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The Dark Knight 2008

"You've got rules. The Joker? He's got no rules."

This movie hammers you relentlessly into submission and doesn't stop until you finally submit to the epic tale it wants to tell. Reminds me of Dune 2 in that way.

Also, the Joker has incredible comedic timing.

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I still really love this film, but the whole Harvey Dent storyline makes absolutely no sense.

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I will watch this movie again and again and again, and after each time, I will enjoy more and more. The real mean of the "JOKER" character can be found in this movie.

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I miss Heath.


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The world misses you, Heath. The best Joker there was and ever will be.

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Shout by Deleted
BlockedParent2019-09-10T05:40:44Z— updated 2019-09-11T05:41:52Z

This film is better than any superhero film I have ever seen.

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The late Heath Ledger performance as The Joker was epic! It's a shame his life was cut short after filming a movie that would had catapulted his career.

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Really good movie.

But why does Man have ears ?

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As someone who's never watched anything Batman, this was a great introduction.

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This is the reason that ill sit through 100s of shitty Madea-bullshit movies. That one gem. My friends this is the Hope Blue Diamond. From beginning to end. One of my top 10.

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It would be down right crazy of me to not even leave a comment.. One word describes this film

Legendary.. It is my #1 Film. Of All-time and I've watched some legendary films

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Totally awesome movie. Heath Ledger as the Joker was brilliant.

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Shout by Lovabel
BlockedParent2016-02-01T08:44:31Z— updated 2019-09-15T21:37:31Z

The Dark Knight, the grittiest and most compelling superhero film ever made.

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Flat out, this is in my personal top 5 movies of all time. I'm sure you all know why. It isn't just the best superhero movie out there. It is just straight up a great film by any measurement. I remember seeing it the first time. I got to go see it early with my boss and fellow employee since I worked at a theater at the time. I was struck by the movie so well that I couldn't come up with conversation for like half of the drive back. I just had to sit there silently and deal with the ecstasy overdose I had.

Seriously, if you think this movie is bad, then I think you're bad at life.

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While a great movie, especially when watching it for the first time, The Dark Knight (the second of the "new" batman movies by Christopher Nolan) cannot quite reach its predecessor "Batman Begins" b/c the plot is a bit over the top and there are a few too many Gadgets for my taste. Additionally I cannot understand why they replaced Katie Holmes (who did a very good job in the first movie) with Maggie Gyllenhaal (who does not very well in my opinion) in the role of Rachel.

BUT aside from that I really like this Movie and Heath Ledger as The Joker alone is worth watching this multiple times!

So long sentences short: I look really forward to the next Batman flick!

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A very good movie! The Joker was undoubtedly the best character!

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Music drives this movie. This music creates this tension and fear that what will happen next and at the same time Ledger is like "Why So Serious?". This is so fucking brilliant!

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this movie make me surprise everytime i see It .
specially particular art of actors work into.
i like as batman reach, of course joker.
you should to see that, you should for your life trust me.

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A Masterpiece! A legend acting: Heath Ledger. R.I.P. The writing and acting and everything else came together as a full masterpiece and one of the Best superhero DC ever made. The storyline was fluent and the acting was done properly. 10/10

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One can only say there should never be another try at rebooting the Batman films... Total failure is guaranteed...

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Best. Movie. Ever. Love The Joker.

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not a former hero,good movie

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“Why so serious?” The Dark Knight is an edgy crime thriller that takes Batman out of the comic book genre and into a gritty real world aesthetic. Batman, Lt. Gordon, and new D.A. Harvey Dent team up to take down Gotham’s crime syndicate, but the Joker comes to the mob’s aid and plunges the city into chaos. Heath Ledger delivers an amazing performance as the Joker that’s perfectly tailored for this interpretation of Batman. However, the story is too cluttered and kind of falls apart in the third act. Yet Nolan does an excellent job at building the tension and suspense. Additionally, the action is exciting and dynamic, and is accompanied by a magnificent score from Hans Zimmer and James Newton Howard. An incredibly thought-provoking and compelling film, The Dark Knight takes Nolan’s vision to the next level.

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I keep forgetting how good this movie really is. Heath ledger just phenomenal.

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The most electrifying cinematic experience ever. So epic, from start to finish no time is wasted and the pace is so perfect in my opinion, might not be the best Batman movie. But this is the best comic book movie ever.

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There has been to much said about this masterpiece I cannot add much. This film is absolutely incredible. This film will forever stand as the best Batman film. Heath Ledger who steals the show. Christopher Nolan is a genius. One of the best or the best film ever made by DC superhero’s

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Hands down, one of the best films that ever played on the big screen

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Ive never reviewed anything. This is not a review. This is just me sharing my happiness on finding a movie I can rewatch forever.

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When in a foreign country, you take when you get when it comes to movies. Somehow being blessed with this all time great being on tv was quite the delight. I’ll forever happily watch this movie and it will never not be great!

Rating: 5/5 (:star:) - 10/10 - Must See

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I’ve watched it many times over the years and TDK still remains the best superhero movie. It can’t get any better than this.

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I’m heartbroken, I kept looking up about what happened to Mr. :neutral_face: and I never realized that SOB 2-face murdered him at the bar :rage::rage: the movie deserves a 0/10 for what they did, he had 1 line in the first movie another good 1 in the beginning of this okie but towards the end he was MURDERED, at least we got Justice when Batman pulled a Edge and speared 2-face to this death :innocent::innocent:

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Love this movie but I’ll never get over Mr.:neutral_face: and his Oscar worthy line and then when Harvey didn’t know who it was until he…………took……off……the………mask………:asterisk_symbol:Roll Credits:asterisk_symbol:

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Wow Mr.:neutral_face: was so good he got re casted in the 2nd movie “it’s on going” - :neutral_face:

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Unforgettable crime film with good dialogue, thrilling action and chase scenes and once again a magnificent cast (most notably a terrifically terrifying Ledger) and superb score.


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I felt that The Dark Knight was if only just a tiny bit less entertaining than the first film Batman Begins, but by just slightly which isn't bad because it is still in the same league as the first one. Nolan continued to bring his flare to his version of Batman in The Dark Knight trilogy. Bale, Freeman, Caine, and Oldman all turned in great performances again in this sequel and with the addition of Eckhart and Ledger which also had great performances as well the cast was excellent and the story line was engaging to watch. Ledger did amazing work bring the role of The Joker to a new darker direction unlike anything seen before.

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Christian Bale and Heath Ledger really excel here. The Joker has no value system or moral bearings of any sort which make him a damned frightening character. He's easily one of the best villains I've ever seen in film. Bruce Wayne levels things out as a man driven to do what he believes is right. I found Batman's dedication to take action without hesitation very inspiring. His battle with terrorism in the form of the Joker draws so many parallels with the dangers of the real world. Batman's use of any means to reach an end is also very timely primarily the eavesdropping conflict between himself and Lucius Fox. I appreciated Nolan's support of Batman's justification of using such a technology when actions of bad men require it. The gadgets special effects stunts and all of the other whiz-bang goodies are great to have but the characters totally drive the intensity of "The Dark Knight".

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Madness is like gravity, all it takes is a little push.

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Still the best Batman movie ever

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The perfect sequel to Batman Begins it also sets up the stage for what is coming next.

Heath Ledger delivers a performance for the ages and brings a Joker to life unlike any we have seen before. His acting here lifts the movie to the next level. Aaron Eckahardt comes in as Harvey Dent, another really good casting decision. Rachel Dawes is portrayed now by Maggie Gyllenhall which kind of proofs my point that Katie Holmes was replaceable.
Everything here is right. A great story that is about characters, about people. Awesome production value - it really pays off to do as much pratical photography as possible thanks to Chris Nolan. I think even 10 years down the line this won't look dated. Amazing sound design and all packed with a soundtrack from one of the masters of his trade, Hans Zimmer.
Seriously, this is one of the best action-superhero movies ever done and I think it will stay on top for a very long time.

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One of, if not the best superhero thriller film ever made. Amazing action, great character direction and writing.

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This was the finest batman movie ever looks like everyone on fire. This is the reason i love batman , joker was great. I wish they had added more villains like riddler.
No wonder Batman is the best superhero ever. It was so dark.

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Best joker of all Batman series.

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very good. The movie is perfect.

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This is the only movies that i have watched more than 10 times . Interesting story .
Heath Ledger is the best who played as joker until now .
The Dark Night is the best Batman Movie of All Time . Genius Nolan .

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Shout by Sergey Zakutaylo

Nothing interesting. Time wasted. My rate 5.

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I am the Joker

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Between all the comic book superhero movies this is by far my favorite & Heath Ledger's Joker is so brilliant that I can't imagine anyone else playing that role.

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1,541 votes & only 1 comment can only mean one thing:
speechlessness by too much awesomeness ;D

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Shout by Ben

Indeed, totally agree!
So glad I've been to the cinema at this one :)
Have to rewatch it before the dark knight rises in July.

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Definitely stirring performances from HEATH LEDGER in his penultimate performance as the JOKER. Good continuation of the original reboot story, setting things up for the final DARK KNIGHT RISES installment. :)

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I've saw this countless times in high school but haven't seen this in a few years. I'm extremely happy that it holds up tremendously well. This is just a non stop action ride. Heath Ledger's Joker is absolutely mesmerizing everytime he is on screen. The 4k blu ray with the full screen action screen are breathtaking. Truly one of the best movies ever.

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I've seen Batman Begins yesterday for the first time and I didn't like it that much. i rated it 5/10. thought this one might be better but it didn't. i've watched the first hour then jumped right into the last 20 minutes or so. I just couldn't watch more. clearly, it wasn't made for me.

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joker what wonderful performances hats off

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Nolan has made his "I will always be remembered" movie, this is the crownjewel in his portfolio. Perfect directing, perfect story, perfect balance between action and drama, everything is perfect.

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Shout by Jesse Brouse

By far one of the best Batman films I've watched. Granted the Joker is definitely the spotlight of the entire film!

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most unique, amazing, wonderful hero movie ever made.

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Thee Gold Standard for which ALL comic book movies shall be judged...word

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Still the Batman film to beat, despite some DC fans in denial that Batman vs Superman is better.

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Shout by Deleted


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Joker just absolutely nailed it in this movie. 10 for sure

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So much better than the previous film, mostly due to Ledger, Freeman, Oldman and Cain, but Eckhart was also really good.

Nolan manages to fix his trash job from the first movie and does a much better job with this one. Everything about the movie is more refined and almost makes up for it's long-windedness. Having Two Face as nothing more than a cheap plot point is shameful. Either set the character up for the next movie or don't do him at all.

Bale continues his abysmal portrayal of Bruce Wayne and while his portrayal of Batman is better than the previous film, I just can't get over his Trump lips. It was bad in '08, it is even worse now.

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Shout by aaasssl

How do u watch a movie

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great movie. great atmosphere and interpretations

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I was pleasantly surprised by this movie. I had heard that it got tremendous reviews and that Heath Ledger was fantastic but I really didn't expect it to be as good as it was. For those of you that don't like movies with superhero backdrops, the comic book aspect of this movie was rather subtle and what is front and center is a hypnotic thriller. Gone from the original franchise is the over-the-top cartoonish storylines and characters. That may have worked in the first movie (thanks to Nicholson) but by the 4th movie it was a joke. In fact, if you took away the Batman backdrop this movie would probably be considered for more awards than it has been so far. One thing I didn't get was why they felt the need to add some post-processing to Batman's voice. I couldn't understand a damn thing that Commish Gordon said for either movie but they felt the need to make Christian Bale sound like Darth Vader's brother?

follow me at

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Shout by Deleted

An instant all time fave.

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Absolutely amazing and probably Heath Ledger's finest ever performance. Many have said that the role was so dark that it contributed towards his death. How true that is I don't know but he will be sorely missed. R.I.P Heath!

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Great movie but not without it's flaws. Definitely goes on too long, last 20-25 mins totally unnecessary, just rehashes themes. Awesome performance by Heath Ledger steals the show

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Shout by Deleted

Best in the trilogy and has everything you can expected from an action movie.

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Best comic book film, hands down ever.

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Shout by Deleted

That's totally great

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Shout by Deleted

Really really good Film!
Watch it!!

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Nolan applies the same treatment to this film as he did with his first Batman film with great performances and even better action sequences, but Ledger's performance is what sets this film apart. Wholly unpredictable, the Joker lends a palpable sense of tension in every scene he is in, providing a real sense of threat to the hero that previous incarnations, whilst entertaining, failed to do.

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Cinema Paco 1. Image and soundo 5/5. One of the best superhero movies, and the best of the 3 Nolan

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wow, i loved Heath Ledger performance. . . :O soo enjoyedthis movie, osom.

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Shout by Deleted

Hauntingly eerily amazing!•!•!

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Shout by Deleted

Borders on perfection. Amazing creation Joker! Great, dark climate. And the pageantry! Wow.

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Shout by Deleted

Love this one

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Shout by Deleted

Good movei

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Shout by rapunzalia

I'm going to follow popular opinion here and say that this was definitely the best one in the trilogy. Honestly, the only thing wrong with this movie is that Heath Ledger died during filming (not literally obviously). But Heath doesn't steal Christian Bale's thunder completely. My favourite Batman, hands down!

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Shout by Deleted

Hands-down, the best comic book superhero film adaptation of all time. Although, the late Heath Ledger's performance steals the show, the performances of Christian Bale, Aaron Eckhart, Michael Caine and Morgan Freeman cannot be understated. Christopher Nolan weaves masterful tale and morality play unlike any of his contemporaries.

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Shout by Deleted

I could've made a better batman.

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Shout by Deleted


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Shout by Deleted

Heath's performance was pitch perfect for this dark action adventure film, it's too bad that Bale couldn't drop the voice when Batman was talking to people who knew his secret.

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Shout by Deleted

It was ok

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One word awesome!!!

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Shout by Deleted

Must see!

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Shout by the_guy_with_the_hat
BlockedParent2012-08-02T22:59:17Z— updated 2019-04-28T09:41:12Z

The big question was: Is this movie better than Batman begins: And hell yeah, you bet it is.

Heath Ledgers post-mortem Oscar is not only some kind of publicity-oscar. No, "it is fair". Perhaps one of the best Movies i have ever seen.

And defintly the best part of the triology.

Batman begins = 9/10
TheDarkKnight = 10/10
TheDarkKnightRises = 7/10

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I watched this once as a kid with my dad but didn’t remember jack shit. I remember now, and it’s because it was quite boring. I did not like Heath Ledger as the joker, he was okay. I did really enjoy the cinematography though, it was beautiful and Christopher Nolan is a good director.

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Christopher Nolan: What if our Batman Begins sequel was just a 130 minute homage to Heat, with Bruce Wayne playing Vincent Hanna and Joker playing Neil McCauley?

All of the world: Fucking yes!

"I'm whatever Gotham needs me to be. Call it in." The choice to have Batman take the fall for all of Dent's murders was both the best way to end this movie and set up the beginning of the next, which was especially lucky given Ledger's unexpected death 6 months before The Dark Knight opened. There was no way Nolan and co. were gonna have Joker be the villain for the third act of the trilogy after Ledger's death and Oscar win, so making Gordon's "monstrous lie" and Bruce's shame of failure the backbone of Rises was an especially smart pivot.

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whats justice
aaaaa ooooo dddd

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I believe this to be the best "comic book" movie ever made, but in my opinion it's being unfair to just classify it as that because it's just a great movie of any genre. Great pacing with the music at times complimenting that as tension builds. As a huge fan of the source material and using that as another metric to critique the movie it's equally impressive. Begins and this sequel were so well done it's unfortunate that the 3rd installment was a little bit of a let down. The Dark Knight, however, is as close as this type of movie can get to a masterpiece.

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Signed King l. SATAN David LUICIEF III

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very good Batman :thumbsup: ! Very good movie

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