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Hacks 2021


Shout by Miguel A. Reina
BlockedParent2021-07-01T09:54:46Z— updated 2024-05-31T07:16:19Z

[Max] The best comedy of the year. Apart from the obvious chemistry between Jean Smart and Hannah Einbinder, it builds a story that intelligently walks through risky areas. A representation of the dichotomy between the comfort zone and the bravery posed by the confrontation between the characters. Deborah and Eve have complex personalities that grow through their difficult relationship, while we enjoy the conflicts. S3 shows that it continues to be an intelligent comedy, incisive in its look at the artistic world and reflective in the personal relationship of two radically different women.

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This might be a perfect comedy. I have no notes!

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Jean Smart does a really great Roseanne Barr.

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Ok, so this one is tricky, and I'm pretty sure it will offend people in both extremes. For me I loved the confrontation between the PC and IPC, the brash take of someone that had to work really hard vs someone that thinks she deserves better without doing a lot of work, but now facing with having to due the work. I found it refreshing and funny, but I am sure many will hate it, hopefully more will love it.

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The first two episodes were phenomenal. This is an absolute gem so far and I can't wait to see where it goes.

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Another great show gets the axe. Really enjoyed everything about this show. Jean Smart is brilliant.

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Reasonable enough show that, as per the description, "Explore a dark mentorship that forms between Deborah Vance, a legendary Las Vegas comedian, and an entitled, outcast 25-year-old." There isn't a lot else there though and I'm not sure exploring that relationship has enough mileage in it for 2-3 seasons. The actual story I din't find particularly interesting and the comedy wasn't particularly funny IMO (and in several places just not funny at all). Passable enough but a show that I could watch rather than one I really want to.

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Jean Smart is amazing. Great characters, superb writing and acting. Subverts stereotypes at every turn. Ava drives me crazy but she's broken, so she's supposed to.

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Season 1 & 2 were ok IIRC, Season 3 I’m not sure whether the writers have run out of steam or whether I’ve just lost interest.

It’s definitely outstayed its welcome by Season 3. Vance is just a miserable, selfish, conceited cow who deserves everything she gets IMO. The endless self pity just drags now, as do the outpourings of inner feelings. Vance is also the primary character who’s supposed to be funny and she just isn’t, even at the points where she’s supposed to be REALLY funny, the humour is just cringeworthy. Ava is just dull and boring and NEVER stops moaning, I can honestly understand why the girlfriend binned her. She’s clearly supposed to be the emotional and mental opposite to Vance, the anchor who’s going to make Vance a better person but jeez, Vance needs to pick a better role model. I struggled to get to the end of this season. I won’t be back if there’s a fourth.

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Great acting, funny storytelling, solid characters and fun without being too vulgar.... A refreshing show...

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Nailed it again in season three! Love this show. Always so good.

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Shout by 5x11

I do love how this show shits on millennials/zoomers for being too much without earning anything.

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