My expectations were not really high for this reimagining of Matilda, but I really liked it. A strong cast, fun songs and beautiful colorful scènes made it a joy to watch.

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Matilda the Musical is a fantastic film, excellently acted by all. Alisha Weir has an amazing set of facial expressions and treated us all to a top-class, humorous performance. Emma Thompson demonstrated her usual prowess with yet another fabulous character realisation, and Stephen Graham is always a pleasure to watch, whether in a light-hearted comedy role such as Mr Wormwood or as an undercover detective investigating an OCG in Line of Duty, or any of the many other characters he's played. I really couldn't find any fault with this production at all, and even if you're not into musicals, give this a go because you will almost certainly enjoy it. The only tragedy is that Roald Dahl himself will never get to see it; I feel sure he'd be very pleased with this adaptation of his fine novel.

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[Netflix] A colorful version (perhaps too much) of the musical based on the story by Roald Dahl in which the musical numbers shine less than what could be expected of them, mainly due to poor use of the camera and a staging that only in some choral moments conveys the magic of the musical. Emma Thompson's Agatha Trunchbull devours Alisha Weir's Matilda, which is significant because we're supposed to empathize with the girl. At times festive and funny, it is nevertheless a version without creativity, obvious in some of its gags and superficial in the treatment of bullying.

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"Even if you're little you can do a lot.
You mustn't let a little thing
Like 'little' stop you.
If you sit around
And let them get on top,
You might as well be saying
You think that it's okay.
And that's not right!"

This departs quite a bit from the book. But if you love Roald Dahl (me), and you love musicals (also me), you're in for a treat.

This gives you the sense that everyone involved in the production went above and beyond. The set design, the cinematography, the songs, the choreography....

And the cast! The child actors are adorable and insanely talented. Emma Thompson really goes for it, even if I do find her a bit much. Lashana Lynch is a perfect Miss Honey. And Alisha Weir is transcendent.

Talk about chemistry... Miss Honey and Matilda's relationship absolutely destroyed me.

"Matilda, that is the biggest hug in the world. You're going to hug all the air out of me."

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:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: - I really didn't want to watch Matilda the Musical, I'm not a fan of musicals and I thought it'll be just for children. This film blew me away. The music, story plot, visuals, every single actor was just immense.

10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:rage:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: - Bull Shit

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Trunchbull launching that girl into orbit was one of the greatest things I've seen this year.

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Five out of five from me

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Beautiful adaption of the stage musical and incredibly well made.

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If I had a nickel for every musical film based on a Roald Dahl book and containing a giraffe released in the past year that I watched this week, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.

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Beautifully orchestrated and completely heartbreaking.

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Overlong and with too many musical moments - yes, I know its a musical - but even the song numbers are overly long. It's fairly entertaining but not as enjoyable as the 90s movie.

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This movie was one wild ride. After the first song, (Miracle), I thought, 'oh no, this is going to be an absolute car crash of a movie,' but it absolutely wasn't.

Tim Minchin's Matilda offers a fresh new perspective on the Road Dahl classic with amazing songs, perfectly in synch choreographed dances, and stunning young actors who in some ways out shine the adult cast. Alisha Weir is truly an icon in the making and I can't wait to see where she goes next.

One thing I would say however is do not go into this expecting it to be anything like the original cause it couldn't be further from. If you go into this with fresh new eyes you will probably love it.

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Well that was a waste of my time, guess I'm one of the few that doesn't like this movie

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Didn’t really know the story going into the film but thoroughly enjoyed it and thought it was a superb movie! Great fun for all the family too.

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This film was brilliant I recommened to Watch it!

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I grew up with Matilda (the 90s classic) and I was skeptical to watch this one because I thought it would disappoint but it didn't. It's best to see it as two very different, separate movies because they are. The 'original' focused more on the telekinetic abilities of Matilda whereas this one focused more on her as the little genius she is. The overall cast of the 90s movie speak more to me but the songs in the musical are incredible which totally threw me off... I felt emotional with every song and especially 'Revolting Children'.

Really enjoyable movie/musical! It didn't come close to the feel I get when I watch the 90s adaptation but it did something different and it touched me either way.

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Made great use of choreography and set

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While the story doesn't work quite as well as it did in the 1996 original, the energetic musical numbers and impressive choreography are easily enough to justify this adaptation. The performances are also worthy of praise, although they still live in the long shadow of the original cast (Danny DeVito's height not withstanding). As for my story criticism, the biggest issue was that it felt rushed, particularly the ending. I also found myself reminiscing about the various missing plotlines and sequences from the original (e.g. Trunchbull buying a car from Matilda's Dad, the FBI speedboat salesman, and Matilda breaking into Trunchbull's house). That said, there were some worthwhile additions (Matilda's storytelling scenes with the librarian come to mind). All in all, a strong adaptation that differentiates itself enough to recommend, but won't ever supplant the original.

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theater kids will always be the most talented

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I usually don't like musicals. Especially, when grown-ass actors suddenly burst into dancing and singing! But I must admit it is an incredible job to make a two-hour movie of perfectly synced and disciplined child actors. I even admire those children more than Emma Thompson with her wonderful display of a devilish headmistress. And sadly there's some disturbing truth in this movie. The current educational methods alongside unfit parents are the main reason for children's creativity to die from the very early childhood and adolescence.

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Emma Thompson is a genius! She did so great in her role. The musical enactment was ok, but it had some boring moments. I can't help but enjoy the story in it's entirety though. Good acting, great choreography and talented directing is shown throughout the film. I'd enjoy watching this version on a stage for sure. I liked the original more, but this version is enjoyable.

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My theory is that she's Magnus reincarnated乁⁠ ⁠˘_˘⁠ ㄏ
I prefer the movie but this musical was good too.

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A refreshing adaptation of the award winning novel. Fun to watch. That said, when put side by side to the original movie adaptation from the 1990s, which is pretty timeless same as this musical adaptation is, I have to say that 90s movie is the best between the two. That being my personal preference. :slight_smile:

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I had not read the novel, and I had no intention, at first place, to spend (much) money to see the theatrical show. The film turned out very pleasant and well acted. Except for a a song and a couple of scenes not really in context which I do not consider educationally appropriate (to be compared with the novel), and a mediocre CGI, I put it in the high end of children-targeted films this year, over a lot of garbage (usually coming from overseas).

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