MerDer theme plays
"I miss you"
"I know"

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The covid storyline is such a necessary evil. It would be unrealistic to ignore it but at the same time it's hard to see more of it when it's already all around me. I can only hope that since the season started in the April timeline that they're planning on doing a time jump with optimistic outcomes.

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Shout by BCR

Enough with the covid already. We see it enough in RL already. We need an escape from covid and our daily lives dealing with it.

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WOW! This episode is full of some major Propaganda!

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This is the first series that I arrived in the episodes already addressing the covid ... episodes flowing well, but Gray with covid is going a bit dragged.

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Shout by Martim

Took me a while but I just realised that by the time Meredith reaches Derek, theoretically she would die. What if they’re using covid for Ellen as a ticket out of this show? Yes, Grey’s Anatomy has always revolved around Meredith, but at the same time, they have built a strong ensemble cast. The possibility is just kind of scary.

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