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Vikrant Rona 2022


Shout by drj
BlockedParent2022-09-04T10:39:51Z— updated 2022-10-15T18:10:48Z

Great visuals. Anoop bhandari is good at creating an immersive experience. It is just beautiful to look at this movie. Like RangiTaranga here also we can see the mystery surrounding kamarottu, back to back expositions. Full of twist and turns, and it does work for the most part, but all of them feel forced, just to make the movie work. But personally i felt the revenge plot of antagonist/s was weak. I mean if it had been serial killings of parents instead of childrens, it would have worked way better.
It's basically the same rangitaranga movie in it's core is what i felt after a second watch. By the standard of today's indian movies, i appreciate the effort put into this. It's kinda sort of different than the usual movies nevertheless.

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