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West Side Story 2021

Look at the image above. Look at how beautiful that color is. The joy and glee. Yeah, not so much. I think Spielberg desaturated the color to make this thing ugly to fit the gritty storytelling. Yes, this is a gritty musical, and has some of the best songs of any musical. The dancing is really well done in this one, but I find Ansel Elgort (aside from his personal problems) a dull Tony and sucks the life out of the show. As with all West Side Story adaptions, I dislike how long it takes from the RUMBLE to the final scene...always felt that the rumble should be nearer to the end. Ultimately a good try, but not one of my favorite of the new musicals that have been coming out in the last few years.

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If you have to see one West Side Story, see the original. If you want to see two though, this is an ok one.

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Probably the worst movie Spielberg ever directed.
A real stinkaroo!

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Felt like watching an old movie. Not really sure why they remade this.

What I mean is, I thought they were remaking it to make it more realistic and believable. There is nothing modern or new about it. It"s set in the past and you can't tell you're not watching the old existing movie.

They didn't even get a handsome person to play the lead boy. There is no point for this movie. It's not needed.

Should I go on? I have heard the song "Maria" before. When he sings "I just met a girl named Maria," it should be a hilight of the movie. Lots of people make that song sound good. Just go on YouTube. It's not special in this movie.

I turned the movie off when they sang "Tonight." It didn't make sense that they cast a female who sang so well, and left the other part so lacking.

It seemed like prejudice that the Hispanic person could not be cast without being talented, but the White person could. It takes away any point the movie was trying to make.

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Infuriating; I would love to speak Spanish, but alas I do would have greatly appreciated the subtitles to say more than 'speaking Spanish'. If you are doing a remake at least change it from the original.

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I haven't found my appreciation for musicals yet, and this adaptation of West Side Story does nothing to change that. As a follow on from my viewing of Tick Tick Boom (which I really enjoyed), this felt technically great, but somewhat lacking emotional depth? I didn't believe for a second that there was any chemistry between Tony and Maria, with this relationship feeling more shotgun-wedding than timeless love. That makes it very hard to buy into the rest of the movie when the main pull is lacking that spark. That being said, the support characters in this outright outshine the main duo, most notable being Ariana DeBose. She was the highlight throughout with her scenes being the most emotive and engaging of the lot. As I said, this movie is technically very well made, as expected from Spielberg & Co, but it felt hollow and devoid of all the things that make musicals so captivating. Definitely not a Best Picture contender, not even close.

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Well, once again a remake that didn't need to be remade. You're much better off going back and watching the original version from 1961. The original did win 10 Oscars after all. Again, I say, go watch the 1961 version.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Sure, it’s a pretty well made musical, but is it better than The Muppets (2011)? The answer is absolutely not.

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Like an NFT of a classic musical: it was technically well-made and looked really good but I got no emotion from it.

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This is one of the greatest movies ever made! PERIOD!

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better action sequence than Matrix 4 fr

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One of my favourite musicals updated and brought to a new audience, largely successfully. True, I found Spielberg's "channelling" of a 50 year old cinematic style somewhat distancing, and didn't think much of Ansel and Rachel's acting (though their singing and dancing was great). On the other hand Ariana DeBose stole every scene she was in with magnificent acting, singing and dancing, and Rita Moreno's return was not just a cameo but had real heft. The updating of the plot to give the Puerto Rican side of the story more weight was well judged (though the wider socioeconomic forces at play were still touched on a little prefunctorily).

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The rest of the film is pretty great, but the center of it all, the romance, just isn't believable. I don't mind insta-lust/insta-love, as long as you sell it to me. And this didn't. Also, they should have recast Elgort.

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Shout by Joe
BlockedParent2022-03-03T18:06:03Z— updated 2022-03-11T02:57:06Z

It's not easy to me to like musicals, i don't know why but "bad boys" dancing seems awkward and the dramatic scenes looked like comedy to me, but like i said before i'm not a fan, but i don't think it's a bad movie so go for it anyway.

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I watched the original movie before I watched this remake to make sure I could make a fair comparison. I understand now why it flopped at the box office ; no built in audience. Lovers of the original will be disappointed. Haters of the the original won't find it a huge improvement. Fans of Disney musicals will find it visually and emotionally depressing. Haters of musicals who came for the social justice story may find it dated. I didn't find a single improvement over the award-winning original, and the washed-out colors and realism depressed me. Glad I waited for streaming.

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Choreography and photos are advantages of this movie. It is good that the whole thing was faithful to the original and did not succumb to the fashion of remake placed in modern times.

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I was afraid that I would hate this remake of the 60s movie (since I had really enjoyed the original—and especially love the music in general), but I really enjoyed this version. Obviously there were some minor changes and up until a certain point I was a bit annoyed by the trans person (until they revealed that it was about acceptance and he was not just randomly added for diversity points).
All in all, Spielberg did a fantastic job and the movie die result in some tears shed.

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The remake of West Side Story is beautiful. I think AOC plays Maria. All the teenagers look like 30-year-old ballet students.

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Maria is played by AOC.

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Musicals aren't really my thing but with Spielberg at the helm, this one was worth watching. It's visually stylish and shot as a throwback to movies past. The man can do no wrong.

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Tribute to a classic musical that does not avoid the theatricality, but at the same time is completely cinematographic (that neighborhood in the process of extinction), bringing breath to the musical numbers. There are some strange decisions, like changing "I feel pretty" after the ramble, but also beautiful tributes like Rita Moreno performing "Somewhere". Tony Kushner updates and honors the work of Jerome Robbins.

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While I had a rough understanding of the story I had somehow managed to avoid seeing either the original movie or the stage production. Just about everything about the movie was fantastic to this guy's untrained eye: the sets were incredible and the dancing was spectacular. The only thing that took me a little bit out of the film was (unfortunately) Ansel Elgort. While I have liked a couple of his movies I have never been particularly taken by his abilities. When he sang I found myself holding my breath because the part seemed to be too big for his singing ability. I don't see why they had to case a name - nobody was watching this for him so why not get another actor that could sing on the level of the rest of the cast. Other than that I thoroughly enjoyed it.

follow me at or facebook IHATEBadMovies

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Let's start by saying that I am not a musical fan, and that "West Side Story" could be mentioned as the exact opposite of what I like in movies. It's as technically remarkable and masterfully choreographed as it feels bloated and mannered in all its aspects. Definitely not enough to sell you the same naive story and old-school musical numbers fifty years after the previous adaptation. There's no doubt that themes that lay underneath are still actual today, but unfortunately, they struggle to emerge in a way that could leave an impact on the new generation of movie-goers.

Strangely enough, the support characters happen to be the most likable and realistic.

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Spielberg did his magic and I am grateful for it!! :star_struck::see_no_evil:

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Gorgeously elevated. I was scared it’d be missing the glow 50s and 60s Hollywood brings, but Spielberg’s passion for this project is clear in every shot and sequence - some really breathtaking cinematic moments in this one. An incredible show-stopping performance from Ariana DeBose, works wonders paired with Rachel Zegler’s sweet demeanour.

This is one to rewatch countless times without ever getting bored (the music is as fantastic and iconic as always, and so is the dancing of course!). 

(We’ll ignore Ansel Elgort is even a part of this. He looks, acts and sings in a manner so generic that you won’t have a hard time imagining him to be literally any other okay actor in Hollywood)

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the introducing rachel zegler as maria threw me for a loop

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This movie is a prime example of remade movies that stink. The original was perfect in every way, cast, dance, music, story. This remake is the opposite. Hollywood should learn “don’t fix what’s not broken”

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Better actors could have conveyed the strong emotions better. Could have easily been very cheesy, but, makes for a passable interpretation.

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Another unnecessary remake that tries to sneak into the Oscars of 2022, it is a shame to see how Steven Spielberg now only dedicates himself to creating soulless cinema, like the vast majority of modern films in Hollywood. If you want to see this story well told, just watch the original movie from the 60's.

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Really bad. I could not get past twenty minutes. Pretty clear that Spielberg knows very little about New York in the fifties.

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I never saw the musical or the original movie so I was looking forward to seeing the new version by Steven Spielberg. It is definitely a very well-made film but for some reason I was not at all captivated by the story nor the music.

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This film is an insult to the original. CASTING terrible, SINGING terrible. IF you wanna see how this film is at its BEST watch the ORIGINAL. gave it 1 Star which is 1 to many........

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I kept hearing about how amazing this is. While it's a fun enough update to the original, I just found it rather dull and over the top. Probably doesn't help that the two leads are insufferable...

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I wasnt a huge fan of the musical itself, so i was a little weary of the movie. Especially with the longer runtime. Its a beautiful movie, shot wonderfully and colored fantastically. Rachel killed it in her first role, i really cant believe this was her film debut. I do think that something about it wasnt quite hitting where i wanted it to, the first half drags a fair bit for me. Maybe it only dragged because i knew what was coming and i was excited for it. I forgot just how much of the action is really in that last half hour.

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I've never seen the original West Side Story in any format, but I'm questioning why this was even made. Things such as the numerous dance numbers feel very dated. I hear the original is good and to my knowledge this doesn't bring anything new or different to the table. Ariana DeBose wins the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress, but I feel her performance and her role were just okay. Ansel Elgort continues to be a charisma vacuum. Rachel Zegler in her first role is impressive.

What surprised me, as someone who is a fan of musicals, how boring these songs are. Other than the renowned "I feel pretty" number (which is clearly the best number by a mile), none resonated with me.

This is another miss from Spielberg and real head scratcher as to why this got made other than maybe a passion project. This is a low 6.

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I am not too into musicals, nor the old timey feel, but I do love Steven Spielberg. This has almost none of the staples of Spielberg content (at least that I enjoy), but it is nice to see him make an objectively good movie that is outside his wheelhouse in a different form of film.

Rating: 2.5/5 - 70% - Worth Watching

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Big disappointment, turned it off pretty quickly. Cast doesn’t match the story.

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Shout by KinoPhilip

Bernstein was a great musician and Spielberg is a great filmmaker, but this is not for me. Turned it off one hour and fifteen minutes in.

It isn't bad, especially if you like musicals. Since I don't and haven't even finished it, I won't even rate it.

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This is one where I think it definitely got better as t went on. Is it the best remake I've seen? No. I think the acting was decent, the choreography and cinematography was exquisite, and the singing for the most part was good. However the girl who played Maria, if she doesn't already she needs a spot on Broadway.

I think the writers did a good job of paying homage to the original film but giving it an original spin.

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I’ve just clicked play, but why are these white people fighting each other? What the hell? What’s going on?

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Overhyped, cash grab garbage. Stop making these things!

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