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Silence 2016

Most boring movie of 2017 award

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This film is based in portuguese Jesuit priests, they could at least choose one portuguese actor for this. But maybe American-British actors can represente the influence of west europe in Japan.

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The movie made me feel compassion for the missionaries, the villagers and even made me understand why a government would go to such lengths to "murder" an idea. Even though I believe that both sides are wrong, the government being the worst of it, doing to the extreme to stop indoctrination and the church trying to pass their believes as the only truth that, for me, is totally taking advantage of people who are in a almost complete state of despair.
But you cannot stop the feels, even if you don't believe, you can fully enjoy this movie.

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A great movie...Andrew Garfield is an amazing actor......good on you mate for taking this movie amazing movie

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I remember watching this when it came out and thought it was ok but after a rewatch I'm kind of blown away. This is a fantastic look into religion, faith and how far we will go for something we believe in. Andrew Garfield gives an amazing performance. Adam Driver and Issei Ogata are both great too. I wish they had more screen time. The movie looks beautiful and is incredibly shot. It is a little long and slow in parts but that's not a huge problem. Now this has become one of my favorite Scorsese's films.

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I am not a believer. Never have, never will be. And I know exactly why.

Technically a good movie, though.

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Thought-provoking film about the value of faith for humans. Incredibly made, with beautiful cinematography.

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so long and so boring, waste of time

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Some really great dialogues and the actors (especially most Japanese) were very convincing. But those rich scenes are rare and the last half hour is rather lame, so ultimately the film doesn't feel very rewarding.

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Great piece of work. Script managed to put two religions face to face but no side taken, barely no parciality exhibited IMO, which is a hard to achieve feature on a movie or book. Several interesting details exposed of the amazing, divergent and arguably brutal Japanese ancient culture. A gentle touch in crucial history with multiple mentions to Portugal, Spain and Dutch, thrown into the mix. Great staging by the cast. Even the title Silence that is two-fold reflecting the silence from the villagers and secrecy as well as the silence from God himself.

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Although the acting and direction are both great, this is the most boring movie I have ever watched.

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"Silence" is like religion: well-intentioned, fine for some, and a bit long winded. The grand ideals this film takes on are lost in a lack of editing that would both shorten the movie and help to focus it. Sadly, this Oscar vehicle for Andrew Garfield doesn't really go anywhere after it runs out of gas halfway through.

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well done, but way too much torture. didn't anything else happen besides torture?

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Kylo Ren is a floater hahaha

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Worst movie from M.S.
Boring AS, totally dissapointing.

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Faith in Jesus and His Church hardened after watching this testimony of love.

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Not bad but far from great... As expected Andrew's performance falls flat as it does in all films.

The western cast is not good enough to carry a slow burn historic film. It's not just meh but aweful at times.

The Japanese casting and landscapes are 100% carrying this movie and even than it barely makes a 6.

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Great follow up to Shogun being set around 30-40 years after the show ends.

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Slow, no music, beautiful nature.

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These Portuguese Jesuits did not have much of a vocation as martyrs.

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I understand why this is not a popular Scorsese picture. It requires patience. But for me, it's a masterpiece. And I'm not even religious.

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Very nice, deep but very long. Not a easy film.

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Shout by Films And Chips Podcast

Episode 10x07
Martin Scorsese brought us this movie a few years ago, long, as we are used to. It is not bad but it is done, well, long, since in the end it is to return to the same thing over and over and over and over again ... it is torture for the protagonist priest and for the viewer who ends up a little fed up. You can skip it, especially if religion bores you.

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Neeson acting was terrible, a real drag for a good movie. He loses the faith the same way he speaks with a mafia head.

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Neeson acting is pathetic, he weakened the plot in a perfect movie. Giving up faith is NOT like roaming prosti.tutes in the streets of paris or talking to the serbian mafia. Hard to believe he is the same actor of schindlers list.

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Silence does what heaps of religious propaganda movies around the world couldn't do. Not disingenuously defend its faith but, put it into hardest of trails, kill it and rise up from the dead again. Shows the inherent problem with christian missions yet, invites you closer to its faith. May not turn you christian but will definitely offer one of the most compelling argument cinema ever had to offer.

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Extremely powerful and beautifully filmed. Although slow, sometimes at a snails pace, the story is intriguing and painful to watch. And although this is from the perspective of Christians being denied the right to practice in Japan, it highlights the plight of any person that is denied the right to be what they truly are, especially when that being does no harm to other people. Flash forward 4 or 8 years and my fear is that this is very easy to make in the US about anyone that doesn't confirm to the current governments stance on conformity.

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In the immortal words of Homer Simpson... boooooooo-ring.

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Best movie of 2016 hands down. I cannot get though my head how people think La La Land and Moonlight were better than Silence. A masterpiece, you should watch it!

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I watched this because it was nominated for Oscar's Best Cinematography, it has a good cast, and it held a promise of insights into a journey of faith. I was hoping for The Mission, but found no journey, much pointless suffering and, to be honest I almost fell asleep (something I never do in movies). I gave it a 6 (Fair) out of 10, and that may have been overly optimistic. Perhaps a 5 (meh) or 4 (boring) might have better reflected my response. Sorry Andrew and Liam - it's not your fault - you did your best with what you had.

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Shout by Deleted

So, what would you think when you watch the movie? Is it just history for you? Or is it a lessen for us who are living in this age? When I saw this film, I thought Martin was trying to describe what happens even nowadays in Japan. "Japan is a swamp. A swamp where nothing can root." Some universal truths don't work in this country. They are changed in Japanese ways. It is really scary. Some people notice it, but others don't. Actually, I guess almost all of Japanese people don't notice the situation of Japan even though many of us feel frustrated somewhat about it. How scary it is! 2+2 is not 5.

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Fantastic movie about the persecution of Christians in medieval Japan. Pristine cinematography. And historical to boot.

The main question of the movie is whether it is acceptable for a priest to apostatize in order to save his flock.

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