This show was a superbly directed, produced, and acted. The story was very interesting and well written too.

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Chick's recorder should definitely be listened to.

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Uuhhh so excited to see what happens with Norman

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I honestly don't know how this show can get any better!! Even as we are in the penultimate episode of the series, it is getting better and better. The performances are just incredible and and emmy is long overdue!

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Shout by Deleted

Amazing show and I wish it wasn't ending but all good things must come to an end I suppose :)

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Shout by Deleted

Is it a weird thing to say, that Emma looked more sexy with her oxygen tank?

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the ending was great and Emma cute,,

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Emma siempre fue una estúpida y ahora su personaje inútil no hace más que estorbar.

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I just loved the jail scene with Emma, so well played and written.

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