Aw shit, here we go with the love triangle bullshit again.

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MCWIDOOOOOOW LOL Gotta love Christina! (wonder how she arranged that from all the way in Germany, though). Also, I'M HERE FOR IT! If Christina approves, I approve (anything to get rid of DeLuca at this point)

Loved how Link and Nico totally sided with Meredith. Of course no one is at her level, she's a queen.

The Maggie drama is boring (she's turned into a tiresome and annoying character) and I couldn't care less about Richard and Catherine's miscommunications (she's such a bitch, he's better off without her).

Jo stole a baby, apparently. And there's another baby whose paternity is now being questioned. I mean, I wondered when it was first revealed that Amelia was pregnant, but the show said Link was the dad so I told my suspicions brain to stop looking for drama and shut up. Seems my brain was onto something. Please, let this BS clear up and let Link be the dad. I just want my girl Amelia to be happy (and Owen SUCKS).

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dear god please dont let mcdouche be Meredith's new bf ughhh

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This episode sucked. Don't care about anyone at station 19 and this new doctor sucks. Catherine/Webber conflict was terrible writing. Maggie flipping out was predictable... actually almost everything in the episode was.

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Seriously, stop with the same story lines over and over. Can’t you just make them “normal” for once and not drama filled lumps. I’ve loved GA from the start but it’s starting to get annoying and very very predictable.

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Shout by Emily Kokkinofta

:asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol:well that was unexpected!:asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol:
i think jo legally took the baby but i’m not sure...i think alex is going to accept it even though he might be mad at some point!
poor bailey...i really wanted her to have that baby and see how tuck was going to help and all...

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Really?? So sick & tired of this crap getting into the tv shows! I watch tv shows to escape all of this politically correct crap and I can't even watch a tv show anymore without seeing this stupid politically correct crap! A Gender is a male or a female, Period! An Un-born baby and a Newborn baby is either a boy or a girl, Period! Putting this crap in the tv shows is Not going to change a lot of us in the way we see this stuff! Me and a lot of others were taught that there are boys & girls, male & females and nothing else and that's the way it will always be no matter how hard they try and cram this crap down our throats! So they can stop any time and just get back to making tv shows without this crap!!

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McWidow, yes please. I felt chemistry right of the bat. Sorry Deluca, you're out. I thought Mer and DeLuca where a cute couple but the further that relationship progressed I saw the flaws just like DeLuca seemed to see them.
Sad for Miranda. Omg, please why can't Link and Amelia just have this baby be theirs and be happy! Amelia deserves to have a win for once. I love Link and Amelia and this might ruin it. End scene took my breath away!

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Shout by Ana

The new doctor is really unpleasant, I truly hope he won't be sticking around for too long.

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Shout by BCR

Seriously, stop with the same story lines over and over. Can’t you just make them “normal” for once and not drama filled lumps. I’ve loved GA from the start but it’s starting to get annoying and very very predictable.

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Shout by Khawlah

Hmm, few things to say.

ONE: Is it just me or is Helm really underrated? She delivers all the little she's given so phenomenally.

TWO: Ever since Caterina's pregnancy was incorporated into Amelia's storyline, I was turned off about the whole Amelink ship. Natural storytelling is no longer controlling it so I'm like MEH. I ain't even mad if it's Owen's baby. I'd be even less mad if Link backs away respectfully. Ugh, they had to go and ruin a good thing.

THREE: MCWIDOW. :four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover: AHHH LOVE ME SOME IRISH FLAVOR IN THIS SHOW. Though the backstory this episode gave for him is too much like Meredith's. Don't see how that will be working out. But I'm happy to see it play out.

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Arggghhh the cliffhangers! Why do they have to do that!?

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