All round brilliant performances of a razor sharp script. I loved it.

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Fantastic performances by Frances McDormand, Sam Rockwell and Woody Harrelson bolster a heartbreaking narrative full of dark humour by Martin McDonagh. The film sets an atmosphere which is hard to describe, but is found in some films of this year such as Wind River. The audience is filled with such a high level of dread as the events of the film could occur in real life and many characters act happy despite their lives being anything but this.

I think this is why I love films so much, people telling stories about other people and what motivates them to do the things they do.

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Engaging and Captivating, Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri, is a drama that will leave everyone specullating and guessing without ever revealing the real culprit of the plot's main story! Incorporating Dark Humour, this movie gives us outstanding performances by Frances McDormand, Woody Harrelson, and Sam Rockwell, and it's sure to leave moviegoers satisfied, even with the lack of closure!
A Great Movie

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can't believe The Shape of Water won over this...

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Completely aimless, tonally confusing, and ultimately boring.

It's definitely watchable, but don't believe the hype - If this mediocre thing raked up no less than 7 Oscar nominations that should tell you something about the current state of the US movie industry.

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Shout by Dulneth Perera
BlockedParent2023-12-10T06:28:00Z— updated 2023-12-14T04:20:41Z

This is one of those few movies where everyone from the cast brings their A game, absolutely stellar performance from each of the cast members, had me hooked throughout the entirety of the movie. A unique narrative all along, went in blind and was blown away due to the unpredictable twists and turns, interesting and well written characters with exceptional filmmaking. I am a sucker for Crime Drama movies and this felt like a breath of fresh air.


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An incredible tragicomedy, with a perfectly-paced story, that unfolds in an engaging and unpredictable manner. The perfect balance of heart-wrenching drama and witty dark humor made the film a thoroughly entertaining experience, and the writing, paired with the performances of the cast, made the characters feel real and compelling.

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I was really in the mood for a murder mystery where the bad guy will get punished their crimes but I gotta say, this movie turned me around. Great dialogue, music, acting and cinematography.

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I admire the acting in this movie, though not so much for the plot. The story itself just end there without any resolution, really.

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Amazing! This was a powerful move.
I really enjoy it.
Mildred is one of the most incredible characters ever made.

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Damn, it was a good movie!

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Really smooth and I don't know what but has something special. Totally recommend.

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Really enjoyed the words that Mildred had to say to the priest that came to her house.

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Tragic at its core, but a tale filled with hope and grace, and real insights into the human condition. McDormand is fantastic - as she always is - but kudos also belong to Harrelson and Rockwell, as well as the whole of the superb supporting cast. Narratively unpredictable, but the characters matter more than the plot in this gem of a film.

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1 / 2 directing & technical aspect
1 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
1 / 1 act II
0 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
1 / 1 writing
0 / 1 originality
0 / 1 lasting ability to make you think

0 / 1 misc

6 out of 10

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I enjoyed the pace of the film, the tension, and the character arcs. Even the ending was satisfactory though not what I expected.

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Weird movie. It’s okay, but the story feels a bit off. All these things happen, but nothing gets resolved or cleared up. It’s just people doing terrible shit to each other for various reasons. Expected a bit more to be honest.

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Fantastic characterisation. Grief, anger, and the multi dimensions of human nature and existence. Who says it’s a redemption arc for Dixon?

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"black man good, white man bad!"

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‘As long as you hold on to so much hate, then I don't think you're ever going to become what I know you want to become.' - Willoughby (Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri)

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2.3 points -> Cinematography (0-3)
1.4 points -> Acting and Characters (0-2)
2.3 points -> Plot (0-3)
0.7 points -> Score (0-1)

0.9 -> enjoyed the movie. (0-1)

Aka. 8.7 points

One of the best of the year. Underrated!!

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one of the best movies i've ever seen

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Simply fantastic. One of the best movies I've seen in 2018

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You know from the title itself that this film won't be ordinary. "Three billboards"? "Ebbing, Missouri"? But as far as these ideas/places are from the national imaginary, so too are the performances of Frances McDormand and Sam Rockwell. This story successfully weaves issues of rurality, race, class and violence into a story that isn't trying too hard to speak to politics. Don't get me wrong, the story clearly is talking about politics, but you won't feel hit over the head by it. Ultimately, extremely satisfying, it's little surprise that this film got as many awards as it did.

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Where to start with this movie? Ok, it’s not racist and anyone that says it is is an idiot. This is a wonderful movie that shows what humans are capable of with great characters and acting. Tragic and entertaining at the same time.

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A good movie, I don’t think its a masterpiece, but in recent years the [masterpieces] tend to elude me. It is entertaining and also not very predictable from the opening. It makes sense and most of the characters are likable even if when introduced they aren’t.

It’s probably the best movie of 2017, grab it and watch it. You won’t be wasting 140 minutes of your life.

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Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

This is 100% a character study, don't come here for a murder mystery.
The acting in this, is among the best in cinema, every character felt real with their emotions.
Some minor plot holes, but it matters little.


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Was not an awful movie, just kind of slow and I didn't like the ending. I would try to find maybe a 15 minute overview of this movie on youtube if you could so you can spend the other hour and a half of your life doing something more enjoyable lol.

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Brilliant film! Dark, hilarious and emotionally deep, with outstanding performances. The whole thing is packed with such quirky, yet human characters, it's hard not to connect with them and invest in what happens with them. Deserves all the accolades it's getting.

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A nice mystery that's not about what it's meant to be about, because the 3 billboards in the film are not billboards but characters (Chief William Willoughby, Mildred Hayes and Officer Dixon), and the movie is not a mystery but a tale of grace, humanity and redemption.

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Shout by Deleted

every single character in this movie matter, every single character feels real! fantastic performances, great story telling.
this right here is a Masterpiece and without any doubt the best 2017 Film. It´s rare for a movie to make me stare at the credits thinking about what i just saw...
On a side note... wouldn't it be great to have a sequel?

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Absolutely Garbage.

the charectors are well written and wonderfully acted but this is the only thing that's well written.

The story (or lack there of) is Garbage, the film feels like a mix of a few unfinished idea's hurriedly cobbled together to last an hour and a half.

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Nothing you expect about this movie is what you'll actually experience.

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It feels like an incomplete movie, and i would only accept that awfull ending if they are plaining to make a sequel.
Besides that the movie is awesome, the performers make this a fantastic movie. 6.5/10 untill i get my sequel!

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Great film. Love the story. Shitty ending. It ended with things unresolved.

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Acting skills at a high level. However, I do not understand the admiration of the script ... the idea is good, but for me there is no punch line.

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Shout by Deleted

Que mulher, cara! Que atuação...

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Shout by Deleted

Nossa! Que filme corajoso. Atuações fantásticas e uma história que te coloca pra pensar o tempo inteiro. Os personagens são cinzas e suas ações estão constantemente provocando o espectador a confrontar suas próprias convicções. O final achei um pouco conveniente mas não tira o brilho do filme. Já é o meu favorito na corrida do Oscar.

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Mannnnnn sit thru so many mediocre flicks...and then ffffinally, finally..a gem

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Fucking brilliant. The funniest film I've seen in ages but also totally heartbreaking. Phenomenal.

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The window scene never fails to give me goosebumps. That is the perfect example of how shock value should be done in screenwriting.

Almost feels wrong giving this a 7 and not an 8, both because I adored this when it came out (this was HUGE and cultural at the time) and because it leaves you pondering so much but I gotta say I wish it had more of an atmosphere to its slower scenes. Part of me feels the messiness is deliberate and maybe even a direct allegory to America which would kinda make its lack of atmosphere an atmosphere in itself but I don't know.
Some of the comedy also doesn't hit for me anymore (the 'bigger' jokes still do but a lot of the minor lines and small moments don't).
A fucking bold film though. A miserable one. Actually surprised so many Americans like it (Oscars included of course) since it certainly feels like a film written by an outsider.

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Some real caracters, Frances is one more time very convincing, there are some mistakes there and there, but overall a good movie.

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After seeing the trailer I couldn't wait to see this movie! Unfortunately almost every scene worth mentioning seems to be shown in the trailer already. The cast is brilliant - Frances McDormand and Zeljko Ivanek are my favorites - but the second half of the story fell a little short for me. I really wanted to love this movie, in the end I just liked it.

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Shout by _Sheila_


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Frances McDormand can’t fail. What an awesome movie.

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A history doubt, nothing gratifying.

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Shout by Deleted

Three Billboards is equal parts heartbreaking and hilarious. The screenplay moves seamlessly between gut wrenching moments of human weakness and suffering to perfectly timed dark comedy. Frances Mcdormand leads an air tight cast playing a woman who would do anything to have her story told, every moment of her performance feels real and she captures the vulnerability of the character brilliantly. Woody Harrelson is extremely likeable throughout the film in one of his most engaging roles to date and Sam Rockwell completely transforms into a racist, brutal and incredibly stupid cop nailing both the humour and unexpected heart behind the character. The cast is by far the best thing about this movie and it is well worth checking out just to see these amazing actors take on a really great script.

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Goddammit if this movie didn't enrage me and make me sad. There are moments where you're shaking your head because it doesn't make any sense. And there are moments when you're wiping away years because it doesn't make any sense. I strongly disliked this movie. And then, I strongly enjoyed it. It left me a little empty. And I liked it.

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Drama is a film genre that requires most reality in the story ... in this movie you have the feeling that anyone can kill, hurt, curse the police in the worst possible way, threatens, breaks ... pure anarchy. This film is depressing, and that word describes it best. Also, here on @Dirk wrote that there is a great balance between drama and comedy. Comedy ??? What comedy? Well, if there was a comedy, the movie might have been interesting. And the ending of the movie? I have not seen this kind of stupid ending for a long time. The acting was great, of course ... the film was beautifully shot, but the story could have been much more interesting, especially if it had a better finish. 4/10

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Shout by Deleted

The movie has a really awesome soundtrack! Loved every but of it.

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Shout by Amanda

I've never watched this .I have tried to but it's never done it. How come it's on there?? Also there are other films Jurassic world being one,, again I have tried to but it's never come through .???

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Really great movie with Oscar worthy performances although the ending seemed a bit abrupt to me. I would have liked to see more.

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I decent film on my billboard with (Frances Dormand) and (Sam Rockwell) showing off a good performance and had little sense of humour but I felt It could of had more too it and I'd of given It 8/10 instead of 7/10.

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Shout by splenda

Enjoyable, entertaining film with great performances by Frances McDormand and Sam Rockwell. The one issue I have with this film is their attempt to redeem Sam Rockwell's character who seemed damned near irredeemable to me.

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Shout by Deleted

just kill people with pure kindness

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Didnt took my attention. For me its just another sunday afternoon movie to watch, nothing special to see or even think

They just took a few actors well know to try to hype this movie but i gave a 5 on this

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A great movie. A very good balance between drama and comedy. A small story with depth and relevance. But most of all, it is told in very eloquent way. For me the form, the way a story is told, gets more and more importance over the story, the content.

The ending is almost perfect, I think the cut comes even too late. The story is told inside Ebbing and the cut should have come, when they leave Ebbing. Leaving Ebbing is leaving the story of the movie. What comes now is another story. And I would like to have more ambiguity. After their conversation, the following story is clear now.

The only reason, that this great movie foes not get the Oscar for best picture, would be losing against Dunkirk. But losing against The Shape of Water? What a pity.

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Hmm, wasn’t so impressed with this. Great acting from Academy Award winner Frances McDormand but I felt the story was a bit lacking.

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Yes! I'm so happy that Frances and Sam won an oscar for this! Truly deserved!

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A really good movie. I hope it gets the Oscar!

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Amazing! I really liked it. Many important and current themes in a single film.
Fantastic acting.

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Great movie. The ending was a big let down. Sets up for a sequel. Pity, great all around. The ending, still don't get it.

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Oh that simple, yet complicated life in small town.

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When i saw the trailer i wanted to see this movie, but alas it didn't live up to the greatness i was expecting. The acting was great and the story was good too, but it wasn't complete. They give you a case to think about and work towards it only to lead you astray in the end and you're no wiser than when you started the movie. I must say this was an epic performance by Woody Harrelson he was truly amazing in this movie. It was nice seeing a lot of great actors come together in this movie.

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A moving and often funny crime drama with great performances by a fantastic cast. Rockwell's Dixon not knowing what Sandy place a soldier would be stationed at is hilarious. Such an interesting character.

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Shout by Deleted

Que filme espetacular, fui condizido para um caminho q a tempos um filme nao me levava.

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This was a truly phenomenal movie. I loved Frances McDormands performance , the way she shows the emotions of Mildred Hayes all felt so sincere. The angry, the fear, the loving but also the revengeful mother all were portrayed perfect. I also liked Woody Harrelsons part and sure his death was surprising, but after his suicide I almost immediately forgot that he was in it This movie is fully character driven and it had me on the edge of my seat for the whole duration. Sure there were some slower parts but overall this movie is a must watch.

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Shout by Ricky

Smart, funny and with a whole lot of heart, this film was not what I was expecting, but it managed to far exceed my expectations. Frances McDormand is brilliant as always, of course! Sam Rockwell’s character is hilariously on point and clever. 10/10

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Wasn't expecting much from this, but what a great movie!! Highly recommend taking the time to watch it.

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Far away from what i expected..Good movie but overrated wayy to much and so slow i couldnt stand it in some parts..

Outstanding perfomance from Frances McDormand though the strong part from this movie!

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I'm going to have to watch this again. Because I'm considering putting this in my favourite movies of all time. It truely is great in every way. Great performances, great tone, phenomenal script.

It is something that needs to be experienced. As this is my first time viewing a Martin McDonagh film. I am exceptionally pleased with his work. Both in direction and writing. Outstanding film.

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Shout by Deleted

This was a really great movie that had a lot emotion great story telling, and lastly every actor in this movie were at the top of their craft. What made this story moving and powerful is that it something that could haved really happened. I really recommend this movie for anyone who loves great film making and anyone who wants to be entertained.

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Shout by Deleted

Masterpiece, simply a masterpiece. Everything from the acting, storytelling, directing, and everything in between us done so beautifully and with thought it's hard not to nominate it good all the Oscars.

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Shout by Deleted

Heavy drama with a bit of humour, filled with FANTASTIC performances! A great candidate for the Oscars.

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The influence of Fargo can't be denied here. Lead actress McDormand is most obvious. Based on a true story (which I feel compelled to Wikipedia soon). Interesting characters throughout. Shifts in tone from comedy, melodrama and outright savage violence. That being said, it was a good tale and not what I was expecting at all. Funnier than some comedies this year and an engaging plot that even after the curtain drops, you're still not sure where it is going. 7/10

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Shout by mercuriorosso
BlockedParent2018-01-09T17:01:35Z— updated 2018-06-08T23:58:49Z

A masterpiece. The movie of the year.

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the dark comedy that hits the spot for me. Woody Harrelson chilliness against Frances McDormand's wrath is the best screen pairing i've seen lately

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"I thought salt was supposed to be good for your wounds."

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Frances Mcdormand is a force of nature! My favorite movie of the year

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Shout by cronic


I would be swearing too if I would live in Missouri. Mac's Mom for best supporting actress.

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Fantastic film, very smart and has a ton of dark humor. The script, the dialogue, the cinematography, the music, it is all top notch. Frances McDormand gives one of the best performances of her career, my favorite since Fargo. Woody Harrelson and Sam Rockwell are both fantastic too. Martin McDonagh's unique style of directing makes for a very entertaining movie and I look forward to seeing what he does next.

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