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Invasion: Season 1

1x08 Contact

Most unrealistic part of this entire episode ? The soldier placing an international call, on a god damn public pay phone, without even inserting any coins !

What even was that, like they couldn't have him call from a landline in the bar or something less dumb ?

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That's not how phone boxes work

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People criticizing the phone scene when that was an emotional high point of the series. In fact, that epitomized the show, which is more of a drama exploring human emotions than some alien action series. I feel the alien hook just attracts the wrong people who aren't able to appreciate the emotional aspect, which is the major part of it.

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I find myself watching this and asking why

Do I care about the characters? No. Is it action packed? No. Do you see a lot of the aliens? No.

Do I wish this series would end? Yes

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This show really is growing on me. I guess I'm used to fast paced shows and this is anything but that... But it's really hitting the mark and the slow slow build is paying off.
I'm not as much of a fan of the cliffhanger endings but that's just because I can't wait.

Very unique and apart from the few social justice moments it's great. I wasn't a fan at the start, but glad I stuck with it. I really hope this doesn't get cancelled

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After 2 minutes of the phone box scene I had to fast forward till it ended, I couldn't take anymore! That poor actor, I feel so sorry they put him through that.

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It sounded like there was a plane in the air when the soldier was on the pay phone he did not pay for. I cannot believe there are so few people about, where did they all go? They can't all be dead.

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I wish Casper would zip his bloody coat up, it's doing my head in.

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Hinata moved in the space by swimming? I mean wtf was that!

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Oh, look. More filler. Lots and lots of filler. Go figure.

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This is one of the worst written shows I’ve ever watched. The acting is ok but the writers should be taken out back, shot, and their heads left on pikes as a warning to others.

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Omg I think this show is actually going in reverse, just when you think something’s actually happening it stops dead and gives you ten minutes in a phone box. At this point I would run toward our alien overlords for sweet relief.

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Shout by ShoMok

Six very long boring minutes of a guy talking to an answering machine from a phone booth to another continent without even inserting one single coin. That is what I call fiction. And that isn’t even the most boring part of this episode.

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