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Chicago Med 2015

I have mixed feelings about this show. I really liked the inclusion of medical students as main characters. Each episode was interesting and the relationship drama among the characters kept me engaged. It’s difficult to pinpoint why parts of it bothered me. I think it can be borderline laughably unrealistic and dramatic at times, which drew me away. It was entertaining though and I finished it really quickly.

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I liked the start, but I must says it gets repetitive. The plot is recycled every N episodes, sometime season. The relationships do the same. Most characters don't have any development. Characters with good development are no longer in the show. For me these were Dr. Sarah Reese, Dr. Connor Rhodes and Dr. Ava Bekker, they had real growed and change. There are few fun characters with interesting perks. The other almost stay the same for the first 5 seasons. Nobody learns from their mistakes and there are obvious bad writing from time to time. The subplots usually don't have any consequences and the characters in them usually just hang in air. Only interesting character left is Dr. Charles. Even his stories get repetitive, but still ok. After watching most of the first season I could almost always guess the diagnosis, who is assaulted, how will they fix the transplant and so on. For me the show is not realistic. I started this, because of Chicago Fire. The two does not have anything in common as writing, complexity and character development.

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Wohoo can't wait for this addition to the Chicago Fam.!!! Love all the spinoffs and crossovers between Chicago Fire, Chicago PD, and now Chicago Med!

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I enjoyed the first few seasons, but it seemed like a very similar formula to every episode. To be fair, I haven't watched since the middle of season 4 because of my issues, so maybe it changed. It seems, to me, that every episode has two things. First, a doctor who won't stop whatever life saving measures they're doing, even after everyone else in the room has stepped back knowing it's too late, looking at that doctor with sad or confused looks. Second, someone else (doctor, nurse, administrator) going too far for a patient, either breaking hospital rules, or breaking "DNR" orders (I swear the DNR thing happens at least 4 times per season). I like some of the characters and actors, but I can't get over feeling like everybody breaks the rules when it suits them, then turns around and gets mad at someone else for doing the same thing, as if they hadn't just done it themselves the week before.

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Maybe I'm just spoiled by ER, but I can't get behind this show. It's on my "watch at 2x speed" list because I like Chicago Fire and can do more than tolerate Chicago P.D. I think it's that I don't like "shiny" medical shows. It's polish and staging for a place that's supposed to busy, bleak, and dramatic without the weak redundant kinds of plots and arguments between the doctors and administration. All of the Chicago shows dip into soapy scenarios, but Med feels the most inauthentic. I still can't bring myself to remembering the character names (as opposed to one time nailing without hesitation a Sporcle quiz related to ER's...for context) Given that I rarely have adequate words to critique "acting" as the general catch-all for appearing on screen, perhaps there's something lacking there as well in me being unable to parse out true personalities. Watching dreary-eyed white coats have the same fight over and over won't do it for me.

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One of my favourite series. Good storytelling, Oliver Platt with very good acting. I also like the Chicago Fire // Chicago PD cross over.

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Shout by Jeff

Struggling now to bother with this. I started with watching all three Chicago but this series now seems to have just got really repetitive story wise, no real cross over any more and most of the good characters have gone. Shame as having the linked shows was really good.

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chicago med is indeed trash .i miss the resident

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Shout by Ms_NYCPeach

The character's traits positive and negative are exaggerated. Love the show

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Shout by Deleted

It is a great show but doctor Becker’s accent just does my head in

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