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Song of the South 1946

I had wanted to watch this for years!! Finally was able to find it and I was pleasantly surprised. Very cute film, it's a shame it's banned but I do understand the reasoning behind it. Splash Mountain makes a lot more sense now.

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Never saw this since it's out of print and considered too racist. Just watching it on YouTube now to form my own opinion.
Br'er Rabbit who represents a black man is caught by a Fox who represents a white man when Br're is noosed and hanging. Scenes like that is why the film is considered racist.
After seeing Zootopia I was curious in this since Zootopia which is against racism is supposed to be pretty much the opposite of Song of the South.
If you don't spend too much time thinking about what makes it racist; the film is light-hearted and still a classic. The biggest problem with it though is that it makes it appear black people were perfectly happy as slaves.

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If you watched this movie and don’t think it’s racist, please watch “You Must Remember This” podcast talk about the history and context of this film. It’s eye opening as a white person.

While I enjoyed this movie, I can acknowledge that it is indeed racist after doing my research about the film. The film appears to be lighthearted and fun, but there are a lot of racist undertones that white people need to educate themselves on.

The lynching scene and the usage of the term “tar baby” is particularly horrifying once you learn about it. White people need to stay out of this conversation because it’s not our place to say what’s not racist when you have warning signs saying how racist this film indeed is.

From my white privileged perspective: 8/10 but once you learn about this film, it’s hard to give it more than a 1

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I haven't seen this since the early 1950s. So sad that it has been denigrated. For me and mine, it was pure joy. We should all have Uncle Remus as a best friend to help us going our laughing place.

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As a kid this was one of my favorite movies for the music and probably just the crazy animations. While now as an adult I can see where there is what we consider overt racism now was just normality at the time this was made. I try to keep that in mind when commenting about older films. This certainly isn't the only movie out there that had these issues, but it is one that I see come up often. I'm glade to have been able to own a copy of this when I was little to help formulate my own opinion as I grew up especially as a person of color myself.

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I really enjoyed watching this great film and thought it told the story about helping Johnny deal with his problems in a beautiful way.

It is most certainly not racist and I am of the opinion that anyone who says it is racist is watching the film trying to create racism because they heard it is supposed to have it. If you don't watch it expecting some sort of racial issue, you won't find one, because there isn't actually one unless you create one.

I am deeply saddened that one of my favorite rides at the Magic Kingdom park is being changed due to political pressure and I'm glad that I'll have the childhood memories of going on the ride countless times and whistling along to Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah.

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Level "Interesting" • 7 :heart: • Entertaining and Good.

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