The Greyjoys & the Dornish: "Damn. We done fucked up. At least it can't get any worse from here."

The Tyrells: "Hold my beer."

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This episode was SO GOOD, the only thing I didn't like so much was Daenerys constantly reminding us of her righteous place on the throne

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Holy shit, that was amazing! Lady Olenna is an absolute savage, gotta love that woman! Awesome episode.

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This is Jon Snow.. He's King in the North :D

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One of the best episodes

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Why are so many people surprised that Olenna killed Joffrey? She revealed to Margaery in season 4 that she was behind it, along with Littlefinger. The viewers knew it all along, but Cersei and Jamie didn't.

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Olenna Tyrell i love you, plz don't go.RIP. dying and killing our hearts with her last laugh.

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Lady Olenna Tyrell! She's such a baddass. She went out in style! haha

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+ Sand Snakes getting what they deserve
+Jon not bending the knee to Dany
+Euron burns another fleet lol
+Tyrells getting what they deserve

*Bran's acting a little too weird, just because you're omniscient doesn't mean you're unfeeling

-Dany acting like a complete asshole again until Tyrion tells her to negotiate
-Jaime not throwing Olenna out the window after smugly telling him she killed his son, thinking he'd let the poison do her in
-Where's the Hound? This show needs more Hound in it

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I thought Tyron's meeting with Daenerys was awesome till she met with Jon Snow.
That was really an exciting moment.
I'm glad Sansa is with Bran now, I don't like her alone with Littlefinger.
I thought it was gonna be Arya.
The end was so shocking. I never knew it was her who killed him.
Cersi is truly a bitch. I love this show.

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This season is really improving in the dialogues compared to the previous two, I think. That is one of the things that makes me feel like the episodes are going by very quickly, despite being actually longer.

Lady Olenna deserves all the titles, amazing last scene.

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fanservice episode I loved it :-)

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The conversation between Jaime and Olenna was impressive, very well acted :)

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best episode of the season so far!! Jon and Dany..finally!!! Everything i wanted! it will be amazing see their relationship progress! and Olenna was ICONIC. She still had the best laugh against the lannisters! This is how you drop a mic!

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One thing that baffles me is that the opening sequence of the show doesn't show Highgarden and The Reach where The Queen of Thorns has her ending....

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Lady Olenna owns the title of Queen of Thornes even when she's dying! #RIPOlennaTyrell

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Shout by E.S.Q.

Olenna Tyrell has no chill even when she's dying.

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Wow. I totally forgot about her role but man that reveal at the end by Olenna was so badass. Wowzers.

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I just cackled with pure, unadulterated glee at Olenna's big reveal. Slay, queen. And all the setup there -- first she gets to hear about what Cersei's done, killing Ellaria's daughter same way she'd killed Myrcella -- and then guzzles down her poison like a boss, as she calmly and happy tells Jaime she killed Joffrey (who really was "a little c*nt*), knowing she'll never have to face Cersei's wrath over that. Bwahhahaha. A+, well-done.

I'd have liked to see Ellaria and Cersei kill each other but I guess we can't have everything.

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This goes much faster than I expected. It must be recognized that she has a lot of style

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Shout by

After years of anticipation, Daenerys and Jon finally meet.

Lady Olenna showcases her brilliance as she manages to come out victorious in her own death scene. Wonderfully acted.

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Shout by mg_grey

wait, I didn't get how Olenna was just at Dragonstone, and now she's in King's Landing all of a sudden?

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Shout by Deleted


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Shout by Ro

Cersei Lannister: "Your daughter will die here, in this cell. You'll be here watching when she does. You'll be here the rest of your days. If you refuse to eat, we'll force food down your throat. You will live to watch your daughter rot, to watch that beautiful face collapse to bone and dust, all the while contemplating the choices you've made."

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Bran could at least have hugged Sansa back... But I still think this scene is beautiful, very much because of Sansa's reaction. It is wonderful to see this family reuniting again. I can't wait for Arya to arrive and for Jon to return as soon as possible too.

Thanks for EVERYTHING, Olenna Tyrell. You are a legend and will always be remembered as such.

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Shout by Dhrubo Anik
BlockedParent2020-03-16T07:31:26Z— updated 2022-01-29T10:02:32Z

I am so eager to watch that bitch cersei die. I hope she dies brutally. Fuck you cersei.

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Why do they insist on making Cerci looking like a damn Romulan?

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Bran amazes me with his overwhelming will to live

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A shame the old hag died, I quite liked her, but at least she got the last word.

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Cersie got her revenge in a single episode.

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Shout by Lillyalaine

I haven't enjoyed an episode of this show so much for a little while now, so many amazing moments.

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I guess you could say that Jaime rigged the game.

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The most awaited meeting ever (in my opinion), and they smashed it! Amazing! The Ice and Fire finally meet!
On other hand, absolutely amazing acting from Lena Headey.
And that last scene, yeah, I always knew she was the one who killed Joffrey, and thank you Olenna Tyrell for that.

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Cersei is a total psychopath! And i thought that Oberyn had the cruelest death of the Martells...

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Oh my gosh the roses all gone? Can'tbelieveit !

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Shout by Deleted

so far I have seen the white chick talking and also john snow is only making plans for the white walkers

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Season is living up to its hype. Too bad will need another year for the final 7 episode. Wish they would have gone on a marathon 14 awesome episodes lolz.

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Well that was unexpected of Cersei, looks like she ain't giving up that easily. Your move Danny

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everyone bend the knees to the queen... damnit...

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damn..... What an episode that was.

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