That was... unexpectedly powerful. I really love the fact they mixed things up a little this week.

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i def didn't think i'd be crying....

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Beautiful episode.
And again a Louise episode,when they want they can make her episode so powerful and emotional.
I just couldn't stop crying.
This is the best bob's burgers can give us.

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Never thought an episode of Bob’s Burgers would make me tear up, but so much of this episode is absolutely heart wrenching.

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We all knew a Rudy when we were kids. A kid whose parents were divorced and he pretends it doesn't hurt him but occasionally it all boils over and its clear it's actually really harmful to the poor kid.

I am actually kind of surprised a contemporary TV show portrays the negative effects of divorce on a kid & how utterly oblivious the parents are to it while they are pursuing new relationships and prioritizing their own needs.

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Listen. Can I understand the complaints of this being The Louise Show sometimes? Sure. But she’s also the best character and she gets to me every time when she shows the little ways she cares so I’m perfectly good with it

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Wow, this has such a bittersweet ending. It's really interesting to see a story that puts the Belchers in the B plot.

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Wow, is it dusty in here? It must be dusty in here.

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The best episode of bob's burgers I've seen in years , i think we should see more of bob episodes and the restaurant too , we really need the restaurant vibes back

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Shout by 007alex
BlockedParent2023-10-09T14:11:18Z— updated 2023-10-11T01:07:53Z

Who order depressing divorce episode ?
Maybe put the sucide hotline number at the end or just stick to Belcher's stories.

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A bit of a sad episode.. Louise saved the day again

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Liked how it unfolded in due course. And, the backstory of how anxiety can manifest (which I never get since anger was my go-to).

But, I'm still crying.

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I thought they were finally get the rings back! Nooo! And she basically looked right at them too when Louise and Rudy were walking to the restaurant. Come on!

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What's up with this and the Simpsons' episode making me feel the feels this week!

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