The Riddler and the Penguin back together, finally! Best bromance on TV, right now.
Bruce and Alfred back together, finally! Best bromance on TV, right now.
Jim and Harvey back together, finally! Best bromance on TV, right now.
Wait, what's going on...?

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There was a lot of plot holes like no one recognize Ivy's face until she says her name at party, Alfred can hide from low-muscle gunners, and shotgun doesn't shot Alfred for 30 seconds and stands like nothing happening between bullets until Bruce came and save Alfred's ass, and Alfred sends Bruce to help people like nothing happening there (okay maybe that one was not that stupid), and why Gordon chases thru roof only one random gunner he saw while looking for Ivy when his job was chase Ivy? DAMN!

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Sofia smashing Lee's hand was pretty hard to watch.

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Shout by Ward

Audibly said "jesus christ" multiple times when sofia busting her hand. And that twist was nice. And it was nice to see lee get some comeupperance, she deserved it and it was so satisfying. And so satisfying to see her lose all that, oh god yes. Mhm and seeing sofia do that, and the pain lee felt, oh yes. And it was nice to see sofia beat expectations again in that situation and really show how great she is. But now with gordon looking to take her down and other factors, it seems like mabye she is going to be taken down later this season or killed, which would be a shame as i really like her. Damn she is smart and brutal. Anwyay yeah great episode again with lods of good bits, but i didn't like a lot of bruces redemption, it could have been handled better, as well as the scene of ed turning into riddler, felt a bit off. But yeah great episode.

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