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Game of Thrones 2011

Years later this show still breaks my heart. The first four seasons are among the best pieces of media ever created. The characters, writing, and action are all truly incredible. There are still bright spots in the later seasons, including the masterfully executed s6e8, which includes perhaps the greatest twenty minutes in TV history. Unfortunately, lazy and rushed writing started to drag the later seasons down and the final stretch of episodes were just bad television. This goes from a 10/10 to a 7/10 for me, and is the biggest drop-off in any show I've ever seen.

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First 4 seasons were really good, 5 and 6 have their problems but 7 is when it gets a lot worse. (Season 8 doesn't exist lol).
Don't think I would ever rewatch this because I know how terribly it ends.

And NO WAY I'm hearing anyone out who says this is better than Breaking Bad, that show was perfect from start to finish. How are you gonna compare BB to a show, that has 8 seasons and the writing goes to shit after 4 seasons?

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Fantastic Brilliant and Awesome to watch from start to End

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Gonna give this a shot over the weekend. Heard so much about it.

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Seasons 1-4 - Excellent
Season 5 - Meh
Season 6 - Great
Season 7 - Meh
Season 8 - Dumpster fire

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OMG reading the books now.

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This is like Mass effect games. Mostly amazing, sometimes disappointing...with an ending that ruins the entire ride.

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I have seen season 1,2 and 3. But I can't get myself to continue. The series is beautifully made, it really is. But I just can't seem to get into the story.

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I had to downgrade the rating form 10 -> 9 all is because of Season 8, this is how you almost ruin the best show in the world...!
Chapeau Breaking bad :)

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And here it is: the end of the biggest television show of all time.

Seasons 1-4 are (close to) perfect.
Seasons 5-6 are where some of the cracks start to appear, with some filler episodes that don't build a lot of character. However, they're still great seasons nonetheless.
Seasons 7-8 are good, not great. They have certain pacing (rushed developments, teleportation of characters) and writing issues (plot armour, unsatisfying & unearned conclusions etc.). It is especially the level of production that elevates these seasons above average television.

Am I also unsatisfied with how they handled certain characters at the very end? Absolutely.
Do I think, however, that they mostly stuck the landing? Yes.

S1: 9.5/10; S2: 9/10; S3: 9.5/10; S4: 10/10; S5: 8/10; S6: 8/10; S7: 7/10; S8: 7/10
Overall rating: 8.4/10

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I still don't get it!

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First 4 seasons, perfect narrative, dialogue and consequence. 10/10. Seasons 5 and 6, complete dip in all around quality with enough published foreshadowing and plot points from George to get by. 7/10. Seasons 7 and 8, dumpster fire with zero narrative consequences, no consistent character action nor any redeemable arc conclusions. The cinematography and production earns the entirety of the final seasons 4/10. Impossible to give this "complete" story anything above a 7. Completely betrays the characters and the audience.

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Peak show ( S1-4 are the best piece of media )

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Seasons 1 to 4 were arguably among the best TV ever created. But the show steadily went downhill after they went past the books and it became clear the writers were in way over their heads. Seasons 5 and 6 were decent, season 7 was bad, and season 8 was one of the worst seasons of television ever put to screen. Just unbelievable. D & D should seriously rethink their career choices after that finale.

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the most boring thing ever

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Plot (Story Arc and Plausibility): 9,2/10
Personal Enjoyment (Premise & Entertainment Value): 9,6/10
Acting (Characters Performance): 10/10
Cinematography (Environment, Setting, and Wardrobe): 10/10
Editing (Pace & Effects): 9,5/10
Music and Sound (Sound Design & Film Score): 10/10
Story (Vision & Execution): 9,9/10
Characters: 10/10
Protagonist: 9/10
Antagonist: 9,5/10
Deuteragonist: 10/10
Ending: 3/10

Season 1. 9/10
Season 2. 10/10
Season 3. 9,3/10
Season 4. 10/10
Season 5. 9/10
Season 6. 9,4/10
Season 7. 9,3/10
Season 8. 6,5/10
Overall Assessment: 9,3/10

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Best moments are S1-S6 . Skip s7 and s8

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Perfect series but the 8th season is a huuuuuge disappointment

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Create a character you root for, kill him off, rinse and repeat. Sure, it is technically, as in acting and special effects, a good show but the story is just crap.

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Big loss... it was one of my favourites until sixth season. I really loved it so I'm really disgusted because they basically ruin it... they had a great story, great actors... great all! And at the end they fucked it.

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"Game of Thrones" is a dark fantasy story about the way in which power corrupts, and everyone, even our biggest heroes, fail us. It is fantasy, but it is adult fantasy. Highly political, violent, dark, and sexual. What makes "Game of Thrones" so great though is that it has created an incredibly epic fantasy world, but still seems so similar to our own. Most of the show is about human desire, and what they will do for love, power and sex. "Game of Thrones" is full of great writing, fantastic character development, awesome build up, and powerful, intense scenes of action, suspense, and emotion. Unfortunately, "Game of Thrones" falls completely off a cliff when it hits season 8, which likely is the only reason it got a 9 instead of a 10 for me. I understand why for some people this ruined the show, but for me, seasons 1-7 were probably the best television I have ever watched (or very close to), and to me, "Game of Thrones" remains an amazing accomplishment.

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Have really enjoyed this show. Recommended for sure

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S1 was great and it's all downhill from there lol. Honestly not that bad till last couple seasons

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This series definitely made history. Until the 6th season it was perfect, but after that came the garbage of the 7th and 8th seasons, which for the love of God! It seems like they put an animal in to finish the series.Until now I'm still thinking about how Dany became that! The ending was the most horrible thing I've ever seen in my entire life!

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It's true that the later seasons fall off, but that doesn't mean you should give Game of Thrones a miss.

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This show could have been my favorite if it wasn't for the unfortunately bad final season

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A a a a a 89

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Finished series the night it ended.

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first few seasons are an 11/10, just astounding world building and enthralling characters. the ending definitely screws the pooch and frankly almost ruins the entire thing, but it's still worth a watch

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If it wasn't for the last season, this could have been the goat.

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It really hooks you on. The story, the characters.. Everything was perfect, until the end got too confusing me to handle, no idea why they eventually decided to go that way with the ending. Anyways it was a blast watching this.

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They managed... by the gods, they managed to fuck it up!

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Cast 10/10
Storytelling 10/10
Characters 10/10
Video Prouduction/Cut 10/10
Environment 5/5
Conclusion 3/5
Without season 8 = 96%

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Brilliant and unmissable show until the final season where they wrecked years of work. final season seemed rushed and botched, disappointing.

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The first 6.5 seasons were really great, often truly amazing. The last 1.5 seasons were poor. The last 1 season was terrible. The last 0.5 season was just an utter disappointment that made me really sad. Overall, still one of the best TV series in the world.

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For me, it's the best show ever even with the sharp decline after they ran out of original source material

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(Don't mind me, just thinking out loud)

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Somebody asked me,"should i watch it? i hear the last season was awful". You absolutely should. The last season is bad mostly by comparison and by its own high standards, but the series was declining in quality since it stopped following the books, so it was expected (for me at least). This is the greatest fantasy series ever and one of the greatest of any kind. A must watch.

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With already way over 300 comments I am not sure one more will matter but I make the effort anyway.

I've waited 5 years, until the show finished, to watch it in one piece. I actually managed not to know anything about the plot. But, all the time wondering: will it be worth it? From where I stand the answer is a confident "NO". Every season I was looking to convince me to continue until I finally couldn't any longer in season 4.

The production, without doubt, is probably one of the best ever done for TV. That I will like to admit. The cast is splendid. But the story could not get me excited in any way. Half of the time it was interesting while the other half is more like a highly praised soap opera (yeah, call me names but I stand behind that).

Reading how the show ended and what even the ones who love this show think about it, I guess I made the right decision. I don't know of another show that has such a drop in the avarage ratings for it's final season.

Well, there are many other things to watch now.

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Amazing if you only watch Seasons 1-3.

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Anyone who down play this show is mental. The show was epic. Start to finish. Standing ovations to everyone who lived and died. It left me wanting more but content with what I GOT.

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Great Show but the last season broke the show, that why i changed my vote from 9 to 6. All nice little hints and stories became broke in the season so this show was a real disappointment for me.

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I hate having to wait to watch next episode :exploding_head::exploding_head:

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as a big fan have to say it is probably the worst episode I've seen

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One of my favorite shows. I'm sad this is the last season.

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Winter is here. If you haven’t watch this series, watch this series

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sorry I don't get the hype, maybe because I'm European and tits and ass are nothing special here lol

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cersei lannister did nothing wrong

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I love Cersei so much.

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Is ok

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I thought this show was massively overhyped. It looks amazing, but I can't say I really care about any of the characters.

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Don't waste your time with this.

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Shout by Martijn Aben

Started watching this since it was often trending on trakt. Great show. So thanks trakt!

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"Last season sucked!"
"The end sucks!"
Sorry, I prefer to be positive and as someone who is involved in the creative work as a writer I think that they made their best. You can have your opinion, that's mine!

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Shout by Salvatore Cocco
BlockedParent2018-01-05T14:34:09Z— updated 2020-12-28T23:36:05Z

I really don't understand why this is so popular. It's boring, horribly slow, the story repeats itself again and again, terrible acting.... Why? Oh I really tryed watching it, thinking "it must be me; it must be good; do your best; make an effort", but I after season 1 I still couldn't find anything that entertained me, not even a bit. It just annoyed me. So just keep the hype going without me!

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Shout by Deleted

Can't wait for season 5!

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i can’t fucking breathe

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Shout by Deleted

This show is awesome. The story line, background and characters are phenomenal. love it

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last season( season 4) was 'quiet', seems this one is starting off well. i'm already looking forward to the 3 powers battling for the iron-throne.

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Shout by Deleted

At one point in time there was no Game of Thrones. Shudder.

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I have never been so bored watching a tv show. Even The Sopranos was better than this, and that was bad!

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Shout by Deleted

This is one of the best I've ever seen on TV!

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Shout by Stephen Bygrave

Gripping from start to finish. A must see :-)

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Honestly one the most brilliant shows of ALL TIME

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I watched the first 3 season's when they came out as well as reading the first two books, this show and the books are overhyped and complete non-sense. Now I've given it a chance and watched all 8 seasons, and my opinion of the show is the same... each season has 1-2 episodes that are good with both action and solid story telling... GOT for me is a fantastic character study with very bad and bland world building.

I honestly wish I liked it more, but it doesn't hit a standard of writing I'm use to with fantasy realms like this.

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I know i know the final season is pretty bad...... This does not take away how amazing the show is overall. I just recently rewatched this entire series again and was shocked with just how good this show was. I would honestly recommend rewatching it.

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Shout by Parmex

Many episodes are really boring, especially in the early seasons.Some other are really good but they are not so musch, however is highly overrated

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Shout by Deleted

The best Serie that ever existed.

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Shout by Deleted

The most beautiful, interesting and amazing TV series for me. I love it. Also I wait the 8 season

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Shout by Deleted

could not stop watching burnt up 9 days

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Shout by Hamunoz

everything ends up being women in power

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This is the first show ever to make me go from a 9/10 for the first 5 seasons to a 10/10 for the sixth one!
There will be a before and an after Game of Thrones in television history. Must watch! And several times!

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Shout by Deleted

Read the books as they came out, I find this to be extremely well done and a mostly faithful adaptation of the books. The real heroes are the casting people and the art direction, I honestly can't think of a single casting decision I disagree with and feel as if the books have come to life.

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Undoubtedly one of the best series I've ever seen. Everything on the show is amazing, the way the director adapted the book for the cinema was spectacular.

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Epic series!
My best recommended TV show ever.

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Shout by sweetdeath
BlockedParent2015-04-14T08:21:06Z— updated 2019-04-16T19:14:05Z

Excuse me, but what exactly happened in season 2 through season 4? In every season there was one interesting episode, maybe two. Season 1 was the best in my opinion; each episode was thrilling and exciting. I could't wait for the next episode. Now when I watch it I literally fall asleep.

Khaleesi and Jon Snow are just as beautiful as they are boring. Yes, Daenerys is a strong and powerful woman, but all she does is talk and even though she moved a lot the past seasons, her character is static. On the other hand, what Jon constantly does is training. Nothing exciting about that. Still, "The Watchers on the Wall" episode was one of the two interesting episodes of season 4.

The same happens with another show that started amazing and now there is almost nothing interesting in it: The Walking Dead.

Hate me if you want but my words are not untrue.

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One of the best show I've watched in a long long time. The story isn't as typical as the American tv and movie stories we are accustom to. I am sick and tired of the white American super hero coming to save the day bullshit. In this show you shouldn't expect anything else but least expected. I love it. I mean look at it's rating. Unbelievable. Great plot. Great casting. Great writing.

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Shout by TVproViewer

Worst show of all time. Fantasy garbage with that typical HBO porn trash flare. Pass on it or just hate watch it. Very poor show.

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Shout by Deleted

For christ sake, more and more stuff different than in the book :/

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I need to get caught up on the books before the season finale. This show is awesome!

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Surpassed my expectations.

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Shout by Rayuki

for show the best show on television right now.

i read the books ages ago when i was a kid and the show does it wonders!

its incredible how often they are word for word from the book when they speak just goes to show how awesome a writer George R.R. Martin is.

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Shout by DerKaiser

for those who loved to read the books of George R.R. Marin: The tvshow has the same awesomeness!!

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Shout by Deleted

It is well worth sticking with, it won't take long to get used to all the characters and the story is easily one of the best I've ever read. It looks like they've knocked it out of the park with the adaptation so if it gets the backing it should, it should start knocking shows off the top of Top 10 lists pretty damn soon.

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I think the best thing about this series, besides the war scenes, the powerful dialogues and the tremendously attractive actors... is the brutal construction of the characters. Episode after episode, season after season, they tell us the story of 10 or 15 different characters or scenarios, simultaneously, and yet, it keeps you entertained and up to date with what is happening all over Westeros. The characters have development, goals, ideals, reasons, emotions. Even the "villains" can be empathized with at some point. Unlike everyone else, I did like the ending. I question some of the creative decisions, yes. But it didn't spoil the experience of watching one of the best series in history. I don't care about the ending, the process was definitely genius to me.
Also, I love Jon Snow.

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Almost every episode from every season is fantastic. The only exception being the very final episode of the final season.
That particular one was dogshit.

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I'm watching Game of Thrones again for the second time. And at a certain moment while watching it, I simply realized that it's my absolute favorite series. High quality, insanely good character development, insane special effects and the DRAGONS! I love everything about it.

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fan but yup they tear us with ending

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This show is waaaay too overrated. I'll tell you that much. Two Seasons in and I don't get the hype around it.

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Best TV Show I have ever seen.

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Great if you want to learn the dark arts for sure :blush:

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Brilliant series only let down by series8

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