"Stealing my pussy is a fucking red line"

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the production here has really stepped up, shit looking like a film or something. great way to start the new season with a different pacing, an episode filled with tension and a surprsingly "happy" ending, the universe looked really fine and the whole plot was interesting while deviating from the whole "technology is EVIL" from past seasons. Black Mirror is truly one of a kind!

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I don't think I breathed once during the entire episode. I'm not okay. This was not okay.

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'Let's just fuck off somewhere.'

I need that spin-off right fucking now!

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Am I the only one who feels sad for Daly because Wolton is so mean to him in real life and he exploited his idea and capabilities? He wouldn't have made this hell whole if he wasn't treated horribly in real life. So technically they drove him to be the psychopath he is.

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Wait, what?! this Black Mirror episode has a happy ending. I did not expect that at all.

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You can really tell the writers had their fair share of the online gaming community.

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I'm surprised Pizza is still delivered in person.

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And that kids, is how I left your father.

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Good Episode. But not a good Black Mirror episode. It doesn't have anything to do with the sense of dread that the older episodes (especially the first two seasons) made you feel.

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I felt so uncomfortable the entire episode.

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This is a masterpiece. Video game killed it's creator.

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Are the creators running out of ideas? I've just been served a mix of White Christmas episode with some stuff from 1x03 and 3x02 and Star Trek ;)

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well, if the spaceship only works when he's playing he could easily just have exited the game before that happened

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Very nice start of the season.

I wasn’t sure to watch it at the time I started to play... And when I started, I couldn’t get myself and watched it till the end. Wow! What a great episode it was!

I like the way they’ve written it! Applause to the writers and also the director.

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The worst episode of the entire series. Extremely boring, very bad acting and absolutely nothing surprising in the story. In short, nothing to do with "Black Mirror".

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why you lot saying that this episode has a happy ending?
it is not.
the "real" bad guy still lives

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"Yeah, uh huh you better run! King of Space right here. King. Of. Space." goddamn that tiny little bit was better than anything else in the episode

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I'm surprised he didn't make a porn game :)

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I'm sorry but Meh!

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I don't like this episode... they supposed to be dead or erased by daly...

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"Any of the last nine would do." Heh. Still, those images looked way too tame to be sufficient motivation to get Cole to do what she did with regard to that whole DNA recovery mission in the real world. And Daly? You'd think that an experienced gamer would know to quit and load an earlier save point long before the Callister made it to the wormhole. But those are minor quibbles given a show that consistently provides fresh and original stories like this one -- as opposed to offering up the 9,183rd rendition of the same police procedural that I routinely complain about and refuse to watch. So with that in mind, perspective and gratitude are definitely called for and gladly given!

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Shout by DoctorWhoWhenHowWhy

Holy shit what a great way to open the season. This episode manages to hit my nerdy blockbuster spots so well.

It also really dissected the toxic parts of our current nerd culture climate. Also it's an episode with a good ending too! Amazingly well-done episode.

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Great start to a new season I missed this show!!

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episode has 85 minutes not 55

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Shout by KDobVIP

There were so many great themes and things to this episode.
- Power dynamics between male and female employees and the rise of a woman to power
- Characters who have flaws (note: the impetus of them being on USS Callister) developing into better, toughened characters
- Metaphors between space and the internet that I haven't fully fleshed out

Great episode--everything I want in a Black Mirror ep!

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I like how this episode tackles many ideas in one story.. watching it made my mind go back and forth in many ideas like the simulation theory, Human immortality, Ethics of AI.. and so on.. fantastic episode!!

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Shout by Deleted

great first Episode of the season

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This episode doesn't premier until November, date is wrong :(

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I absolutely loved this episode! I think it might be my favorite so far out the entire series. I would love to see a spin-off show about the travels of the crew after the end of the episode.

And was it me or was that Aaron Paul at the end who was the gamer jerk?

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Shout by Deleted

An excellent premiere. The tech used seems to be a call back to Black Mirror's "White Christmas" and "San Junipero" episodes. What I notice in the ending of this episode and "San Junipero" is a shift towards a happier, more hopeful endings.

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Great episode! If you think about it she just killed her boss (or put him in a coma or something) because of a blackmail...

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This is feature-length, so I'm counting it as a film.

Excellent distillation of so many Star Trek tropes, with a genius move from "classic" to "modern" Trek (notice how generic it all suddenly feels?). The attention to detail was amazing, clearly there were fans involved.

Outside of that, this was strong for a Black Mirror episode and felt unique in the same way 'San Junipero' did. It re-wrote the rules somewhat for what the show can be, and was wonderfully ambitious. Excellent production values, too. This could have been a mess of mixed tones, but it balanced the dark, uncomfortable stuff with the comedy and adventure really well.

Jesse Plemons continues to walk the line between creepy and sympathetic with his performances (and does a dynamite William Shatner rip-off), but Cristin Millioti steals the show with a great ranged performance. She needs to be a bigger star.

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Always look forward to this series. Good episode but expected a bit more for the season opener. Looking forward to the rest of the season.

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Love how it simultaneously uses in earnest and parodies Star Trek tropes. And the flip to exploring toxic masculinity/"Nice Guy"/fanboy culture is clever. One of the funniest Black Mirror too, and Cristin Milioti is always awesome. Maybe the first episode of the show that I wish will get sequels, as I could watch the further adventures of Milioti-clone and her crew.

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Amazing start. Very well done sorta Twilight Zone's "Five Characters in Search of an Exit".

I'm actually impressed that the virtual people were better than their sources, or at least when put under the right circumstances. Hopefully Nanette can be a good leader and that ordeal will prevent them from falling back to their "old selves".

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It starts out a 9/10 and is one of the most cinematic and high-budget-feeling TV productions I've seen, but once it actually tries to explain itself it just gets brain-meltingly stupid, which kills any suspension of disbelief. Not to mention the fact that it also fails on the social commentary aspect by going after the wrong type, when we know it's always the Waltons that turn in to the Jeff Bezoses, the Sam Altmans, the Elon Musks, and not the Steve Wozniaks. They also give Cristin Milioti a shark-jumping line that bleach-blasts the tone and seriousness they'd cultivated up until that point. But the actual sci-fi elements and their explanations were the thing that made my brain leak out of my ears. It's bewildering how scientifically illiterate writers are regarding basic elementary school and high school scientific concepts to write drivel like this and try to pass it off.

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I wish I could play like this...
I hope it doesn't take so long for this technology...

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All Gold
What a Stellar
Season premiere,
I loved every single
second of this
Outstanding episode.
everything worked and
it was genius in it's
creation. One of my
all time favourites episodes
of the entire show.
The performances were
phenomenal and the thought
behind it all was
Frickin Awesome.
With such high production
and move level story
and script this was that
Good it actually could
have been it's own show.
if this is the standard for
this season then we are
in for a real treat.

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A really good episode, interesting from start to finish.

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Looks like they will be closed down because their founder died or something.

How does the DNA know everything about itself.

anyway great one .

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Very fun but knows when to keep it dark too. Jesse Plemons plays a nerd and the episode does one hec of a job going into the mind of a raging incel in the position of 'misunderstood genius', a concept the episode very clearly demolishes throughout.
Escapism that only leads a man into more despair and self-infatuation. A worldview that only a lonely soul could possess, A dream that only a dreamer could soak in and enjoy. When you invent something with no sense of self then it becomes larger than you. Trapped forever through a disdain for the real world.

Oh, and I've only seen Jimmi Simpson as Liam McPoyle in It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and between that and his performance here he is one truly exceptional performer. He's so fucking good here, both comedically and dramatically.

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Should’ve just told Nanette to call the police and told her what he was doing

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Absolutely loved this episode. What a change of pace - we don’t expect the sinister element until the end. BRAVO

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I kinda felt identified. What would I do? :sweat_smile::crazy_face:

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Those suckers in real life
Still alive.
But nice :ok_hand: story.

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An accurate look of how I view gamers in general.

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Having watched trailer i thought this was going to be out of point and that it had nothing to do with black mirror.Damn i was wayy wrong.One of the best and darkest episodes of the show.Great job what a way to start a new season 8.5/10

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Too short but amazing storyline.

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Good plot and story, but I'mmissing some more debate and though on AI, cloning... more reflection. I just feel like they're giving me just the title of a debate and if I feel like it I can talk more about it later after the episode with my friends, like an optional assigment.

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Shout by Deleted

An accurate look of how I view gamers in general.

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This was so fucking amazing . No words!!

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Really strong episode. I liked how you go into it with a thought and come out totally different. Interesting plot and a nice pace in storytelling. Cool characters too.

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Who said Black Mirror don't have happy endings!

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I've not watched all of Black Mirror at this point (up to Ep 3) and so far this is the best. The imagery is nice and retro and the ending sufficiently Black Mirroresq even if the storyline is rather predictable.

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i never even considered having a favourite black mirror episode before but this is defs it

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I was blind and now I see. This was so good that it unbored me.

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The need to escape into a virtual world to replicate a system of oppression that they feel in life? Like he repeats things he has heard in real life just to get a shitty power trip?

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Shout by CitizenHarris

best thing ever happened to my televesion

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Shout by Neal MahoneyVIP

Loved the video game setting. Felt sort of like an adult Toy Story almost.

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