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The Platform 2 2024

"I want my pizza!"

Same rodeo, different characters. The laws of the pit have changed slightly this time around and maintaining those laws is the main storyline but it's all recycled stuff from the first and it doesn't really justify it's existence. The new characters do the job but I can't say I cared all that much for them. I didn't like that old characters returned it was so cheap and made the movie feel like a recap episode. Cinematography wise it's the same as the first it's a decent looking movie. Lots of brutality and nice gore sequences. The last 20-30 minutes are crap, they didn't know how to end this thing and the concept has already been stretched past it's limit.

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I enjoyed the first one but this movie is such a disappointment... Nothing makes sense... And one guy gets absolutely crazy over pizza! Ugh...

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The first movie was incredible fresh and very well produced. I liked everything about it.

This second part is pretty boring. The story just can’t hold up to the first movie. I lost interest in the first 1/3 of it and stopped watching before the first half of the movie.

I just was going back to my rewatch of Disenchantment which Netflix should give more seasons instead of financing less than mediocre movies like that one.

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HORRIBLE! Typical greedy behavior " We made one successful let's make more" . Nothing to review just don't watch it. Rate 1/10

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While The Platform 2 manages to spin another interesting line of questioning about human nature and society within the confines of The Pit, namely science and religion this time around, you can feel the bounds of the idea crack and splinter with every passing minute of this sequel until it eventually gives way in the final 20 minutes. We're fully in emotive territory here, with all semblance of order or cohesion in the storytelling department thrown straight to the bottom of the pit. It's still an intriguing premise, and what is asked of human power structures, beliefs and human nature in the opening act is still very cool, it's just a shame that the juice has well and truly run out on this idea and we're left with such a damp, messy pulp of a movie as a result.

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So incredibly lost for the last 30 minutes of the movie. Still don’t know if I liked it or not. So much of this I feel like was symbolism that I was just missing or maybe bad symbolism that meant nothing at all.

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Let's get one thing straight. It's definitely not as good as the first movie, but this one is good. The acting is good, you already know the plot. Only the ending didn't make sense to me. I had a hard time understanding it even though I rewound it twice. Definitely watch it. You'll enjoy it. Thank you for your efforts, enjoy watching.

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LOL that ending might be top 5 worst endings I've ever experienced. What was the point of this???

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I enjoyed it because I watched it long enough after the first that i didn't mind the recycling of plot, dynamics etc. But can someone explain the ending? I swear it didn't make sense. Was she high?

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In the first half hour of "Platform 2," it becomes clear that this return is indeed a serious mistake, does not expand the themes of the first, on class and illicit allocation of resources, but, at the very least, tells the story in a slightly more personal way.

So a sequence looks kind of antithetical.

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ugh. i just expected more.

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The movie is really good! Again a big criticism to people trying to impose civil rules over barbaric behavior and being more aggressive than the ones you fight against. Those who didn't understand the ending didn't understand.the very reason the woman was there in the first place... It must be very sad to watch something and don't get things unless they are board explained to you xD

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The first movie had something. This one is a bunch of nonsenses. The title of this movie should have been "El Rollo 2".

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“The Hole 2” is a film that leaves you thinking, but doesn't quite live up to its full potential. The premise is super interesting: a vertical prison where inmates live in overcrowded living quarters and face a brutal and unequal food system. The idea of surviving in such a place is unsettling and the tension remains constant.

The new character that enters the game brings some freshness and engages you with his fight against the system, but at times the story feels repetitive and leaves you wanting more development. Visually, the movie delivers, with a claustrophobic atmosphere that makes you feel the desperation of the characters.

However, although the plot has strong moments, it seems to fall halfway into the philosophical and doesn't go as deep as it could. It's entertaining and thought-provoking, but it doesn't quite exploit all of its ideas. It's good to pass the time, but it won't change your life.

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Unnecessary sequel but I enjoyed it nonetheless. It was a little bit harder to follow so i suggest giving this movie your whole attention to retain it.

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The Platform 2 (2024) - :heart:7

After watching the first Platform (2019) movie I had one burning question - how that platform moved the way it did - well, now we know.
Here we have a continuation of a very interesting concept. I do hope we get to see another in the near future.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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This movie is such a waste of time, 0 plot.

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Boring. Didn't really get the need for a sequel.

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I don't get why people are saying they didn't got it. Like it is so obvious. It is what we live everyday. But instead of explaining these dynamics in a difficult way, they made a movie. People also complain about not having the same feeling of a fresh piece as the first. No way, Sherlock. This is a second movie, so don't go thinking you will breath something totally new. It shouldn't be all new. They made a well done sequel to the same idea presented on the first movie. It is not an acion focused movie, both 1st and 2nd are made for you to reflect. I don't think it could get any better than this. Well done critique and very well presented thoughts.

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I don't recommend it bad

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I’m more confused by the sequel than I was by the prequel

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Pointless and meaningless. I just gave my time to a movie that gave me hope that it was good but it was not. The story is meh and at times not engaging. Can't get a refund for the time lost.

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I think I liked the original platform where they weren't so hell bent on following rules. And the ending was a bit bizarre.

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Movie was good, not as bad as ratings.

I might have liked it because, i barely remembered pt1. after 5y :sweat_smile:
So i felt movie engaging.

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The first movie was great, with a unique plot and solid production. However, this one had poor visual effects at certain moments and didn’t live up to the expectations set by the first one. Also the first part of the movie with the fat guy was terrible

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I watched first one and loved it, but it was so long ago that I dont even remember the exact plot, so I fairly enjoyed this movie, but I absolutely dont understand the ending, it makes just no sense at all.

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Let's see, they are not as good as the first one... it is a bit repetitive with the characters that do not include anything in the history of the characters... I think they should have left it in the first part... it's a shame they could they could have done something very interesting... but that didn't happen :type_1_2:‍♂.

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Play it with x1.5 and still so boring what a letdown ,some film cant have sequel !

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It's a prequel? A sequel? Or the same movie with different characters

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The first movie was much better. This sequel felt like a slow burn, and the plot became unnecessarily complicated, making it hard to follow. I found myself getting bored halfway through.

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