Scenery in the movie is so stunning

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The Secret Life of Walter Mitty was good. There's not really much substance to it and the whole thing essentially amounts to "Just Do It", but it's still entertaining and looks incredible. The scenery and colours are just beautiful. It was pretty well acted and paced, the characters were likeable, the script was good and the product placement was blatant.

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What a great movie. Loved it. Ben Stiller was fantastic.

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Not at all what I expected. What a wonderful, visually stunning surprise. Ben Stiller is such a talented and creative director. The scenery in here almost was therapeutic.

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Loved this movie and felt like it spoke to me on a deeply personal level, and I suspect I’m not alone in feeling this way. Life can pass you by when you’re stuck living in your head, and although this movie takes “living life” quite to the extreme (I wouldn’t visit ungoverned Afghanistan or get close to an erupting volcano), the message is clear: take the jump, do the thing, life begins outside of your comfort zone.

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I just don't see what people see here. This film was cringey and just god damn awful. Walter's zone outs started as a unique idea but then became terrifically annoying every time they happened and on top of all that they made me lose track of what was actually meant to be going on. This is one I definitely will not be recommending to people or researching any time soon.

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It's a love letter to cinema, music and nature, an ode to life and to love

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Beautiful movie. Inspiring as well. The whole time I wondered, why isn't he taking pictures of his journey? But that was the point, to just live.

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I love this movie, I'm glad I forgot the story after my first watch (years ago),
I'm glad I watched it again, thank you very much for reminding me this:

"Some-where down the line we stopped believing in ourselves even though we know we can still fulfill our dreams but we never trust ourselves enough to take the leap of faith."

The photographs in the end made it more real.

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This movie is absolutely beautiful. Both visually and emotionally.

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Predicable, but wonderful. Stunning and very skilled cinematography.

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Stick with this. It’s a great film. I was ready to give up on it after the first few of Walters “zoned out” moments, but it comes good.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. Worth every second.

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Second time still good and very entertaining

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Shout by Deleted

"To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, draw closer, to find each other, and to feel. That is the purpose of life."

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No flaws whatsoever to this movie; completely underrated! The soundtrack is beautiful and after watching this movie i find myself listening to it on a daily basis. The cinematography is on a whole other level -- so, so gorgeous and really refreshing seeing Stiller in a serious role! Really love how they recreated the original movie - kept some details the same but made it really modern and much, much more impressive and enjoyable than the original. 10/10.

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Ben Stiller in a serious film, also directed by him. At first glance I cringed. What came forth though was beautiful footage, with touching music paired to it. I truly felt I watched as Ben Stiller's character grew emotionally during the film. A touching piece, with much to become attached to. I recommend it to anyone who enjoys an underdog coming out on top, or who wants to feel good after watching a film.

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Shout by Deleted

This movie was just wouahou!! I came out and the only thing I had in mind was to do the same thing, and to start travel, and never stop! And the soundtrack is really cool!

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Shout by Deleted

Between the music and the visuals, I watched most of it in a stunned kind of haze. The good kind.

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Not bad

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i underestimated this movie,it is really GOOD. love Ben

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Shout by Raul Mangolin

That is a great movie. <3

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Shout by Deleted

Muito bom filme

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Usually I hate just about everything ben stiller does but even though this is a remake I had a good time watching it.

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Shout by Deleted

Pleasant surprise.. Time to update the passport and find some travel buddies!!

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Shout by Håvard

A gorgeous movie. I loved the original as well, but they managed to make the "story" more relevant to today's day and age. That combined with the amazing visuals puts this one above the original for me.

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"Mitty" a Magical Tribute to the Possible

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Excellent movie about not giving up. Mixing imagination and reality to make something special, something that hits home. There's a lot more to life then most people will ecer experience

Very underrated film.

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Shout by David

I was not expecting this movie to be as good as it was. Ben Stiller was great!

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This is a great movie that every dreamer should see.

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Shout by Deleted

Razzies?!... really...? One symbol only for the critics : .|.

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Shout by Deleted

Really liked the movie. The scenes were breath taking. Definitely recommend watching this one!

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Funny story, a bit cliche but after the first half hour gets funny and hilarious. Worth the money.

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A breath of fresh air... intelligent, engaging and funny. OK, it's a remake... I haven't seen the original, but THIS was great! Please go watch it and think about Life in a different way.

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I wish they made more movies like this. They took a couple of actors that are known for their comedic roles and put them into a sweet, simple story. Its a shame that more people haven't seen their other efforts - particularly Wiig, who has made some really nice indie movies. I thought that the ending was especially sweet and very well done.

follow me at or facebook IHATEBadMovies

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it's really one good movie, you know, it felt very refreshing, its like when you decide to let go your job and tried to discover something worthy of what you define as YOU, Its really mesmerizing and the whole ambience atmosphere of the movie was just superb, overall, such a stunning piece of work.

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Such a fun happy movie, visually stunning, makes you happy, and live life stress free. Definitely will watch again every yr.

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A truly beautiful and feel-good movie. Fantastic music and outstanding acting.

I highly recommend this film if you're feeling lost in life.

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An inspiring tale of overcoming adversity, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty delivers laughs and adventure. When the cover photo for Life magazine’s last issue comes up missing, Walter Mitty embarks on a quest to find the photographer and get a copy of the missing photo; but he’ll have to brave shark attacks, volcanoes, and scale mountains to do it. Starring Ben Stiller, Kristen Wiig, Adam Scott, and Sean Penn, the film has a strong comedic cast that works well with this kind of satire and dry humor. Additionally, the soundtrack does a good job at depicting the character of Walter Mitty, and the changes that he goes though. The Secret Life of Walter Mitty has some pacing issues and the story’s missing a few beats, but it’s still a fun ride with a positive message about self-empowerment.

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I just love this movie so much. It's one of my favorites. If you're a photographer, you'll have an extra special appreciation for this film.

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Such a beautiful movie. Went in without watching the trailer, so glad I did.
The editing in this movie is phenomenal.
10/10 highly recommended.

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Comforting, Heartwarming. It's that kind of movie.

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:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: - I like this film, it's well paced & an entertaining story.

My rating system works:
10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:heart:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:heart: - Bull Shit

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Yes Theory the Movie (word)

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To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, draw closer, to find each other and to feel. That is the purpose of life.

This is cinema for me.

I always wondered why, whenever great directors, creators counted an obscure movie as their favourite. " Secret life of Walter mitty" makes me realise the reason why, it just connects with you on a whole new different level. One of my absolute favourites and love this movie to the core.

This is a wholesome movie and filled with some of the greatest shots along with beautiful soundtrack. Was surprised  to learn that it was shot on film. 

In a way we are all Walter mitty's. When we were young we all had this idea about ourselves and as we get older we kind of forget about all that. Watching this film bring so much joy and puts things into perspective.

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I don't know how I made it to the end of this movie. After reading many good comments I adventured myself to watch it and one thing is for sure, will never watch it again.

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This movie is on my recommended movies list and I recently rewatched it. I watched it 10 years ago in theaters and again now and it continues to impress me with how good the cinematography is, how clean the transitions are, and how vibey the whole movie is. Deep down, maybe this film inspired me to longboard, to pick up photography, to be adventurous and go on more trips, and just be more outgoing and spontaneous. Who can really say...but I can say is that this is definitely a movie to watch at least once in your lifetime.

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At first,I imagined it like some kind of psychological drama sort of thing.But when I went through it more and more,I just fell in love with all the acting,scenes and especially the places where it took me.Literally one of the great experience after such a long time.Once again proved that traveling can give an extra life to a movie.

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This is really a great feel good story with a very good cast. The only other thing I’ve seen directed from Ben Stiller is the show Severance, but he really seems to have a skill for directing.

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Great shots of the landscape, worth seeing if only for these shots.

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Truly a movie on being the main character. I don’t love most of the daydreaming scenes, but the cinematography is great. Also the love interest part is a mild romcom way, but definitely not a “chick flick”. Wasn’t expecting to like the ending.

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Shout by Deleted

A feel good movie for when you need one.

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"Beautiful things don't ask for attention". Rated 7 just for this quote.

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“I just live by the ABCs: Adventurous, Brave, Creative.”

I can see this either being really great or mediocre depending on what type of person you are. I for one am a huge daydreamer that gets distracted by the scenery my brain creates in the background of whatever place I am in, so I related to it. So that plus the amazing cinematography and music is the reason why I am rating this so high. Oh and the comedy is pretty subtle. Kudos to that.

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Very refreshing, adventurous movie worth watching.

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Really enjoyable movie. Had a few good laughs not expecting the humor. Felt like just a entertaining movie that pointed to just enjoying the value of life and going for any of it. Was fun to watch.

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The rare case of a maligned remake, a long-term denizen of development hell, which seems to have benefited from the extended incubation. The offbeat saga of a chronic introvert, so conflicted he debates the merits of a single mouse click, it thrives on his spirited imagination and the audience's uncertainty about where the line stretches between stark reality and vibrant make-believe. These scenes, peppered with equal amounts of breakneck effects magic and surprising, effective laughs, are the heart and soul of the movie. Not only do they keep the pace skipping along at a frantic speed, but they also effectively foreshadow upcoming events, convey Walter's wants and needs, and chart his progress on the road to self-discovery.

Ben Stiller is wonderful in the leading role, both as a mousey, zoned-out ghost at the journey's outset and the large, confident individual he becomes, and the awkward chemistry he shares with Kristen Wiig is just right. My sole complaint, really, is that after handling so much in the opening acts, it feels stuck during the slower-paced home stretch. Intelligent, thoughtful, entertaining adventures - both real and imagined - with a beating heart and a fresh sense of style.

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can't believe i cry. very touch and enjoyable. love the soundtracks.

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Shout by Cybersphere

This is a very divisive movie. You'll either love it or hate it. The movie starts off pretty slow, but intersperses a lot of high intensity scenes into the mix. It becomes more evident towards the end that the movie is trying to be a metaphor for life, but I didn't find it that profound. YMMV

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Definitely the best movie I've ever seen starring Ben Stiller - great job!

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Shout by Deleted

Ben Stiller tries a serious movie. Fails. To much of Ben Stiller and not enough seriousness.

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A charming and beautiful movie. Yes, it is unexpected and not an adaptation of the book, which was what I thought at first. But when the story took the viewer onto a "chase" and to these exotic places in the world, what's there not to like? As one faced with outsourcing at this point, I do celebrate with the protagonist's view in finishing well and yes, there's more in life than just being successful financially.

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This movie is very Boring

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Disappointing, I didn't like it and the fact that there's a lot of imagination moments is a bit distracting..

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Totally clicheeee!!! But. Gold Mom. Love it.

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Shout by Deleted

This was a pretty good movie. good ending

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Very boring. It wasn't at all what I expected.

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Shout by Deleted

Great movie. Good history. Perfect BSO.

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Shout by Deleted

This movie is about a guy who has a life bored with the same things to do at work and Working pressure, but one day that same guy embarks on a great adventure and meets new people. this film is inspiring, because it leaves a message: doesn't matter if they try hurt you or lie about you. it does not matter because you have friends who care about you and a family and the only thing that can change your life and if you start to live it, every minute with the joy of a child. ´´Don't waste your time on the past, no no
It's time you look to the future´´

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Shout by Deleted


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Shout by Deleted

Beautiful pictures! Lovely music. Really beautiful cover. Orientated for something better, maybe a slight disappointment here. Film sweet, but that's all.

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Shout by Deleted

Yeah, it has some moments and good looks, but it's superficial, predictable and the Benjamin Button's scene was terrible!

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Shout by Deleted

"To see the world, things dangerous to come to. To see behind walls, draw closer. To find each other and to feel. That is the purpose of life."

Since I first saw the trailer of The Secret Life of Walter Mitty I was really looking forward to see it. Then the bad reviews started to came up but didn't let down my will to go see it anyway. Walter Mitty gave me exactly what I was expecting from it.

The message of this film is beautiful. Walter is a day-dreamer, he imagine the most unique situations on his day-to-day life. Deep down he is affraid of living, he is quite reserved, he has an interesting job in Life Magazine but he was never able to give "the jump" on his life. He prefers to disappear into his fantasy world and there is the place where he can totally be the happy and confident guy that he always wanted to be.

The cinematography is absolutely breath taking! The landscapes of Greenland, Iceland and the Himalayan mountains are simply amazing. We just wanna go visit those places the moment we leave the theater.
The soundtrack is very cool and the acting is wonderful. I think Ben Stiller did a good job directing this very interesting story.

Some of Walter's imagination moments might seem a little ridiculous but that's what our imagination can be too and of course there is flaws in it but overall this film is sweet and so full of heart that at the end left me with a huge smile on my face!

Try to look at it as a positive feel good film about being happy, that's what this story is all about! The Secret Life of Walter Mitty is a beautiful celebration of life.

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Quando ele finalmente estava fazendo algo empolgante e o cara da eHarmony perguntava sobre, ele falava "Nada demais". Acho que isso foi como um toque nos dizendo "preste atenção nas coisas empolgantes que você faz/pode fazer no dia-a-dia e use isso pra apreciar a vida" ou algo assim

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Shout by Ben

I ❤ the trailer.
Hope the movie is as well as good ;)

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