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The Boogeyman 2023

I can't say that its bad, it's just something you've seen before. Might have expected more than I should've, but nothing new here. Still worth a watch though. Just not something you need to go out of your way to see.

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The Boogeyman as a literal monster is not nearly as scary as a psychological one. Granted, the film successfully portrays the terror of a dark closet to a young child in bed alone. If only it could maintain that level of fear throughout.

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That was a fun horror, enjoyed it, worth your time, loved it, a closet full of decent creepiness, effects, plot and cast that all work well together.

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Another bad king's movie adaptation. This movie look like a Disney show, dumb adults, no script, no make Sense Situations, like a man suicide in your house and the same day you aré singing lullabies to your daughter in the same house..

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I watched The Boogeyman tonight at a (single day early) preview screening, and loved it. It’s not just jump scares, there’s real tension and buildup. They perfectly recreate the noises of wooden floors that you as a child used to lie there too scared to move while trying to figure out what it was while at your aunt & uncles farm in rural Queensland near Biloela. The level of dark around certain parts of the room. The unease if there’s something there or your eyes are playing tricks on you or not. Did you really hear those noises, were they voices?

This movie wasn’t directed by someone trying to make a horror movie for audiences and ratings. No, this movie was directed by someone trying to re-create childhood terrors and trauma.

Normally with horror movies I say it makes no difference if you watch it with the lights on or off.

Watch this one with the lights off. But have a torch handy. For your own protection.

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Idk… maybe my expectations were too high because of Stephen King. It is just a boring cliche.

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I was a bit disappointed with this, but that's probably my own fault for taking the title so literally. I went in expecting a nice boogie. I was even practising some of my dance moves in the kitchen while I made dinner before I sat down to watch it. Instead of a movie about a man who loves to boogie, I was subjected to a movie about people who are scared of the dark. It wasn't a bad movie, but I wouldn't call it great either.

I like Sophie Thatcher, but if I could give her character some advice it would be that she should buy a flashlight and maybe also turn on the lights.

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I’m not sure why so many people are hating on this movie. I thought it was actually pretty good. It had some good build ups, some good jump scares, and some really nice creepy scenes. This was definitely one of the more better horror movies that I think has come out this year. I wouldn’t be surprised if it becomes a franchise with a bunch of follow ups.

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Just a boring monster movie, no real scares, no surprise ending.
Nothing to see here.
If your looking to waist some time, this movie definitely has time wasting nailed.

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was it predictable and tropey? sure but it was still a very solid studio horror film and I genuinely enjoyed it and thought the creature design was freaky! also loved how female-centric it was

are these people sure they don't live in hawkins, indiana

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it's a great movie to watch in the dark when a nice sound system is pretty scary because you here all the surroundings is a great scary movie I'll give it a 10

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Deviates from Stephen King's story but it's still a decent watch.

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Aside from a few rare creepy moments, this film seems more like bits and pieces of better movies tossed together.

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Sadly, there is nothing new here story/horror-wise. Although, we do get a new version of the Boogeyman Monster. It's an OK watch id you have nothing better to watch or to do.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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bro, just turn on the damn lights smh

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The movie took awhile to win me over but it was good. Even if it wasn’t too memorable. The acting was fine as well.

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A decent little well acted movie from Stephen King I believe.

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A decent watch that could've been better if it wasn't so boring and slow at times.

The guy who plays the dad gave NOTHING in his performance. Like, not even a crumb of emotion and I thought that was pretty funny.

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I actually enjoyed this, watching it for what it was and not expecting something entirely new and fresh. Some solid acting, some nice jump scares thrown in and a fairly well fleshed out plot, it's simple and does what you'd expect.

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Just a bad version of everything else you’ve already seen. Some hilarious choices that add up to nothing, I guess I should have expected it.

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I mean, I'm a sucker for wendigos, so I liked that part. And Sophie Thatcher. The rest is exactly like you would assume it would be. Seen a thousand times and kinda boring at that point. At least some jump scares were not as cheap as others, I guess.

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I wonder if AI will have a role in future creative plots for movies in general and Horror in particular. While it was a nicely executed horror, more complex ideas and twists are most needed.

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The Boogeyman is a story about a family avoiding dealing with grief. It's about the "monsters" we create when we choose to not face and heal from unresolved trauma.
I loved the production, direction, the cast did a marvelous job, and the Boogeyman itself was quite scary.
It's similar to The Babadook in many ways, just not as well-executed. Still, it has its merits.

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Pretty solid for what I expected to be a run of the mill horror of the week.
Decent thrills and and a good job of building up the dread throughout. Sadie's friend Natalie was insufferable to the nth degree. I didn't understand making that character that intolerable, but otherwise it was a good watch. One small gripe was during the dark scenes I experienced a significant amount of black crush which ruined any details in the shot. Not sure if my Dolby vision was off or was my copy. 6.5 overall.

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I understand that horror movies = low lighting or minimal lighting but how stupid is it when you have been seeing things in the dark and being afraid of the dark, would you KEEEEEP staying in the dark? If i was scared of the dark at her age i would always have the lights on everywhere i go, i wouldn't care what the adults are gonna tell me, whether it was just my imagination or not, until i grow out of that fear or i will keep the lights on no matter what people say. Can't stand them just constantly being around the house in the dark like, it's not even realistic to begin with, they have been seeing things but hey? let's stay in the dark. SMH only worth a one time watch

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It was decent. If you're afraid of the dark, you will be pretty scared. The voice mimicking thing was pretty cool.

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The first scene of this movie kept me thinking for five long minutes.... "Did it kill the baby??? didn't.... Did it ???? ....No..... But...? Did it ???????????????????"
It wasn't thaaaat scary but it certainly has some good jump scenes. The monster has a very interesting mouth WTFFFF
Good good. Thank you :thumbsup:

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Writer of this movie:
""Now hold on everyone... you may want to sit down for this. Are you sitting? Ok...... what if the real monster..... was grief?!?!?!""

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Nothing groundbreaking, but there's not much to complain about either. It'll even scare you a few times. ;)

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It's quite a while since I was afraid to see horror movie. Really good movie a -1 rating for specified terror which I preferably think it's better to be undefined creature

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"The Boogeyman" presents a familiar horror premise with some effective elements. The film initially thrives in its first and second acts by capitalizing on the fear of the unknown, focusing on sounds and subtle cues that strike a chord with our childhood fears. The sound design excels in creating a tense and spooky atmosphere. The creature's appearance, though compelling on paper, could have been even more impactful if left to the imagination, maintaining a sense of mystery. Unfortunately, as the film reveals the creature, it takes a more predictable turn, becoming a run-of-the-mill monster movie.

The strong performances from the cast, despite some questionable casting choices, keep the film engaging. It's technically well-made with notable cinematography moments. While the film achieves what it sets out to do and does it well, it struggles to break new ground in a genre filled with similar stories. In the end, "The Boogeyman" offers a decent horror experience, but it might leave you feeling like you've seen it all before.

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One of the best horror movies I've ever seen. I thought smile was gonna be the best one I've seen this year but this one has just topped it. Some really big jumpscares and an actual plot to it. The characters were actually likeable which made you actually want them to live. A lot of horror movies have such unlikable characters these days. If you're scared of the dark then you're gonna really hate watching this one. I feel like these Steven kings movies are really corny and just chucked out there for a money grab, not naming names (pet cemetery) but this was genuinely just a really good well made film.

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Not an Oscar winning movie, but not the worst in 2023. Yes it is a MUST WATCH.

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It's fine. Ultimately, it is one of those horror movies we get every year that is moderately big release, is mildly entertaining, but you will most likely forget about it within the year! As a sucker for horror movies, I did still enjoy my time with this!

Rating: 2/5 - 65% - Not Recommended to Everyone

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it was boring at times , not good but not bad either , is just a movie i didn’t hate but I probably won’t watch again. The boogeyman looked so fake at times , sound effects were good tho

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Rated a Connor 5, normal 7.2

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In a world without flashlights... some wierd choses those characters keep making. The dad was such a ass to his daughters. Not scary at all. The red tv screne was cool tho

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It wasn't bad, some scenes were good, but overall I was expecting a bit more. The horror could have gone deeper, but it's still definitely worth watching.

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"It's the thing that comes for your kids when you're not paying attention."

As simple and cliché as they come. It doesn't always have to be a bad thing though. The Boogeyman is a decent creature feature. The creature's a metaphor for grief haunting this family. It has a very run-of-the-mill story, the kind you've seen a thousand times before but it does it's "creature feature" job; a decent creature with a few decent scares. The characters are very one note but the family aspect is what stands out, it's heartwarming at times. Some decent performances from everyone. Nice use of light and shadows. The CGI is respectable for what this is, I was never put off by it. I wanted a bit more background on the entity and I can't say I was ever satisfied by the entity's look. A good third act and ending. Decent overall, just don't expect anything out of the ordinary creature feature horror movie. While watching I kept thinking of The Babadook and Come Play, which would be the better versions.

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This movie is trash. I hoped that the film would be better, but I wasted my time.

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I think this will get dinged by many horror fans for adhering too closely to the current "elevated horror" playbook but I just had a blast watching this in the dark with my headphones on full crank. Sure it's your usual loud bangs and "everything-is-a-metaphor-for-depression" narrative structure that the late 10's/early 20's horrors will be known for, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy my time with it. The Boogeyman itself is, as usual, terrifying until revealed, and the underlying story is derivative but still engaging as it slowly unfolds. Is it the next Hereditary? Certainly not, but it's still a fun, crowd pleasing horror that dabbles in modern themes to solid effect. Good stuff.

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It reminded me of the movie They from 2002 and probably some other similar movie that I don't remember now. But this is the kind of monster movie that I like, it makes me question "what is it? Where did it come?" I thoroughly enjoyed it.

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Was anyone else disappointed in this? Don't get me wrong, there was decent storytelling and the filming added sufficient creep factors but it ultimately felt like a remake of Lights Out with the Striga monster from the show Supernatural. And what was with the happy spiritual ending? If you're gonna bring mom into it to save the day, she needs to be present throughout and I got none of that while watching.

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While the jumpscares are very obvious and nothing stands out too much regarding this movie, I think this a good watch for anyone who likes horror. There seems to at least be an emotional core to the plot and this is very well-directed. This movie also leaves things just vague enough that you aren't questioning too many aspects of the film.

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It tries to be elevated horror at the expense of horror and elevation.

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As scary as watching people put on sunscreen: A movie about people avoiding danger and not getting hurt isn't horror, it's going to work.

As a fan of Dashcam and Host, I was hoping for more than a Goosebumps reboot from Rob Savage.

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