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Defending Jacob: Season 1

1x07 Job

Jacob is a complete idiot. If your life is on the line get ahead of what the other side finds. Looks more guilty than innocent and to have the lawyer blindsided in trail. Gotta speed this up.

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Jacob deserves everything that is happening to him for being so stupid

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i despise jacob with all my energy

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Brilliantly acted episode. I could really feel the tension. I always love TV shows that include criminal trials and Defending Jacob did not disappoint in this subject.

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I swear to God if I hear Jacob say "I didn't think it was a big deal" one more time, I will loose my sh*t.

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I don’t understand why the cop didn’t arrest the guy in the Lincoln who was following the family. She knew it was a stolen license plate, so she only needed the VIN number to find out if he stole the Lincoln. With the tiniest bit of work she could have taken him out of the car and straight to jail.
How does the information they gave us earlier in the episode get completely ignored? It seems to me that it could be important.

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Shout by Aars

Jacob truly is the dumbest person alive!!!!! Like you have a team behind you DEFENDING YOU! And you wanna act silly????
And can we talk about how awful the prosecution’s lawyer is????? And I don’t mean awful to Jacob, awful to Ben’s family!!! He’s making a clown of himself and the case, and also the bullying approach was more hurtful to Ben than to Jacob!

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best episode soo far.. loved the trial.. loved the acting and how the emotions and expressions have been changing through the days of trial..and the final scene of Batz crying while writing his confession is good

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Oh my god this show is amazing
They really brought everything near the end

Also kudos on challenging society's morals and bringing out in the open, with Jacob's story,

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Jacob is so stupid and naive.

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Shout by Fazil

Not that big a deal. Literally

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This show is moving soooo slow, it’s just killing me. And still I watch because I want to know who did it. They really need to speed it up and give us something, some clue, anything.

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What an Apple show. Empty, uncreative and boring. Still waiting for a major twist..

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