wait, WHAT????!!?!?!?!?!!?!?!??!?!?!!!!! WHAT THE HELL!

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Watching this episode for the second time, I am struck by Michelle Fairley (Catelyn Stark)'s performance. Her portrayal of anger, sadness, and desperation all at once is just gut wrenching and remarkable.

In hindsight, the outcome of this episode was both foreshadowed and developed long ago. But that does not diminish the overall impact, if at all, enhances it.

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I'm watching all the seasons again before the seventh, and i can assure you, it's even worse to see the red wedding for a second time.

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Most shocking episode in TV shows history.

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What in the name of the lord of light just happened?

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Shout by Deleted

I wad so exited about Arya getting back to Stark family. I did thought about this plot twist, but it was shocking anyways. Good bye Starks.

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Shout by Alex
BlockedParent2017-08-30T08:20:22Z— updated 2017-08-31T12:05:03Z

My heart is still beating fast.
And I'm still crying.

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That end... The way Robb Stark looks at (stares) his wife's belly... It hurts :hearts:

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Fuckin' can't believe this shit. My fav family is ending.....

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Few episodes ago I remember someone saying to Robb “You lost the war the day you married her”.

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By the Old Gods and New... On the Blood of the First Men... The silence in the credits... echos still

The Lannister send their regard

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What the fuck is this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Catelyn Stark: "On my honor as a Tully, on my honor as a Stark, let him go or I will cut your wife's throat."
Walder Frey: "I'll find another."

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fuck, that was wild ride of an episode and it completely shattered my heart. It was delivered excellently and serves as one of the only TV episodes that has made me cry

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The highest concentration of the most emotional scenes from the novel.

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this is the 1st time i'm genuinely mad about a damn show, its crazy how some characters dying can fuck up my whole mood in real life. This shit is amazing

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It's the second time that I watched this and for the second time I have felt very sad and disgusted about what happened. One of the best episodes of this show so far...

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Whaaaaaat just happened? Is that... but there's another episode left in the season?....?! is this one of Newt's (idk what the kid's name is, you know, Bran's blonde pal from The Maze Runner) visions or...? bc otherwise that makes no sense. Then again, this is GoT where NO ONE is safe. But still! ????????????????

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This fucking episode, man. Holy shit.

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Watching this for the first time back in 2013 must have been so wild if you didn't know it was coming. And if you did you probably had fun on the Internet afterwards

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i've watched a lot of shows and movies but this episode is honestly the saddest one i've ever seen................

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When the song started playing...I started slowly dying inside

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“All men should keep their word, kings most of all.”

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Damn... what an stuning episode... I am lost of words...

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What a bloody good episode!

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What in the world! Why would you do that! In such a brutal way and quick succession. This is easily the best show of this decade.

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i only know that my life is worst after watching that episode :(

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This episode is absolutely hilarious, the way the director and choreographer shot the Wedding was like they had a 7th grader come in a take over. I was quite literally on my side laughing half of the time

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The*OneGoodShow i **HaveWatchedInYears,DeservesMyComment,WellOhWell,AlwaysKnewIt.LustAndHoesBreakYourHomeLolTheOnlyThing I **HateIsThatThisMeansThatDaenerysWillHaveHerWayToTheIronThroneInTheEndAndThatWouldSuckCuzSheIsOneArrogantAnnoyingInsufferable304.

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Even when you rewatch this episode and you know exactly what’s coming, you still don’t expect it until it happens… so cruel to show the sweet moments and then rip all of it apart a few moments later

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i’ve genuinely never felt more betrayed by a tv show. i don’t see myself recovering from this anytime soon.

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This episode was very sad, I didn't like seeing the characters dying. The ones I thought were the main ones

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Watching this for the second time after 6 years with my wife watching for the first time… gotta say… red wedding hits the same.
But this second time for me I can see Rob put himself in that position…

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When they closed the doors and the music started playing, I knew everything had gone to hell. Very painful, but my God, very good.

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Mama Stark murdering an innocent woman for no reason at the end? They should've smashed that thing's teeth in, until it stopped breathing.

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gagged me so hard ugh

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this episode was so hyped up but the major scene wasn't even very long or interesting

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this chapter is the most shocking thing i saw on tv

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Other than the obvious bits, actually a boring af episode.

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I am sad, broken and don't want to watch this show anymore, but will watch anyway. Rest in peace Robb Stark, Catelyn

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And why do I want to continue watching this show now ? I don't care an iota for the kids.

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I've been dreading watching this episode despite the fact that I knew exactly what was going to happen and had mentally prepared myself for it. I'm sad about Catelyn and Grey Wind but I'm actually glad Robb and whats-her-face are gone, to be honest. They were supremely annoying.

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this episode is so frustrating and unsatisfying, it is the most annoying shit ever smh.

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crying hard
I'm starting to think this show isn't about rule the seven kingdoms, but to see who can make the Starks be apart for a loger time, and if they kill them before they reunite, even better

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Shout by Arius

The f*ck...The f*ck...

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Shout by Sevag Satamian

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe it!!!!!!

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Not left Starks no, I'm getting worried about this series, just do not kill Daenerys and Arya .. because then abandoned

Death of Rob and his bitch or call now like the Mother Stark

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watched it again today, still can't believe, but this is the real world

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I hated this episode SO MUCH!

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Shout by Deleted

Holy Shit. Wtf this episode is a very fucking plot twist

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Shout by Wayne WardVIP

Holy shit! This was brutal! I never expected this

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Shout by Deleted

What's was that fuss all about? It's a logical move...

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