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Maleficent 2014

Angelina Jolie was great as Maleficent, and I loved the special effects! :)

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You stole what was left of my heart

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It would be great to write paragraph after paragraph of reasons why this was a good movie. But there are so many of these type of CGI extravaganzas produced nowadays, they just all seem to blend together in a mash of colorful pixels. "Maleficent" is just another one to add to the list.

Re-imagining "Sleeping Beauty" was a bit of an inspired idea. I don't know if it was to create a vehicle for Angelina Jolie or not, but she is by far the best thing about this movie. They couldn't have cast a more perfect live-action Maleficent. She is beautiful, especially as the darkest incarnation of the fairy. The scene where she enters the King's castle and curses his newborn daughter is really good. Not so good is Sharlto Copley as King Stefan. He's just brutal and his accent is equally as bad.

The rest of the movie is sometimes sparkly and sometimes sad. It seems to take issue with the male gender as well, but I'll leave that to people who look deeply for allegories at every opportunity.

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Disney bastardizes their animated classic Sleeping Beauty with the updated adaptation Maleficent, which follows the recent trend of de-vilifying fairytale villains. Angelina Jolie stars as a guardian fairy named Maleficent who is betrayed by a former childhood friend, causing her to seek revenge by cursing his first born child to a death-like sleep on her sixteenth birthday. Jolie gives an extraordinary and charismatic performance that makes Maleficent a compelling character. However, the film seems to go out of its way to belittle and malign the humans and the three good fairies. Additionally, Disney cheaps out on the special effects; delivering some really shoddy CGI. But, James Newton Howard’s score picks up some of the slack by providing powerful and sweeping themes that heighten the fantasy quality. Maleficent has some good action and puts a few interesting twists on the original story, but overall it’s an unnecessary and inferior retelling of Sleeping Beauty.

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Amazing wow Absolutely incredible loved it and angelina killed it

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Amazing visuals with an entertaining story.

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Wow, this was completely unexpected! I didn't know much(/anything) about Maleficent (both the movie and the character) and thought it would be simply about a boring, evil villain.

I was so wrong! For some reason I really loved the story (maybe because it was so unexpected or maybe there aren't many stories like this one).

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Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show-stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, shit on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it.

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It was an interesting choice to tell the backstory from the villain's perspective of another movie but this it's mostly boring. Angelina Jolie was decent but sometimes she felt a little too weird. The CGI wasn't great but some effects looked cool. Maybe with an original story in the sequel it will be a better movie.

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Shout by sisdog
BlockedParent2018-06-26T02:42:25Z— updated 2018-09-05T00:53:57Z

Sooooo, she was a sleep for, like, an hour? This movie was not impressive. A lot of the CGI looks like it was made for a low budget film.

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Angelina Jolie's performance was fantastic, that and the visuals, and directing alone are enough to score this movie a high grade.

I am ambivalent towards some of the choices in scripting. Part of the novelty of Disney's first effort is the three good fairies being unconventional heroines. They squabble, and are silly yes, but in SB they facilitate every move the Prince makes, put the revision into Maleficent's curse that allows it to be broken and are just these badass matrons of a type you don't often see. Here they're purely comedic, and also very annoying.

But in it's place we get Jolie's Maleficent, so I guess that's a fair trade off.

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I've only just got round to seeing this thanks to my daughter putting it on the TV. Thought it was alright personally but then I can barely remember the Disney version and I don't think I even know the original one lol. Angelina Jolie was definitely good in this.

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A good family movie. It was a pity that Maleficent was a warmer character here than she was in the classic story but Jolie does so well in the part that all can be forgiven.

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A decent adaptation of the Sleeping Beauty fairy tale, mixed with another Brothers Grimm tale. Interesting story. In typical made- for-children fashion, however, plot is sometimes quite random, and not entirely watertight.

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It has an excellent beginning, an extremely boring middle section, and a mediocre ending

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Angelina did really well!

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Shout by Chris

“Hello beastie”
- Maleficent
Must say this is sort of a guilty pleasure.
:blush: :crown: :racehorse:

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Shout by kayak

Can't wait for it...

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Not as dark or deep as I was expecting/wanting, but it is cool to see a different telling of 'Sleeping Beauty'.

Angelina Jolie fits as the titular character, bringing with her a good performance. Elle Fanning (Aurora), Sharlto Copley (Stefan) and Sam Riley (Diaval) play their respective roles well enough, but neither come close to matching Jolie - as you'd probably expect.

I found the special effects a bit iffy. It's not that it looks anything close to bad, I just thought it could've looked better. The score isn't all that memorable, either. I did enjoy how the plot unfolds though, mainly thanks to the lead admittedly.

Intrigued to see what the sequel to 'Maleficent' has to offer.

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Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParent2015-09-29T19:09:20Z— updated 2022-01-04T02:49:26Z

Just watch Sleeping Beauty. If they really had to make Maleficent; making her sympathetic was just lame. She's meant to be one of the most evil Disney villains after all.
Except here she was a nice fairy until a human cut off her wings. She only did that spell to Aurora as revenge on the king who was the one who cut off her wings.
Next will be a Captain Hook movie where he is really a nice guy and the crocodile that bit off his hand is the villain. He adopts Peter and the Lost Boys and they live happily ever after….

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Love this movie so much!

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A decent movie that falls apart when the girl with 0 acting skills gets on screen.

Granted it wouldn't be a great movie either way... But the second half really a snoozefest.

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Maleficent is a good reimagining of a classic Disney villain's story. Angelina Jolie's performance as Maleficent adds depth and complexity to the character, making her both menacing and empathetic. The film's visuals and imaginative world-building draw you in, and its exploration of themes like redemption and forgiveness adds a layer of depth that appeals to both children and adults. This fresh perspective on a familiar tale breathes new life into the Sleeping Beauty narrative and is a great watch for Disney fans.

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angelina!! PLEASE slit my throat with ur prosthetic cheekbones

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I honestly enjoyed just how visual they made this movie, it wasn't as dark as I would have liked but it had it's moments of death and betrayal that really put the movie on a good emotional level.

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Shout by Deleted

I enjoyed it. Great Chars, stunning Make Up & Looks - great World.

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I loved this movie! Jolie is super gorgeous and played the role in a fantastic way.

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Shout by Nenad

I've must say that i enjoyed watching this movie and that Angelina Jolie was excellent choice for this kind of movie. She just grab a part and play it more the well. So if you like this kind of movie genre feel free to watch it.

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Thought this was pretty well done and an interesting twist on the Sleeping Beauty story.

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It has an interesting premise, unfortunately I think the movie fails to deliver it well. The plot feels disjointed, jumping from one to another without a strong connecting lines. Jolie's acting is superb, CGI is good (like any today high-budget movies), and the trailer looks awesome (more than the movie) - but there's all to it.

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Shout by hassan alzubaidi


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Shout by Deleted

Хороший семейный фильм

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A refreshing take on a classic tale. Very good special effects; crappy CGI can really ruin a movie like this. Great acting by Angelina Jolie, she alone makes the movie worth watching. Also, perfect length, no need for a movie to be any longer than this.

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Shout by Deleted

Loved it.....

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Shout by Deleted

Loved it.....

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wasnt good enought. . . as ppl say :)

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"the god-awful narration.."

One of the worst fairy tale adaptations of all time!
Disney ruin everything it touches :(

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Shout by Deleted

muy buena imagen, entretiene!

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Shout by Deleted

muy buena imagen, entretiene!

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Shout by Deleted

muy buena imagen, entretiene!

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Shout by Deleted


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Great movie that i really enjoyed. Angelina played very well even though at start i was little worried as the "good" form of Maleficent did not suit her well, but after her change - Oh my! :D I strongly enjoyed the plot and especially the resolution, that was pleasant and satisfying.

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Shout by Deleted

I really don't see what all the fuss is about, the storyline is contrived and predictable and so sugar coated... But then it is a disney vehicle so I really shouldn't be surprised.

The performances are mediocre at best and the direction is a little sloppy... at one point i thought I was watching a reworking of Frozen when Maleficent was 'creating her castle/throne' and fully expoected her to break into song.

I had such high expectations for this movie, and was left bitterly disappointed, hence a mediocre score of 6. Certainly not something that is worth watching twice.

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What a cracking movie, I just love these fairy tales

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Shout by Deleted

soo amazing movie

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Shout by Deleted

I can't get it to start and it says I am watching but it isn't on. wht am I doing wrong?

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Angelina Jolie is so awesome

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Had it's ups and downs. Pretty good.

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Shout by firestarbooks

Wow! Better than I expected. Sure the plot was a bit shallow but enjoyed that nonetheless.

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Shout by Deleted

how do u watch it on here

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Shout by angelinajolie

ANGELINA IS MY QUEEN anything shes in is a 10 fro mme sorry bout it

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The core idea here of telling the story from the villain's point of view was the film's strongest selling point, but the problem here is that Disney can't follow through with this and instead reframe the story to make Maleficent sympathetic and essentially the heroine rather than the villain. This has a knock-on effect of taking away what was so compelling about the character in the first place - it is no surprise that the film's strongest moments are when Jolie gets to chew the scenery and the recreation of Maleficent's appearance at the celebration for Aurora's birth is a highlight. Indeed, apart from the strong production design, Jolie is what keeps the film entertaining - she was born to play a role like this - and it is a shame the rest of the film can't live up to her performance, with a weak alternate villain in the king, a prince who is essentially sidelined and some bizarre effects work of the "good" fairies who are inept, yet rarely funny.

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Shout by Deleted

Wonderful, perfect, perfect Angelina!

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Shout by khurst

The only real flaw I found in this movie (besides the predictability, but hey, it's still Disney!) is the naming. We finally get the backstory to how Maleficent turned "evil", yet I wonder why she is named Maleficent right from the beginning. Who in their right mind would give that name to their child?

Anyone who wonders: Maleficent comes from the word maleficence, meaning a harmful or evil act or doing OR the state/ quality of being maleficient. Or the German word Malefiz (as in the Grimm dictionary) also means huge evil or wrongdoing.

Giving that kind of name to a child is like determining its fate right at its birth. A cruel thing to do. Disney could have thought up something for that issue.

Otherwise it's a nice film with beautiful pictures and a strong message.

Evil never comes without cause and seldom without cure/ solution.

I thought it wonderful that Maleficent tried to take her curse back but couldn't, but was a little disappointed that they felt the need to spell out (like for simpletons) why she couldn't take it back. Is it so hard to pay attention to the story that they have to spell everything out for the viewer? I liked the change that even evil (or turned evil) can recognize innocence, love and their own faults and mistakes (which basically happens here) and understand that they created their own punishment for the evil deed.

And @CatyAlexandre: the original Disney tale? Really? Ever heard of the brothers Grimm? Or Charles Perraults? Not that it would be any closer to those stories (Perraults being the original (or earliest recorded version), but Disney is so so far from being the original...

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Saw this at the cinema and it blew me away. GREAT STORY, AWESOME ACTORS, AWESOME WRITING and a must see for anybody looking for something different.

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Every story have it's own second version, it all depends on who's telling it ;)

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Beautiful remake, a little bit boring in the middle though.

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Wow! It's cool hearing the back story of Sleeping Beauty. All I ever knew was the old Disney version.I always thought Maleficent was a witch- I would've never known she was a fairy

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Now I'm seriously thinking about letting Maleficent defeat Sora the next time I play Kingdom Hearts :~ she's been through so much :~

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Well, I liked the tone of the story is different, Angelina Jolie is fine, maybe too much CGI. Many children in films have applauded at the end, had lost the habit of hearing that

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Shout by Bree

Absolutely incredible. I was in shock after watching it - completely and utterly speechless after spending half the film in tears because of how beautiful the whole thing was. Aside from the three fairies names being different from the original, I can't find a single flaw in it. Completely gripping from beginning to end. Incredible special effects and detail, costuming, scenery, acting! And an awesome plot twist that will forever change the way I think about traditional stories that I've loved since infancy. Also, I wanna bone Maleficent.

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I've read some negative things on the internet, but to me, it was another stunning Disney movie. It's visually gorgeous, I love what they did with the storyline and Disney is on a role with the change in true love's kiss. Way to go! They show time after time why I love their movies so much.

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