Episode Bad should be the true title

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I love this episode and don't even care.

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Four years before 4chan was founded, and years before smoothbrain illiterate social media laid waste to modern discourse and the English language, this episode prophesied their coming.

I'm so glad I didn't skip this. I usually really don't like episodes like this, but I was laughing pretty much the entire time after the forehead ridges showed up. The previous episode clearly screens better with the majority, but it seemed like just an elaborate setup for a cheap joke. It was funny, but it was a single el-oh-el at the end. This episode had no pretenses about its season 1&2-style comedy, and because of that it pulled it off with ball faced glee.

Also, Oz's reaction to Veruca-- complete with koi no yokan moment --was the most realistic depiction of life-stopping love-at-first-sight I've ever seen; perhaps the only one I've seen that captured the actual experience. I don't know how many people actually have moments like that, with their singular and surreal intensity, but either the Director, the Writer, or both have definitely experienced it. Haunting song, too.

Feral Buffy hot.

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Guys like Parker should be blacklisted from the dating pool and forced to pay for sex. And not normal sex either. Like each time they have to be humiliated and degraded. Although I suppose to some that would not be punishment so they'd then have to do some opposite thing and now I have officially given this too much thought the end.

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Beer beer beer I love this one.

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Not really been enjoying season 4 until this episode. Hilarious

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Beer bad. Fire bad. Episode bad.

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The title says all that needs to be said here.

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