OK who wants to coven up? This show is so fun. I expected to like it because Kathryn Hahn is so great but this is a really pleasant surprise.

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Even better episode than the pilot. Episodes are easy to digest but have more substance than a She-Hulk, Moon Knight, etc. One of the better Marvel TV releases so far.

I still think the first 5 minutes of episode 2 needed to be a the end of episode 1, as they explain some things that were laid out in Episode 1 but thankfully we got the 2 episodes in the one release.

Surely "Teen" is Mephisto, right?

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Just getting better, and I cannot wait for the next episodes!

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"I never doubted you for a second," he said :joy: The episode was good. It was pretty good. The team is complete, now the adventure begins. They took the first step, let's see what happens. The acting, effects and plot are good. I'm looking forward to the next episode.

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already love that quirky coven

also expecting to hear something along the lines of «she's a witch now» about mrs hart later on

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Normally I dislike musicals, but I could tolerate this.
Must Jo Rupp from the 70's show like
Let's see what they find...

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Wow! What I completely different episode than the pilot. This was pure awesome and fun, appears that Hahn is perfect for the role and her acting is superb. The song and that part was one of the most fantastic scenes I’ve seen. Brilliant!

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Looks like they include the token implied gay relationship which can easily be edited out for international release.

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I do love some witches witchin'!
Much better than the series premiere, thankfully.

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the witches road song has been playing on repeat in my head. love it so much and katheryn Hahn is an absolute treasure, I could watch her all day. cannot wait for more. agatha is such a mysterious character

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This is a fun show. Apparently ratings are down. Since I heard Aubrey Plaza promoted the show as super woke. I do love her but Chris Evan’s failed to get people to see Lightyear by promoting it the same way.
So far nothing about this screams woke. Especially super woke.

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They’re off to see the wizard.

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Glad they included the token male character.

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Is this wizard of oz knock off?

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Very original story here as we watch Agatha go about putting her coven together. Lots of fun.
Stories using magic often make up their own rules - things that you just have to accept - and this series is no exception. But it’s so well told, and so much fun to watch, that it’s easy to buy into whatever crazy thing they tell us is important.
The new characters are great.
The song was great, too.
The final minutes were tense and exciting, and the ending was very strong.

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just loved the song down the witches road

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Do not give me hope Marvel jfc that song

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Every acting choice Kathryn Hahn makes here is the correct one. Her whole jade egg routine!

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A much better episode, finally we're on the Road!

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again wasting time.
the plot need to move faster.

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okay it's getting pretty fun. glad debra jo rupp's gonna be part of the season

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