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Mulholland Drive 2001

after 30min: what the heck i am watching here ?
after 60min: ok, i got the story. So what now ?
after 90min: what?! Are you serious. That makes no sense. What a s****y movie.
after 120min: wow! just, wow!
after 147min: what a totally great movie. Typical Lynch, but it make much MUCH more sense than "Lost Highway".

Totally liked it. Rating: 8/10

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Too confusing to enjoy IMO

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It's not often a film leaves me speechless, but I'm honestly not sure how to even go about rating this. I have no idea if I even enjoyed it or not. I need at least a few days.

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You could approach this as a dream set into two parts. We see a happy-go-lucky set of characters in the first act and on the flip-side, a spiralling descent of madness in the second act. There are lots of levels from which you could read this film, as you would look at a piece of art.
Mulholland Drive left me with pondering it’s strong feminist messages. It clearly wants to address the problems of the silver screen days, where famous actresses were known to be abused and treated unfairly in Hollywood. This is worth watching armed with a pen and notepad to keep up with your own thoughts. There’s too much to take in at first.

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An awkward film, and a waste of time

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Wtf did I just watch?

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Watched on a plane with an awareness that it’s a classic and then I saw Lynch’s name on it so I had some preconceived ideas.

An aeroplane doesn’t really create the right environment for Lynch’s eerie style so it wasn’t until I read an explanation that I realised what was going on, which changed my appreciation.

The vibe, which is a combination the visuals, the music and the individual performances, is a familiar Lynch feeling and the movie is definitely worth a watch as it definitely elicits an emotional response.

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My Review of ‘Mulholland Drive’ in Three Sentences:

  1. I tend to appreciate Lynch’s films more AFTER I watch them.

  2. I prefer to enjoy 2+ hour films WHILE I watch them.

  3. Fascinating take on dreams/fantasies aside, I doubt I’ll ever sit through this one again.

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Good movie for people that are into nonsense stories and don't really care about what is going on, the only "good scenes" are the ones with kisses.

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"It'll be just like in the movies. Pretending to be somebody else."

I, like many others on here, was pretty damn confused when the movie finished. The whole time it felt like a trippy dream and after seeing a few explanations on what happened, it is pretty cool. The thing is, I like enjoying movies while I watch them as well.

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Ok you cannot watch it with partial attention. I did not understand it. But after I watched the explanation video on YT I was also convinced I would have not get it anyway.

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It's one of that movies you need to watch it without any distractions like phone , etc. Or watch it two times.

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Poorly edited and frustrating movie. Don't fall for David Lynch meme, waste of 2 hours. I hate when someone leaves so many characters and subplots to the interpretation that there clearly isn't one answer as to why they were there or why 'this' or 'that' happened. Why does he have to make everything abstract and weird? 5/10 at best since there are some great scenes.

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This one is absolutely masterclass from David Lynch. I highly recommend it to everyone. Although not everyone(and by that I mean a whole lot of people) will get it in first viewing, including myself and I have no shame in admitting I understood it on YouTube. But such is the genius of the movie.
The first part of the movie is slow to build up and is confusing, but believe me, it is intended. It is riddled with symbolism and visual cues which aids the viewer in second half of the movie which is full of revelations.
This movie is a dream (literally) lived out.
Believe the movie when it says that everything is illusion.

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The movie starts off rather loosely, with blurred characters and coarse, almost clumsy realization. As the film progresses, it is clear that everything is intentional and prepares you for the evolution of the whole towards a second part of the film, which can only be described as prodigious. Really spectacular and totally essential.

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One of the best blow mind movies ever! Just watch carefully.Everything makes absolutely sense and Lynch is a fucking genius

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Seriously, I do not consider myself to be a stupid person... BUT WHAT THE F*CK WAS THIS ABOUT? Honestly, after a slow start I was with it up until the last half an hour expecting everything to come together in an incredible way. Instead I became even more confused. I tried looking online for someone to explain this for me but most videos explaining it were over an hour long, it's that freakin' complicated! No need at all.

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This was my first Lynch movie. I was too young to get it back then. Now that I'm older, and I've seen more than traditional Hollywood movies, I see why this is considered as a masterpiece.
Boring? Confusing? Poorly edited? This definitely isn't for squares who like to be spoon fed with answers.

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"Mulholland Drive" is by far the most complete expression of David Lynch's cinema. It has everything that made his films memorable but still manages to be accessible for most viewers (you will need to rewatch a couple of times, but at least we are far from the apparent close-to-nonsense of "Inland Empire"). A lot of people claim that the last 45 minutes prevented the film from becoming a real masterpiece and made it confusing for the sake of it, but it's quite the opposite. Surely the unsettling and surreal atmosphere that permeates the film is valuable, but those last 45 minutes are the ones that give a real weight and meaning to so many details and lines. They are essential to save the first half from being just a cheesy mystery movie with a unique atmosphere.
It has been one of my favorite movies for ages, but it took me over fifteen years to finally relate to the character. I guess I am finally old enough to feel the bitter taste of failure and self-delusion.

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Shout by IDK

[Written Jun. 15, 2023]
I was worried I might be getting into an overly ambiguous, largely emotionless "puzzle film" that would leave me sorely apathetic.

But what I got was a surrealist, emotionally-driven/sincere, funny, primed-for-overinterpretation film about a dream someone has the night after hiring a hitman on a former lover, romanticizing the best possible outcome of the hit mixed with elements of what she wished happened before this hit.

That being, the filmmaker who rejected her role and took her love away from her only dismissed her from the role because he was forced to by corrupt Hollywood. A romanticization of her acting skills and position when first arriving in Hollywood. And that her lover would forget about their entire relationship because of the hit, falling in love with her once again and staying in love with her.

In all fairness, I can see why the film's non-chronological structure and its subtlety in being non-chronological can be a turnoff for some. Maybe my interpretation is entirely wrong, but I adored the film as it was organized, and I find my understanding of the film appealing. I think its an unorthodox, beautifully poignant film.

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Between Lost Highway and Inland Empire there're Mulholland Drive, but it's só much better than those movies. Very peculiar but great!

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A masterpiece of surrealist horror that seems to have been inspired by Stanley Kubrick's "The Shining" and others. A terrifying thriller that is fearless, unsettling, and traumatizing, with a mystery that is mysterious and enigmatic. It is the critics who say it makes no sense that make no sense.

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This was interesting, with a mystery more similar to Twin Peaks, with a clearish main plot together with many complications to mess things up, as Lynch tends to do. Seemed older than it actually is.

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A unique, surreal, illusory and enigmatic film. Well-directed, via hypnotic cinematography. Great performances from cast.

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i started watching this while i was high and finished it while slightly less high and i think maybe that didn't help my comprehension level any.

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Sooooooooo freaking cool. Makes me jealous of Lynch's genius mind, wish I had one like that.

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The pot is gone. This is too inargumental.

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Shout by Deleted

Mulholland Drive is easily one of my favorite movies since now. A perfect masterpiece!

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Paco cinema image 4/5 and sound 4.5 / 5. Part 1 and 2 is rare, Part 3 is very rare. It is Lynch, it has been well. had never seen as beautiful as Naomi Watts in Mulholland Drive

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i'll probably have to see this again when i'm high to understand it until then its a 5

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I.... I don't know what I just watched...

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Disturbing, wired and intriguing although I have to admit that I did not get every detail of the movie.

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