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Sasquatch Sunset 2024

Absolutely hilarious! There are some sad moments, but otherwise I was laughing 75% of the time.

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Shout by Doubleu27
BlockedParent2024-04-21T19:33:46Z— updated 2024-04-24T01:15:11Z

I knew I made a mistake within the first five minutes of this movie.

It’s billed as a comedy, and while there are moments that could be called “gags,” I wouldn’t consider this film a comedy at all. I didn’t laugh at anything.

I do respect when a filmmaker tries to make a silent film. It’s an incredibly difficult task to keep a viewer engaged for ninety minutes without dialogue. I don’t think ‘Sasquatch Sunset’ succeeded, but I appreciated the effort nonetheless. It’s not a bad movie. It’s just not a movie I’d recommend to anyone.

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i dont think i needed to see a sasquatch drink tit milk

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I don’t know what I just watched but I liked it… it was funny and sad at the same time. No speaking was the best…

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Stretching this to a 90-minute film is a difficult pill to swallow, although the subdivision into nearly-equal 20-minute segments makes it more palatable. Concept wears thin early, but becomes endearing again by the end.

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thought this would've been funny to watch with my parent, big mistake lol

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National Geographic really dropped the ball on this one. It's interesting, but way more bodily functions than I'd like to see. Would have been way better if the had gotten Richard Attenborough to narrate.

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I doubt I'll finish this. I love unique and risky ideas, so everyone involved already has my respect. Overall, it needed to be alot shorter. The comedy was definitely there because the rawness and realness of it all is in us all. Take away our intelligence, and there we are. Just some disgusting, stupid, and impulsive ape things. The cinematography and locations were incredible. I want multiple shots of this on my walls. The design and acting made the cast unrecognisable to the point I couldn't believe it. Beware, it gets pretty disgusting, and there's no dialogue, only grunts.

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Too weird, strange, hilarious, tragic and, above all, different, a movie with beautiful images and an unusual plot. The movie has no lines and focuses on the daily life of this family of sasquatches, everything is way off the track, you have to get involved by not taking anything seriously to have a good experience. The make-up and performances are very good, the expressions, noises and gestures are all very well developed.

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I didn't get into Sasquatch Sunset that much, but I still appreciate it for going for a human-alike aspect to the film and having more going for it, not just a stupid comedy.

But for those who like or love this movie, good luck recommending it to a normal person.

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Anyone interested in where they wound up, here's a link to Google Maps

Don't #&%@ with a mountain lion.

  • Edit: I know this wasn't aiming at all for Paleolithic accuracy, but, just because some tribes refuse contact doesn't make them dumber than Neanderthals. I'm just guessing they'd be as intelligent as Neanderthals. I did like the story... even the ending. But, remember the insurance ads? "Even a cave man, blah blah..."
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Sasquatch Sunset is like a college frat party: obnoxious, insulting, and aggressively sophomoric.

I arrived 5 minutes late and that was my favorite part.

I seriously don't understand why Benny Hill eating his boogers is juvenile but Jesse Eisenberg eating his boogers is art. I was equally surprised this movie didn't come with a laugh track, because that's the level of comedy we're talking here.

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