Dinah and Vincent's few minutes scenes sold their love and history better than any couple on this show. I am intrigued. Please tell/show me more. It also helps the actors are great.

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This episode is full of Australian anachronisms when Slade camps with his kid.

They throw a rugby ball back and forth but they are passing forward to do it, a thing you can't do in rugby. They could have done some Aussie kick to kick.
When Slade goes off to kill the other guy he says to his son "I have to use the bathroom" as opposed to what an Australian would say in that situation "I need to use the toilet", or "Gotta slash", or "Fuck off, cunts".
Everyone wasn't sweating and sunburnt and constantly swatting flies and mossies.
Then there were a few others like everyone's accent sucks, most aussies don't go fishing when they camp unless they are by a river or have a boat, and no such thing as "Australian Airlines" (and they could have said "Ansett Australia").

Slade's son as a child had a good accent at least. And they blew out the lighting in those scenes to make it look like the sun was trying to cook everyone (which is correct for Australia). And all the Australians were experts at swords. So they got some things right.

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The Deathstroke scene killing everybody was amazing

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Dang, Slade Wilson's penmanship is simply immaculate.

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Shout by Penderfoot

Loved the twist in the end

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One of the best episodes of the season so far, can't wait to see what happens next.

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