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Family Guy 1999

Yes, the show has changed over the years and so have the characters. You either like it or not. I think it`s still one of the best shows and I would take any season of Family Guy over all that reality garbage.

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Shout by Checkina Coulibaly

17 years of awesomeness. Go Family guy!

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Family Guy in HD is pretty freakin' sweet.

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Lol lol lol

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The show was a lot better towards the beginning, but it’s still a good anti PC show. My only real gripe is just that they consistently do these terribly unfunny cutaways that last several minutes. I remember one where it’s just someone rising from the fog singing “Donny Most” for legit like 2-3 minutes. They’re blatant time fillers.

That being said, the first several seasons are at least definitely worth it.

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Uh Oh..what's going on in my pants?...Looks like we've got six more weeks of winter mmmmmmmmmmhmmmm

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What there is to be said about Family guy? well the series like Simpsons have been on my watch-list since i was i kid. It has just gotten better and better over the years and hopefully they will make it even more.

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Funniest comedy around great show

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Early Family Guy seasons were animated comedy masterpieces. Unfortunately, the show is far from what it used to be. Instead of clever pop culture and social jokes, it's now turned into unoriginal character tropes and a disturbing obsession with animated gore.

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Why is the title of the show changed to Spanish? It seems that after this happened it disappeared from my stream all the sources plugin. I added it back in under the Spanish title but no episodes will play. What the heck is going on?

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Continually amazed at how they are able to tap into situations and experiences that I thought only I had ever had. "Cat Fight" Episode being the latest example.

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Funny AF. I just wish more shows were as politically incorrect.

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There's this idea going around that Family Guy used to be a good series. I personally don't know where this started, but this is, at least to me, false: It used to be a kind-of-tolerable-in-comparison-to-what-came-later-but-not-really series. Then it got uncancelled.

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Shout by Tonydez415
BlockedParent2022-04-03T04:51:38Z— updated 2022-07-16T07:54:18Z

What started off as a pretty funny adult animated show turned into a flanderized piece of garbage by its 10th season...and its now in its 20th season. The first 4 or 5 seasons are good, but after that it is a slow and painful fall downwards for this series. Great gags in int first few seasons, but by the 10th season it starts trying to be edgy and delivers some despicable messages about spousal abuse, emotional abuse, and womanizing behavior.

(+) A very solid first 5 seasons with memorable gags
(=) No real continuity besides "some" characters deaths, generally due to main voice actor passing away
(=) Not the best looking animation, and many characters are stiff in presentation
(-) Absolutely terrible messages in some episodes
(-) Some very boring material at times, and the show starts to get monotonous and dull
(-) Characters become flanderized versions of themselves very quickly, and the only semi-enjoyable one by Season 10 is Stewie
(-) The show becomes a vessel for Seth Macfarlane to annoyingly brandish his political/religious beliefs nonstop

Final Verdict: 3/10 (Poor)

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Shout by Deleted

Show is offensive & crude!

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Yeah HD is the deal!

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Like the series, I just think that sometimes the jokes go on too long.

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Shout by Deleted

Love it!

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One of the best comedy shows of all time. my go to if i’m having a bad day. Even though the show has changed, it still has a special place in my heart

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Good BGM to sleep to

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Why isn't Seth MacFarlane credited for Family Guy?
It's his baby, and his voice is everywhere...

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Great show. Has changed over the years, along with progressions in characters. One of the better animated series. Last two episodes have been horrendous though. (S16E12 & S16E13).

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Shout by Deleted

Love it but I can't watch the video

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Shout by Checkina Coulibaly

17 years since the show began and it's still amazing as always. I love the cynical cringey humor of this brilliant show. It's original and creative. The characters are so hilariously awesome and over the top crazy. Lmao.

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Shout by Checkina Coulibaly

I can't wait for season 16 and more.

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Shout by Deleted

Lol I'm just going on with my

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Shout by Deleted

Pretty much childhood in a nutshell. Still enjoy watching older episodes again and again. Highly recommended for everyone.

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They are the Griffin. Really need a review?

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Shout by stamorello

This show is pretty amazing after all these years. This is all I can say at this very moment.

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Can it get more downhill than the last season?

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“Watching "Quagmire's Quagmire" - "Sonya and I are going to a Brown Eyes Wide Shut party.”

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Shout by Deleted

13 seasons and still its awesome. Freakin A.

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Shout by Deleted


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Shout by Deleted

Just it: Lacking Brian. Dropped out.

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still a great show after many years !!! :)

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Shout by Deleted

Very good show

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Shout by Deleted


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Shout by Deleted

Best show it..

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Shout by Deleted

love it big time!

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Shout by Deleted

The best

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Shout by Deleted

i love this show!!

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Shout by Deleted

love it

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Shout by Deleted

Love your show bighead....make it funner...

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Shout by Angel Marie

lol :)

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Season 22
Stuck in a bit of a narrative rut (as would be expected this deep in to its run, to be completely fair)... But still entertaining enough to bring me back each week.

Still, you know exactly what you're getting with a Family Guy episode and there's a degree of comfort in that.

... Even if this season was a bore.

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Family Guy has some occasional chuckles here and there I just think its comedy doesn't hit nearly as well as something like South Park.

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The gonzo approach to comedy in this TV series seems to programmatically challenge good taste, ending up paradoxically representing an implicit form of propriety aimed at easily scandalized conformists. If "South Park" maintains a solid narrative structure full of reflective cues, the intended stupidity made up of childish double entendres and not very sharp jokes gets boring after half of the first episode.

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I use this show as a filter - anyone who lists it as a favourite in conversation is immediately out! Bleugh!

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It gets really bad after season 14, but I get anxious if I don't finish a show. So I guess I'll finish it

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It's amazing to watch new episodes when they are airing. Very stupid and boring as a show for binge watching

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I honestly don't think they could have fucked this show up any worse, the last 3 seasons have been absolute trash and should just be cancelled already, Not funny at all now, just political and SJW garbage like everything else these days....RIP

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Shout by Deleted

s19e4 is being released on Nov 1st 2020 for done reason Google and others say it was released last night

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Toothless, straightforward and unfunny in the last seasons. Family Guy is slowly dying.

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