sub-plot, and a lot of the world is also being told through the production design and the hair & makeup and the performances of the actors.

It's a crazy well-made movie, and I'm sure the wonky green screen moments were entire on purpose to fuel the madness of it all. I hope it comes back to theaters one day so I can see everything bigger, you know?

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Oh yer I watched this last night.

Memorable and added to the greatest ever Mad Max film list. No.

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I had to re-watch this after seeing "Furiosa," but this time it was the Black & Chrome version. It holds a different value for me. In Black & Chrome, you can truly appreciate the interplay of light and shadow in each frame and the brilliant compositions of every shot. You also become more aware of the rhythmic, musical quality of the editing and how it enhances the film's purely visual storytelling.

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So Shiny So chrome. Perfection.

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Rated a Connor 10, normal 10

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I definitely admire the movie. As a Mad Max film, Max still is Mel Gibson to me. Tom Hardy’s never really comes alive as a character. Sure he handles the action fine but never makes me feel like he is Max.
Though this is supposed to be more of a reboot than a sequel. This Mad Max film is the most about the apocalyptic world more so than Max.
Max is just there as a woman named Furiousa (Charlize Theron) is on the run from a sleazy child breeder, I guess you can call him. Along with the women he has either impregnated or plans to.
The film is great to look at and is one non-stop car chase. For those who didn’t think Beyond Thunder Dome, had enough of.

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Film 177 of 2024:

Used to think the best action scene happened in Act 1-2 but that 3rd act is phenomenal. Could watch another 20 minutes of that and not get bored.

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One of the best action movies of all time. The casting, to begin with, is unbeatable. Max and Furiosa are top-tier characters, and the villains are truly disgusting. The stunts, camera tricks, and practical and visual effects are mind-occupying. I can usually imagine behind the scenes, but this one was tricky. One huge, loud, beautiful, tense, exhausting, and mind-blowing cat-and-mouse chase. The spooks, the story, the music, the designs, the world-building, the score, the sets, and locations-I love every bit of it. "Furious Furiosa: Fury Road" (Charlize takes the spotlight)

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4K Mad Max and all is weirdness.....

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Great visuals, great atmosphere, great camerawork, great effects! Incredible! 10/10 :star:

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A b-movie plot and directing with an a-movie budget.
I can appreciate b-movies, but I expected more from this one.

Most of it was:
Oh no they all are definitely doomed now.
Phew made it at the very last second.
Oh no the fight is not over yet.
Phew made it once again.

... and repeat...

Thinking about it, I would have liked a tv show better, so that the interesting world could be explored more than a movie can manage to do, and hopefully with the long-ass stupid action sequences dialed down a bit.


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Shout by Nyx
BlockedParent2023-07-25T20:09:43Z— updated 2023-09-03T05:34:35Z

It's the usual summary - a beautiful film visually, and the concept is appealing but the writing (specifically structure and dialogue) is ridiculous.

6/10 for cinematography, acting, sound and editing... pretty much everything was good, except the key element - the writing.

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Shout by Co.

i like Coma-Doof Warrior's and Nux parts!

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add this on tubi website please

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I'm glad I stuck with it. I was gonna turn it off but it gets so much better after the storm chase scene. I still can't get over them building their entire society on the one resource they're most desperate for and the motorcycle chase scene looks like a themed Nitro Circus spectacle. But it was enjoyable. And being on a Nicholas Hoult trip lately, this kept my attention more than it normally would have. I still believe this is massively overhyped though. Some of the effects, even for the time, are really bad.

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