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The Dark Knight Rises 2012

All i can say is , Long Live The Legend ! Great Movie , Great Acting , most of all Great Cast to begin with.

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Bad, just an okey movie with a lot of action scenes and no real thinking involved, with a really poorly developed and unnecessary plot twist. don't bother watching if you aren't already an batman fan.

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Shout by Cluisanna
BlockedParent2019-03-28T01:39:43Z— updated 2019-11-23T13:28:33Z

Plot-wise, visually, and in terms of absolute badassery this movie is great. I‘m not that happy with the anti-socialist themes, though. I mean, Batman as a concept is already a man who prefers beating up „criminals“ (which, often enough, are desperate people just trying to make a living - like the men working for Bane) and spending millions of dollars on cool gadgets to using his wealth to fund more effective ways of reducing crime, but which wouldn’t allow for the visceral satisfaction of inflicting brutal corporal punishment on lesser men (in class and morality - which is something much easier to come by if you’ve never wanted for anything in your life). I can ignore all of that usually because Batman is a power fantasy (both for Bruce Wayne and for the audience), but in this movie there is so much overt anti-capitalist rhetoric that is portrayed as bad and associated with violence and deception that it gets hard to do.

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Wow, this movie was thoroughly underwhelming. SPOILERS Below.

  1. For a man who committed to realism. The Bat is not realistic.
  2. Plot is centered around a nuclear device really?
  3. The performances were indeed good, except for Cotillard as Miranda Tate.
  4. All the new characters do not fit into this world. Even Bane.
  5. Bane's portrayal was good, but another villain would be better. The Riddler, Calendar Man, Hugo Strange. Not everything needed to be full circle (read: Bane being a League of Shadows reject)
  6. The ending could have been ambiguous. Alfred would see someone who looks like Bruce. And credits.

Then again, we don't know what would have happened had Heath Ledger been with us :(

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Even though the plot feels messier than the previous two installments, one cannot resist a smile after the unexpected twist and final scenes, which make ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ a worthy final chapter of Nolan's epical trilogy.


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"No guns. No killing."
"Where's the fun in that?"

Is this the best Batman movie? Maybe not. Is it my favorite? Yes, yes it is.

The gang is back, along with a host of extraordinary new cast members who somehow fit perfectly into Nolan's world. That insane opening sequence. The Batpod and the Bat. Zimmer goes so hard. And in contrast to the epic archetypes of The Dark Knight, this sociopolitical fable somehow feels personal, intimate and character-based. So fun. So funny. So hopeful. So bittersweet.

Was this movie necessary? Maybe not. But I'm so thankful we got it. What can I say—I'm a sucker for happy endings.

"The man I loved—the man who vanished—he never came back at all. But maybe he's still out there somewhere. Maybe someday, when Gotham no longer needs Batman, I'll see him again."
—Rachel Dawes

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Often times we forget how great this movie was. Has it's flaws but it's almost perfect. It's bigger than the second movie, stakes are higher, badass villian, beautifully ties up at the ending. Nolan is a genius. This trilogy is what cinema is all about.

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To quote my friend J.R:
Batman & Robin = Juiced Up Bane
The Dark Knight Rises = Friend Zoned Bane

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7.5/10 - Huh, quite good actually. I really liked the beginning but IMO it became boring towards the second half and the ending wasn't that beautiful (letting all his friends think that he's dead but basically revealing everything after some time...).

Catwoman is badass, which is really cool, but I don't like her character. IMO she's portrayed too selfish.

Bane's voice was cool but it got less interesting after a while. And apart from his voice I don't find him interesting. IMO he's a boring villain.

The twist with Miranda Tate got me a second time but I find it more annoying/frustrating than cool/surprising. She was such a lovely character...

At least John Blake was a cool new character and most importantly: We got many scenes with Fox and Gordon.

And I'd say the coolest part is definitely the new tech (that super cool electric motorcycle and "The Bat").

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If there is only one little thing I'll nitpick about is that I wish there were more action scenes. They seemed to lack somewhat in this film, or they weren't as great as I was expecting them to be. The Dark Knight Rises is more character and story driven than the previous films which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Don't get me wrong besides that one little nitpick I thought the film was extremely excellent and Nolan continues to make great superhero films. As I said, The Dark Knight Rises has a great story line, all the cast were amazing, and above all else I loved the cameos and nods to all the previous films in the franchise. Without a doubt The Dark Knight Rises exceeds its predecessors and is the best in the trilogy (which is difficult for a third film in a trilogy to do) and it is a darn shame there will not be another film in the Nolan's Batman universe.

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What a masterpiece. The best superhero movie to be ever made.!!!

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Wonderful conclusion for the trilogy. Nicely done. Great script, a bit slow in the beginning but the pace sped up later. Acting and choreography was done properly. Nice ending. 9/10

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It could have been better. It should have been better!

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what they did to bane in this movie is nothing short of a travesty...really hammy performances from all, turgid script...not quite as bad as the last one but overall glad this Batman trilogy is wrapped up, as a Batman fan I look forward to someone new at the helm.

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Shout by Jim222001

Half eh, half awesome. Eh since Batman is something that can go on and on. Imagine if Nolan went on to give his version of the Damien Wayne stories or the Dark Knight Returns.
I felt like they rushed to end things. They most likely had many films planned with Heath Ledger as the Joker. While I understand why they wouldn't recast the Joker. I do think the Joker deserved to be mentioned.
The good however is what some people consider bad and that's Tom Hardy's bad ass work as Bane. The Talia Al Ghul twist was disappointing since she reveals herself and bam she is dead. While Bruce himself just is retired for years and crippled before he comes back retire again.
There's so little this Batman actually got to do or face if you think it about it. The movie is engaging and excellent for what it is. But some-what of a let down after the Dark Knight was so good.

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Semi-Agree with @MX23 . My order of favorite to least favorite is 213 TDK, BB, TDKR. I love all three and they all are insanely good but dark knight. Incredible, the flow of that movie, and the story are perfect. batman begins also incredible, great start to the series minus katie holmes that douche. TDKR just lacked continuity IMHO, the soundtrack wasnt nearly as good as TDK, and there was more than a few points where either, something felt off, not genuine acting wise. The issues i have are so small that most people wouldn't even notice them but serious, thats why people like us are here using trakt. We collect, watch, scrutinize, and love doing it. Out of 100 BB 89 TDK 95 TDKR 88. If you wanna know why specifically you can find my stuff + contact here:


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This isn't just a movie. It's a emotion. Hats off to entire team of The Dark Knight Triology. The best movie I've ever seen in my life. Christian Bale is the most versatile and talented actor I've seen on television. Also, this movie is my personal favourite of the TDK Triology. A stunning conclusion to both Bruce Wayne and The Batman...

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This has a too convoluted plot and is too long but it still has some of the best moments of the trilogy. Bane and Catwoman are both great additions but they can't live up to the Joker.

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I think I am only the one who cried for Bane...

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A less effective villain and a somewhat disjointed start to the film as well as greater dependence on elements from the previous entries made this less satisfying than the previous entry though it was always going to be a tough act to follow. Still a rousing and fitting end to the trilogy - what surprises is that the most effective characters are new to the series - Hathaway and Levitt are outstanding. Previous supporting characters played by Oldman, Freeman and especially Caine all have their moment to shine and the action is as exciting as ever. But this is Bruce Wayne's film even more so than Batman and Nolan and Bale bring the themes and ideas introduced from the beginning to an emotional and fitting conclusion. The question now is reboot or continue but as it stands Nolan has managed to create that rare thing in film - a completely enthralling and satisfying trilogy

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Users think that trakt is some sort of Facebook.

There are TWO Spoilers bellow, one from "m1mi.dan0s" and other from "spark_ey"

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Awesome movie! Only thing that I didn't really get was the ending: Was Alfred having a fantasy, as he mentioned earlier in the movie, or has Batman really survived the explosion and retired with Catwoman?

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Neither can i..

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Shout by Kai
BlockedParent2024-09-05T20:18:17Z— updated 2024-09-10T17:13:23Z

Tom Hardy as Bane is so

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no way we get catwoman and robin, also love commissioner Gordon in this too. Alfred is such a king

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The most disappointing sequel of all time.

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Christopher Nolan concludes his revolutionary Batman trilogy with The Dark Knight Rises. In this final chapter Bruce Wayne must take up the Batman mantle once again when a rogue mercenary named Bane threatens to destroy Gotham. Tom Hardy, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and Anne Hathaway join the cast and deliver strong performances…except for Hardy’s ADR voice work. Unfortunately, the digitally altered voice for Bane is especially distracting and feels disconnected from Hardy’s performance. Additionally, the script has some significant problems and gets a bit bizarre. Yet the film still delivers of a lot of exciting action and intense drama. The Dark Knight Rises capstones this groundbreaking series that redefined one of the most iconic superheroes.

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Good performances especially from Tom Hardy.
Weak script. Illogical decisions every 5 minutes to drive the plot. Great action but the absence of a coherent story makes them less enjoyable and frankly obsolete. 5.5/10

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:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: - As always, Christopher Nolan never ceases to amaze with his work, writing and directing are brilliantly done.

10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:rage:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: - Bull Shit

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A mindless snore bore, guaranteed to cure insomnia. Just press play and drift blissfully into the endless sea of dreams.

Good luck staying awake!

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"The Dark Knight Rises" is a thrilling conclusion to Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy. Christian Bale delivers another powerful performance as the caped crusader, facing off against the formidable Bane, played by Tom Hardy. The film is action-packed and keeps you on the edge of your seat until the very end.
It's a must-see for any superhero fan!

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Ahhh... Marion Cotillard's death still gets me.
Best performance Ever!

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This movie was the epitome of lazy, self-indulgent garbage. The only reason I gave this a five out of 10 was the A-list cast. Other than that, a two-hour and forty-five minute film felt like four hours. It was interminable. It was a film about finance and clean energy, not a superhero film. And Bane was the worst super-villain of all-time. Tom Hardy was nothing more than a man in a mask, and unlike Batman, he really wasn't a very interesting character. He also sounded like a 19th-century, English servant w/ that accent he used. I don't know if this was his choice or the way the character was written, but either way, it just didn't fit the film.

I realize that Heath Ledger's death had a tremendous effect on this third film, but if this was the best they could come up w/, it shouldn't have been made at all. The plot was less than ideal, and it had numerous holes. Overall, this film was a huge disappointment.

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I really don't have much to say about this work. Literally, I see the name of the director and I already know I'm going to like it.

I'm reviewing the Batman trilogy and decided to start with its last element. I know that this trilogy is extremely respected by most movie buffs, and I am obviously part of that majority. I know that everyone hails the second film as the best, but if that is the best, then this one is not too far off. The trilogy is truly 5 stars.

P.S. - This movie started out being my favorite movie when I was a kid. Good times.

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The Dark Knight Rises is an excellent addition to the already outstanding Dark Knight series. The film offers an intense storyline that keeps you on the edge of your seat the whole time. Christian Bale as Batman, Anne Hathaway as Catwoman, and Tom Hardy as Bane delivered their roles with perfection. Hardy's portrayal of the Bane is nothing short of exceptional, providing a commanding presence and physicality that add a menacing tone to the film, making him one of the best villains in the series. Nolan's direction is once again spot on, as he skillfully creates a world that keeps you engaged the whole time. Overall, a must-watch for fans of the franchise.

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Shout by Deleted

This poster... it's already making my legs weak. This legendary soundtrack, casting and characters are simply Oh My God. Maybe the pacing is a bit slow and the movie confusing, but I don't care. It's just beautiful. I love Bale. I love Nolan. I Love The Dark Knight Rises

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Enthralling, thoroughly entertaining film, with well-crafted story and amazing performances. Perfect ending to the trilogy.

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There are not many excellent trilogies around. The original Star Wars trilogy is one. The Lord of the Rings is another. I would also count the Godfather movies as one of these. Maybe even the Back to the Future trilogy if you are feeling generous.

Nolan's Batman trilogy rates near the very top for me.

The Dark Knight Rises, as the third installment, ends up between the other two when it comes to enjoyment, but that's only because of Ledgers magnificent Joker in the second one. Bale has been an exceptional Batman throughout the trilogy, and in my book, delivers his best in this one. The story is arguably the darkest of the three, but also the best in my opinion. It delivers both in excitement and closure...and even new beginnings.

The Dark Knight Rises can certainly be enjoyed by itself, but as most trilogies, it's at its very best when enjoyed together with the other two.

There's not much else to say really...

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Shout by Maarten Delfgou
BlockedParent2021-11-15T20:03:31Z— updated 2021-11-17T17:54:13Z

The Dark Knight Trilogy
Batman Begins (2005).
The Dark Knight (2008).
The Dark Knight Rises (2012).

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Not always pulling up the threads from the first part gives good results. It turned out even better here. ps. but was it not possible to simply climb the rope to get out of the well? ;)

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"This is a stock exchange. There's no money here to steal." "Really? Then why are you people here?"

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I wouldn't say this is a cheap, poorly lit cardboard cutout copy of The Dark Knight, I'd say it's a cheap poorly lit cardboard cutout copy of every old superhero movie.

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There's the grime I was looking for in a Batman movie.
An excellent conclusion to a great trilogy.

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An absolute brilliant movie and an epic conclusion to Christopher Nolan‘s Batman trilogy. A stellar cast, breathtaking visuals and a good story makes this movie a must-see for everyone.

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This is a really good superhero/action movie but one of my main complaints is that it's just too long. I feel like parts of it were dragged on too long and also there were a lot of famous faces that I felt overall didn't contribute anything other than getting the film a bit more publicity. Having said that it was nice to see faces such as Anne Hathaway on my screen. Overall this is a great movie

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Not as good as the dark knight story wise - but still great film

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Thank you Christopher Nolan for this Legendary Trilogy :heart:
Loved the choice of the whole characters :heart_eyes:
Christian Bale nailed Batman

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"You're a big guy-"

"For you."


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A recent rewatch for me, and one which hasn't aged as gracefully as its predecessors. I loved it on my initial viewing back on opening day, but removed from the initial "wow" factor, its plot holes really start to catch the light.

Anne Hathaway was an inspired choice as Catwoman, but the character doesn't really seem important or even necessary... just fluff and padding for a nigh-three-hour flick that already had enough going on. After thriving under the spotlight for the first two acts, Bane's sudden dismissal and the associated bait-and-switch doesn't sit particularly well with me either.

Not to sound all doom and gloom, because it's still a perfectly enjoyable film and a decent enough way to wrap up the trilogy, but it does feel quite scattered and I think a lot of what I enjoyed was just leftover fumes from BB and TDK.

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Tom Hardy makes this film borderline unwatchable.

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I like this movie just fine...that is THE LONGEST MOVIE EVER MADE.

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I'd watched this movie so many times , it never felt old. The whole trilogy was awesome.The end always gives me the chills.I wish they'd continued this into a Nightwing story.

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Shout by sandeep

I really like the Banes's role and acting..

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Shout by Deleted

Dr. Pavel, I'm CIA.

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Do you feel in charge?

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Stunning conclusion to an epic trilogy.

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The Dark Knight trilogy really reminds me of the original Star Wars trilogy in terms of quality. The first of the series is fantastic and new and gets you so pumped up for the franchise. Then the second one (Empire Strikes Back) comes out and blows up with awesomeness. That one is a great film by any standard even outside the genre. Then the third one (Return of the Jedi) comes along and cannot live up to the fantastic film before it. But it still is a good, satisfying conclusion to the story.

I have a bunch of specific plot points in this one that bother me, but I still enjoy watching it nonetheless. There are some amazing action scenes that are worth it no matter what. Also, "That's a lovely, lovely voice." makes me laugh so hard every time.

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you have to change some fact to make it seem better.

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Shout by Renato Alves

Epic movie, everyone should watch

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Brilliant ending of a brilliant trilogy! While Bane is not a villain as brilliant as the Joker was in "The Dark Knight", the plot is still very thrilling, entertaining and packs a lot of action into the 150 minutes of run-time. The special effects are top notch (as with the other two parts of the trilogy) and the whole Good vs Evil themes does not get boring at all. Besides the Lord of the Rings and the Harry Potter series this is definitely one of my all-time favorites!

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Shout by Deleted

The Batman-Bane fights are priceless!! Christian Bale rules!!!

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Shout by Jose

La película ha estado entretenida, y en algunos momentos interesante, pero la baja calidad de los enfrentamientos y sobre todo lo absurdo de los diferentes ataques que se suceden hace que pierda muchos enteros, por lo visto no han pensado mucho en las estrategias a la hora del combate, por no mencionar que después de tres meses encerrados los policías salgan todos como nuevos al escapar. Tiene muchos puntos absurdos.

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Bane sounded like an old British fool trying to recite some Shakespeare to a crowd who only wanted to make a ruckus.
Ending was great though.

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Cinema Paco. Image 4,5/5, sonido 5/5. Liked me more than when I saw it in the cinema. 3 in the saga are very good

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Amazingly well-done, on all fronts. Read for more:

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Shout by Deleted

The end definitely worth the wait! And there was a lot of waiting, because they dragged to the limit. Catwoman and Robin - LOVE.

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Test comment - 2014-03-26 22:51:06 -0400

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Test comment - 2014-03-20 17:00:55 -0400

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