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Pulp Fiction 1994

A movie that's filled with tasty burgers and good milkshakes.

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That's a movie that will keep you on the edge of your seat from the beginning to the end.

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Everything is great about this movie...except Quintin Tarantino's painful scenes as Jimmie. At least now we see him in his films a lot less these days. I liked him as a villain in the show Alias though.
Anyway this movie is a classic. Although in a way it is sad that Vincent and Mia is the perfect couple that could never happen. Due her being married to his dangerous crime boss.

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This is one of, if not, the best film in American Film History. The writing, the characters, the music used, everything in this film is perfect. You finish this film quoting one of its lines it is that memorable. It is definitely worth your time and definitely worth buying on DVD or Blu-Ray or Digitally. Whatever you fancy, pick up this movie today.

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I can't watch more than thirty minutes of this at a time. It's fucking horrible. Tarantino is possibly the worst living director

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From writer/director Quentin Tarantino comes the cult classic Pulp Fiction. The film tells an anthology of interconnected stories surrounding an LA gangster. John Travolta, Samuel L. Jackson, Uma Thurman, Bruce Willis, and Ving Rhames make up an all-star cast who all give excellent performances. And, Tarantino does a brilliant job using nonlinear storytelling, and writing clever, witty dialog. However, the stories go to some bizarre places and often lingers a bit too long on minutiae. Even though it has a few drawbacks, Pulp Fiction is an immensely entertaining and fascinating film.

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"Zed's dead, baby. Zed's dead."

Everything about this movie is fantastic. I love the absurd plot, the witty dialogue, the music, and the cinematography. The only thing that isn't great is Jimmie.

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Maybe some of the negative comments on here are from the younger generation who have seen the Tarantino style replicated many times over the last 25 years, however , in 1994 when i saw this at the cinema it was a celluloid revelation, a real breath of fresh air and still holds up today. Watched it today for the first time in 15 years and that twist scene gets me every much fun.

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"That's a tasty movie". A masterpiece. Just stop reading the comments and play it right now

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What is so great about "Pulp Fiction"? It's the acting, the directing, the cinematography, the soundtrack, the sense of humour and the whole rest. In my opinion it's all worth nothing less than a 10 out of 10. A masterpiece.

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Story-telling at it's finest. The narrative, the dialogue, the music, the acting. Just incomparable. Has to be one of my favourite films ever. My first Tarantino but not my last!

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and this is why i love movies

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"That's when you know you've found somebody special. When you can just shut the fuck up for a minute and comfortably enjoy the silence."

I haven't seen this in years, but damn it's still holds up.

There's some many fantastic scenes and fantastic lines throughout. The dance scene, "Does He Look Like a Bitch?", "Royale with cheese", and the list goes on.

But man the thing that stuck with me the most on a re-watch is Jules as a character.

I notice that when he kicks off the monologue by dropping the question "Do you read the bible?", these a sense of repetition as if he asked this question multiple times before executing some poor bastards life, but the more he recites the bible verse, the more he slips back into a fiery craze. While he's often chilled and collective, but also the loudest thinker.

So in reality the film was about Jules learning to leave the thug-life behind, because he's trying real hard to be the shepherd.


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In my opinion this is Tarantino's funniest movie. Some parts I didn't like but I never got bored in the 2h 34m of it's run time.

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My alltime favourite movie. Watched it at the cinema for my fifteenth birthday.

Noir themed and full of tributes. With perfect fresh raw dialogues, thrilling structure, awesome music, impressive cast and coolness all over the place.

It can't get better than that. Makes you wanna become a movie director.

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There are no flaws that I can see, a visual treat, the second best movie for me.

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I loved the movie too much but the only is that what was the whole point Vincent taking Mia out while the whole thing doesn't even add something in the story.

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“Pulp Fiction” is a fantastic film filled with witty writing and classic scenes to boot. The cinematography, dialogue, soundtrack and acting (aside from Quentin Tarantino’s terrible performance) are more or less beyond reproach. Not only that, but this film is never predictable, with certain scenes that will shock any viewer while never feeling contrived or convenient to the plot. One could argue that this film loses momentum in its final act. However, I believe ending the story with Jules and Vincent was narratively the appropriate choice, with Samuel L. Jackson’s performance a true highlight among a talented cast of actors, making for one of the best performances of all time.

Overall, a true classic in every sense and a near-perfect film.

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My mom said "whats that thing in his mouth?"...i said, "that's a gagball mom" says "what the hell is a gagball?!".... Hilarity ensues

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What the actual fuck was that cop scene with the black man

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Impossible to point out my most favourite line in the movie, because there are simply too many. Perhaps an indication this is not a regular movie, but something special.

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The movie balances being entertaining and funny while still having a serious tone. However, the non-linear order of the scenes often feels off, with certain events particularly out of place. I won't give specifics to avoid spoilers, but the narrative could have been better structured. Other than that, the movie is just okay. It's not exceptional, but it's passable. It's also worth noting that the film was released in a different era, before I was born. As someone who grew up in the late '90s and matured in the 21st century, it might seem a bit peculiar to me.

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seen with artsy wife thumbsup

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mia: don't be a 
mia: [outlines a rectangle]
me: u know what. fuck this entire film

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A stylish, unique and well-directed film, with an engaging screenplay, and a well-thought, satisfying storyline.

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say this movie doesn't deserve a 10/10, i double dare you!

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Loved it the 1st time. And the 90th.

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An interlocking comical narrative story that is just so much fun to watch.

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My favorite movie ever!! Tarantino is just an absolute genius and I love pretty much everything he does but this has and will always be my #1!!!

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2.7 points -> Cinematography (0-3)
1.4 points -> Acting and Characters (0-2)
2.3 points -> Plot (0-3)
1.0 points -> Score (0-1)

0.9 -> enjoyed the movie. (0-1)

Aka. 9.0 points

Love It!

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I know this movie is supposed to be iconic, but the only thing that got me through was Samuel L. Jackson. Maybe on a second watch I’ll enjoy it more—cult films seem to trend that way for me.

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I like the direction of the movie.
It's good but i don't think i understand all of it. I think it is difficult for non-Americans to understand the movie and it's title.

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I wanna win, I want that trophy!

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I have a bad ass mutha foooker wallet and this movie is BAD ass.

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There is no chance to switch channels if Pulp Fictions runs. I have to watch it.

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I love the random conversations.

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This is such a great movie. Tarantino really has a style that should be admired. The characters in this movie are all very interesting and interlaced in the greatest of ways...each individual story is a stand-alone but when intertwined it’s magic. Great soundtrack to boot. A must watch for movie lovers.

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Shout by Costa San

I've always heard about Pulp Fiction. Who didn't? One of Tarantino most acclaimed movies, if not the one most acclaimed.
I loved it. A different style of movie, few but good dialogues, striking characters (Sam L. Jackson, you sir, you rock), a strange story line and an AWESOME soundtrack. I'm listening right now as I write this on spotify and this is sooo good!

Important thing, before reviewing the movie, we must look at the time the movie came out. I wasn't even born, but I can tell that, for the time it came out, I think this blew a lot.

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any movie that talks about how good of a milkshake is, it's a great movie.

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  • I enjoyed myself but wasn't amazed.
  • The dialogues were by far my favourite part about it.
  • Legit thought this all revolved around Mia's character and turns out she's barely even relevant, that was a disappointment.
  • I do love stories that are divided in three clear parts/acts, and I thought the way the different stories were told and the way the film was structered were brilliant, but the stories in themselves were nothing special.


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Pulp Fiction, the Honey Bunny to the film industry.

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I love this movie. In the real world Quentin Tarantino is bat shit crazy ,but in the movie world he is a genius.

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Shout by Deleted

"I will carry out great vengeance on them and punish them in my wrath. Then they will know that I am the LORD, when I take vengeance on them." (Ezekiel 25:17, the Old Testament)

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Overrated, but is really good to watch :) isnt best Q.T. movie, but you have to see that :)

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Shout by Deleted

Brings a modern definition to "cult classic". See this, you'll find something to enjoy within its multiple stories.

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This movie really stays true to its name. But it's entertaining pulp.

This movie has taken a good look at the standard gangster movies, with the violence, sex and drugs. It knows that it's a cool theme, but has been filmed too many times. So instead, it goes way over the top with the stereotypes and violence and throws in some absurd twists in characters and storyline. It doesn't go as far as being a parody, but is more like a black comedy with heated discussions about a cheeseburger, a wildly religious hitman, accidentally blowing someones head off, a gangsterboss getting raped by a gay nazi policeman and much more absurdity.

All that absurdity, combined with decent gangster-storylines, an atmosphere of coolness, memorable characters, great acting (incredible cast!) and some of the best (and most meaningless) movie dialogues ever written, turns out to be a very entertaining mix of serious action and absurd black humour.

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Shout by surleyone

I found it CHEAP course sleezy & trite I know that I am in the minority most of my friends love it. I DO NOT complete garbage

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Vista hoy en VOSE en el cine, en conmemoración de su ya 20 aniversario. Sigue siendo una película de culto :D #TarantinoRules

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Best movie ever made, end of. Happy 20th Anniversary!

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Shout by Deleted

Straight ten... No thinking... No discussion... No maybe nots

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Love this film! Tarantino 4ever!

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the best

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Shout by Deleted

Tarantino always epic

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I watched this movie for the first time about a decade ago, and thought it was the most nonsensical, overhyped, pretentious kind of movie, but I figured I was young and might have missed a deeper meaning or message, so I decided to try again. Unfortunately, it turns out that my first opinion was already correct: this movie is a drawn-out collection of scenes that have little correlation to each other and that actually tell no story whatsoever. Did I think a few scenes were cool? Sure, yea. But that was not enough for me to feel entertained or intrigued during all the rest of the movie, and I was left feeling underwhelmed and bored in the end.

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My favorite movie of all time! I took 6 didn't chicks to see this movie at the theaters! '94 the best year of my life

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I loved the mood !
But I'm not sure i liked the multiple mini movies in the movie. It was still very nice to watch and i liked it a lot :)

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Symbolic film of the 1990s, perhaps a little arrogant.

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i did really get what was going on it didn’t really have a coherent plot

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A fun puzzle, some great memorable scenes and dialogue, a good pulpy story and intriguing character arcs. It’s a refinement of Reservoir Dogs in many ways, but I still prefer the tight, stripped down nature of that film overall. That doesn’t mean there’s not a lot to like here. I like that the pop culture heavy dialogue isn’t just window dressing, it often informs a lot about our characters. Sure, these characters probably wouldn’t be that pop culture obsessed in real life, but this film takes place in a heightened reality anyway. Once the story reveals what it’s all been about in the final act, it all clicks together in a beautiful (but not particularly deep, this is pulp after all) way. Most of the actors deliver some of their best work here, although Quentin really should’ve cast an actual actor for the role of Jimmie. Maybe he also could’ve cut it down a little, but it’s still a great film nonetheless.


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i understand not liking the movie but the comments saying it's "offensive" are hilarious lmao.

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Pulp Fiction is a cult classic film that has gained much critical acclaim over the years. However, the film's controversial writer-director Quentin Tarantino's remarks about race and homosexuality may have left a sour taste in some viewers' mouths. While the film passed the Bechdel test, the way in which it did so felt somewhat forced and out of place. The film's underlying messages may be difficult to fully understand, but it seems to suggest that power dynamics can constantly shift and that doing what is right can lead to salvation in this chaotic world. Despite Tarantino's remarks, the film is not bad, but it may not necessarily be a cult classic for everyone.

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Shout by Jason
BlockedParent2022-12-18T17:55:00Z— updated 2024-04-13T22:53:34Z

Theme- 10/10
Rewatchibility- 8/10
Acting- 9/10
Kinematography- 9.5/10
Time- 8.5/10
Total - 45/5 = 9

Well if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go home and have a heart attack. Tarantino's second outing as a movie director is Pulp Fiction, just think about that for a minute. This is the one that cemented his name in Hollywood as a powerhouse director. Much like Reservoir Dogs, Pulp's use of non-linear story-telling for reasons I still do not fully understand works wonderfully and I'm not so sure that the movie would've if it was told in chronological order. Grade A performances by the majority of the cast which a film filled to the brim with monologues and long-running conversations required to maintain the audience's focus. I believe that's why I enjoy Tarantino movies so much, I'm a dialogue guy and when a script is well-written it doesn't need the safety net of anything visually over the top. That's not to say though this doesn't have its share of eye candy. Vintage Tarantino blood, shock, & violence infused with a great story equates to a fun time for most all who watch.

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What more could be said? It’s a near perfect movie and has been far too long since I last rewatched it. Great 4k release

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My first ever Quentin Tarantino film and I really enjoyed it! I didn't expect the story to be divided into three parts; all the characters were great and memorable from start to finish. Every perspective, scene, and interaction was great to see. I will definitely rewatch this and check out his other films!

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A good movie, definitely better than the other more recent Tarantinos' seen so far. A bit long perhaps.

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My favorite Quentin Tarantino film at its most well-made. I've probably seen "Pulp Fiction" which is intriguing from the title, over 100 times, and I still can't get enough of it (I can copy most of the scenes). From the opening restaurant scene, to the credits, to Vincent Vega and Jules Winfield's silly conversation in the car, I'm sick and tired of repeating it. It's a film that's been talked about so much that I won't venture to go into detail, but I'm glad I got to see it before my Tarantino fever completely cooled off from the boredom of "Reservoir Dogs". As one of the most delightful masterpieces of cinema to have been produced around the world in the last quarter century, it is personally the most enjoyable and giddy film to have been released in 1994, and perhaps my favorite, entertaining romp of all time.

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Shout by BaSsOo7

I would rate this much higher is the director didn't decide to put his a** in the f***** movie. And being the director, no one got the chance to tell him how BAD and terrible his acting was.

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This is the most rewatchable film ever made, and I've only seen it once!

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wtf? Did I really just watched that peerless and incredible film that everybody talks about? Because I think I was deceived. This movie has nothing super amazing. It's just a regular film. Honestly, I'm disappointed!

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This is the most overrated / unfairly praised movie of all time. Maybe is was great when it released back in 1994, but by today's standards it's so offensive.

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I really wanted to go to Jack rabbit slim’s what a place man hahaha I liked this movie a lot!

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Or it could mean you're the righteous man and I'm the shepherd and it's the world that's evil and selfish. And I'd like that. But that shit ain't the truth.

A quarter of a century later, and the world seems to be unchanged… ;>

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10 - Totally Ninja!

Wow what a great way to tell a story!

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take my money :)...a true gem

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Not as good as other Tarantino movies, but it's fair. A special mention to Samuel L. Jackson's Jules, great character.

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As with most of Tarantino's movies, the interwoven stories by themselves are not that good. However, the mixture of them makes the whole movie is entertaining!

There is a lot of violence and drugs involved (as can also be expected by Tarantino).

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One of my favorite flicks.

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