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Polite Society 2023

I really enjoyed it and will say the movie has no business being as good as it is. The mix of martial arts action and sisterhood melodrama is so silly, so absurd that it's instantly hilarious.

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This movie’s trying really hard, it throws a lot of stuff at the wall. It’s this coming-of-age film, but there are shades of exploitation, heist, kung-fu and Bollywood movies, not to mention the heavy Edgar Wright influence on the filmmaking and editing. It sounds like a wild, eclectic ride, but for the most part the material isn’t really here. I don’t think the comedy is all that strong and mostly trying way too hard, it’s very ott/extra and can get quite annoying. Moreover, the kung-fu stuff is poorly captured, and there’s not a story beat or character arc that isn’t predictable. Still, there are individual bits I enjoyed (e.g. there’s some fun, wacky stuff during the wedding), and the acting, cinematography and music are all relatively solid. I also really like how it integrates the cultural backgrounds of the characters to add some more colour to the plot, but the movie as a whole doesn’t work for me.


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Fun and not afraid to be silly! Had a blast and would love to see Ria have another adventure.

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Casting agency did a really good job here, such a warm and nice chemistry they got. I am still smiling :grin: They were wonderful and I enjoyed every second of it :clap: Would love to see a sequel :pray:

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super good, i love the script and how realistic of a teen ria is, i see so much of my past self in her

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I am the fury! Wow, this is one of the funniest movies I've seen. What a delightful roller coaster this is.

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Rated a Connor 10, normal 9

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I watched this thinking this is a great movie, a family movie even, why isn't it bigger? Then it crumbled on me, and the PG went straight to R rated.
I think if they played it safe and made it more of a family movie, then this would have been bigger. I only say that because it felt a coming of age trying to be a menace movie like Kill Bill.
You can tell a lot of the movie was inspired by Tarantino, and I loved it.

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They had their fun and I liked seeing that but I got a bit bored

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Yet another English film on combined marriage in a short time span. The plot does not really stand however, not much of interest overall.

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Overall it’s a fun movie and it wears its influences on its sleeve but it isn’t as clever or thematically sound as it wants to be

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"I am the Fury!"

Energetic, silly, over-the-top, funny, entertaining and fun. The martial arts action sequences look amateurish in quality but they're creative. Beautiful costumes, good song choices and beautiful message about not letting anyone tell you you can't be what you want in life. Ria and her acolyte friends are easy to root for and create some great humoristic moments. The villain step-mother was perfect and the sci-fi turn was chef's kiss. I felt the runtime and it got a little repetitive at times. Apart from that, I had a smile on my face for most of it.

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Over the top silly fun. Could have been another Hot Fuzz, but not quite.

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