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Oliver! 1968

It's a fine musical but nothing special. Some songs and dances are catchy.

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All Gold
This has got to be One of
The best told musicals
Ever and definitely touching
GOAT status.
The songs are Sensational
and do catchy and memorable.
Not matter how many times
I watch it a year it never
gets old never gets boring,
It's a ageless timeless
Classic that I can
Watch over and over
and over again.
Outstanding Performances
(Except Oliver Reed
who was just playing
himself, a nasty bastard)
With massive
song n dance set pieces
this movie is a Hella lot
of fun with some real
thought and love put into
it. All the woke virtual signalling Garbage of
today has nothing on
this Masterpiece and I
will continue to enjoy it
for many more years
To Come.

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