Tight, tight, tight, yeah. This was a pretty good season finale. I know that it was cut off short, that the first two episodes of the second season were meant to be the eighth and ninth episodes of the season, the latter being the season finale, but it worked out for good. I've yet to watch the second episode of the second season, so I don't know whether the season finale the writers meant to be the actual season finale is a better season finale than this episode.

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Shout by Deleted
BlockedParent2022-03-09T10:22:16Z— updated 2022-03-13T13:04:31Z

83 | Tuco is a wild animal dude.

Rating: 82.5

25%: 2.5
50%: 2.2
75%: 2
100%: 3

Favorite Character
1. Tuco Salamanca: 2.5
2. Walter White: 2.3
3. Jesse Pinkman: 2.2
4. Hank Schrader: 2.1

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I really love this show especially when Walt shows the magic of chemistry.
Back in school I hated chemistry so much but now i enjoy it a lot when i watch this show.

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I had an open jaw just like them at that part lol, the way this show is being acted, shot, and directed makes you actually live in the show.

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A great episode to finish off an amazing season.

I'm rewatching the show and i forgot just how good this season was with it always being marked "the weakest" on the internet.

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Shout by JC

As a season finale, even as unintended as it was, it works because it’s the signal that things have shifted into a darker, more serious reality Walter and Jessie weren’t ready for

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Marie why don’t you just kys

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