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Wolfs 2024

This was a great watch. Two great actors playing the Hit Man character in their own unique style. Pure class. The kid was great too. This is definitely going into my "re-watch" list.

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Total bore fest, one of those films you keep contemplating if to switch it off half way through, but you keep watching because you think it must get better, but it doesn't

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Of all the Apple films that should have been in theaters, this is the one. Great chemistry between Clooney and Pitt, with plenty of laughs throughout. Even the soundtrack gave me a chuckle (and some 90’s nostalgia).

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Interaction between the two leads is by far the most entertaining part of this movie. It is a decent movie that has excellent performance by two Big Wigs.

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Worth a watch.It had an awesome plot,the pace was great,the dialogue was classic,the chemistry is in another level.Brad and
George still crush it.I love these two guys.

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A fairly slow action movie on a budget, most of it spent on paying the two leads. The plot required watching the film more than once to catch the whole story.

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Hey Apple, how dare you cancel the cinema release of a Clooney/Pitt movie! No one likes AppleTV+ anyway!

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I truly did not expect to enjoy this nearly as much as I did, it had a good story, Pitt and Clooney worked very well together as they have done in the past, and it came together in an anti-buddy buddy cleaner movie. Worth a watch, really well done.

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Wolfs (2024) - :heart:x8

This was awesome!.
The dynamic between Clooney and Pitt is fantastic! They need to make more movies together.
I need a sequel - I need to know if they both made it or not.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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A movie that sounds completely unpretentious and fun to watch. The story is interesting, and develops fully through its great characters, who are played by superstars George Clooney and Brad Pitt. The chemistry between them is excellent, making for great action scenes and funny dialogues. The structure of the film is simple, with many clichés, which are well used here to provide pure entertainment.

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Started with interesting plot and last longed few minutes till hotel exit scene.

Rest plot is just during night.
Guys Keep talking during whole ride and few gun bangs

No resemble as hitman for lead characters.

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Cheesy and overacted but entertaining nonetheless. I was expecting worse.

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I think we should have seen more of Clooney’s characters paternal/caring side to the Kid a bit more, I would’ve liked a quick scene or two where they actually stuck to looking after the kid and giving him his medicine.
I thought a good twist for the story would also have been the kid having massacred the ppl at the drop off, Plus they fully left his finger prints on the Drugssssz???? Ackkkk death.
I feel Clooney’s and Pitt’s character chemistry for this movie was amazing and was quite literally the most enjoyable part of the story.
Anyways 6/10

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"Um.... Could I get a ride home?"

Confident, rhythmic, clever, old fashioned, darkly comedic, exquisitely staged.

A bit too cold, clinical, and controlled.

It's hilarious to me that Clooney thinks he's Pitt's equal on any level.

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Such a waste of good acting talent.
I had high hopes for this film.but was left wondering why I paid for Aplle for this film.

It was the usual droaning long winded rubbish from Apple.

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When Clooney and Pitt made Rat Pack style film, it's always good, BUT this one is not going to win any award and attention in the box office due to Clooney's political stand.

Personally, I like the story and the film, but then again the actors ruined it by their political statements.

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Two of the most charismatic moviestars trapped in the most lifeless buddy cop film of the year. Clooney and Pitt still have great chemistry after all these years, and this does generally play to their strengths, but even they can’t elevate this material. It follows all the tropes and cliches associated with this genre, displaying barely any creativity in regards to plotting, character dynamics or artistic vision. The comedy is very middlebrow and corny, visually it’s way too dark and grey, there’s no pulse to the editing and generally there’s not a lot of excitement to be found. Even during an extensive scene where a character is being chased in their underwear through NYC, it’s directed, scored and edited with no real passion. This should be a fun dad movie throwing back to the 90s, I don’t get why it's made with so much restraint. It’s honestly just one Ryan Reynolds/Kevin Hart cameo away from being complete streaming fodder.


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The story doesn't have a lot of meat on its bones, with simplistic writing, suspension of disbelief issues, and handwave-y explanations. But as a vehicle for George Clooney and Brad Pitt to do some Ocean's Eleven-esque schtick, it's perfectly serviceable. They don't fully recapture the magic, but even subprime Clooney/Pitt is solid enough. As for specific critiques, I'd call out the Croatian party dance sequence, which was manufactured to the max and the final sequence that gave us an exposition dump masquerading as a twist that was both unearned and not particularly compelling.

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There was literally no point to this movie, and the main characters even acknowledged this. This movie is about two "cleaners," those who clean up sticky, illegal messes for influential individuals. The premise of this film was that these two guys were called in to remove a dead body, and return a significant stash of illegal narcotics found w/ the body. They quickly realize that there is no body, as the supposed victim is still alive, but nonetheless, they set out to return the drugs for some seemingly unknown reason. As the story progresses, they come to find out that the drugs have been stolen, so their impetus changes to from whom. This is the problem, as a "cleaner" wouldn't care, and in the very last scene of the movie, Brad Pitt says to George Clooney, 'So, now you don't care about who stole the drugs?' and Clooney shakes his head to indicate "no." The drugs were supposed to be a MaGuffin that drove this film, except w/out the drugs, there was no film. And, now, w/out any reasoning behind the film's drive, it all ends up pointless and unnecessary.

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I actually liked this one because it wasn't one of those stupid story-line ones, it made some sense this time ;-)

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Wolfs is a funny comedy where two rivals must join forces to fix the mess of a New York official. With absurd situations and witty dialogue, the chemistry between the actors shines. If you're looking for laughs and a light plot, this movie is perfect for a popcorn night. Don't miss it!

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Wolfs really had something going for it in the first half. The story was interesting, the humor was subtle and sharp, Pitt and Clooney were a lot of fun. The second half...not so much.

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Austin Abrams was brilliant. This is definitely a MUST WATCH!

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What did I just watch?!!!

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Average Hollywood movie with a lot of nonsense. Just fair for some entertainment.

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Such a different 'buddy' cop style flick. The cast suits the atmosphere and comedy so well. Advertisement or not, the car became a cast member and more so a character. The score felt vibrant, but most importantly the directing was pure quality, from the choreography to the slow-mo, I was hooked visually. The plot lost me a couple of times but the dialogue had me grappling. I've put my review down a little and the only reason is, rewatchability. It plays out like a long unsaturated mid-season episode. Too little and too long. I'd rewatch the car scene though, 100 times.

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much ado about nothing IMO

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The movie works due to the acting skill and overall bro chemistry between pitt & clooney. There are some over the top comedy moments but they did make me laugh out loud so it worked as it should. Very thin plot, I could not work out what was happening even at the end when they spell it out for us because the dialogue is badly written or edited or somewthing. I enjoyed it as it was entertaining and passed the time but don't expect much from it or you will be disappointed.

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Well it’s no Oceans Eleven.

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My Spotify Wrapped at the end of the year is surely going to make reference to the fact I randomly started listening to endless Sade at the end of September and Wolfs is the reason. Distilled fun with the raw charisma of Clooney and Pitt, there was no way this movie wasn't going to be good to great. Tongue-in-cheek buddy-cleaner affair with a great soundtrack and solid chuckles, both Clooney and Pitt make a great case for the lack of 90s-movie-star energy in current Hollywood and how it's sorely missed. Delightful, light fun.

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A film that doesn't enrich the world, but knows how to entertain for the majority of its running time. The harmony between the Pitt and Clooney is as brilliant as ever. In a nutshell: good.

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Rated a Connor 10, normal 8

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Decent movie with slight chuckles spread here and there. I was hoping for a shoutout to the original Mr. Wolf though.

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A strange one. Perfectly fine, with the charismatic duo leading the charge, but something is missing. Meanders more than it excites in several spots. When it's on it's really fun though.
Their performances alone are worth a viewing and can elevate the relatively mediocre script.


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Pretty decent, a bit of a charisma fest. It's not the most interesting or exciting film besides that. Solid but not essential.

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As great as Clooney and Pit are, they failed to make me buy that they don't know each other.

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The movies only stands on the Pitt & Clooney shoulders, with their charm and charisma. Otherwise most of the time it was quite boring, one time watch.

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A decent movie, maybe they overcomplicated the ending a bit. But Clooney and Pitt work well together, so it is worth the time.

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Good enough for a one-time watch but expected more because such a strong cast.

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Great actors for sure, but did not like the movie.

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Kind of a nothing movie. Overcomplicated story for what it was.

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A good cast. But that's about it. I actually got bored and couldn't wait for it to finish.
It had a lot of potential, but didn't reach it. It just dragged on too long for my liking. :flushed:
And the ending was a bit of a disappointment... To be continued?? :thinking:

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Releases on Sept 27 ok

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